What are the 4 essential items you need to carry in your car? Everything is simple and clear here... C
What is the main condition every driver must comply with when paying off fines? It's definitely due for payment
What are airbags? Airbags are elastic fabrics or other materials
Almost every family now has a car as a comfortable and convenient means of transportation. However
What is overtaking? Overtaking is getting ahead of one or more cars and leaving
Other documents for the car are also lost If, in addition to the license, documents for the car were also lost
Free legal consultation by phone: 8 Quite often when driving a vehicle, the driver needs
There are three things that are mandatory attributes of a car. This is a fire extinguisher, warning triangle and
How traffic fines are paid The traffic police issues a resolution. The driver was speeding and it was noticed
Legal framework Currently, passing the driving test without studying at all in the appropriate