What is the penalty for failure to use a turn signal in 2021?

What's the threat?

Driving without traffic signs is dangerous. That is why the following measures are proposed for offenses related to turn signals:

  • the driver ignored his obligation to indicate the direction of his movement - 500 rubles;
  • the vehicle is equipped with a faulty turn signal - 500 rubles;
  • The car owner installed a red sign on the front of the car - 500 rubles.

It is important to note that the installation of red lamps on the rear elements of a car is not punishable by law. No financial penalty is expected for such modernization.

Responsibility for violation of maneuver notification requirements

As for the legislation that traffic police officers rely on when punishing drivers for failure to comply with maneuvering rules, in the case of violation of the requirements for giving a signal about a planned maneuver, they rely on Article 12.14 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It states that in case of non-compliance with traffic regulations regarding failure to turn on the turn signal, the driver will suffer one of the following penalties:

  • Will be warned;
  • A protocol will be drawn up in his name, providing for a fine of 500 rubles.

Sometimes a situation may arise in which the turn signal on a car does not work. In this case, the traffic police inspector, when drawing up a resolution, will rely on Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which determines that driving a vehicle when the turn signal is not working is prohibited.

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Penalties for violation of this article:

  • Warning;
  • Fine 500 rubles.

Some vehicle owners change their turn signal lamps to red ones. For such actions they will be punished, since Part 3 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that for red turn signals, a driver may be deprived of the right to drive his car for up to 12 months. Therefore, such changes to the design of your car must be approached responsibly.


Back in 2021, motorists could be subject to a small penalty for being forgetful on the road. As of 2021, car owners will receive a fine in the amount of 500 rubles for not turning on the turn signal. This measure is recorded in part one of Article 12.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

There is a discount of half the amount for this type of penalty if the owner of the vehicle pays the penalty within 20 days from the date the resolution is issued by a representative of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Therefore, you will only need to pay 250 rubles.

If the motorist decides to delay repayment of the collection debt, his fine will increase to 1,500 rubles, that is, three times. To avoid a surcharge of a thousand rubles, you must pay the fine within 70 days.

Amount of fine for not turning on the turn signal

Previously, for performing a maneuver without turning on the turn signal, the violator had to pay a fine of 100 rubles. However, in 2017, the amount of the monetary penalty was revised and increased 5 times. In 2021, a violation is punishable by a fine for failure to turn on the turn signal in the amount of 500 rubles (Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Sometimes traffic police representatives limit themselves to a verbal warning. This option is used in the following situations:

  • the violation was recorded without cameras or witnesses;
  • failure to turn on the turn signal did not result in the creation of an emergency situation or an accident;
  • During the database check, it turned out that the driver had previously strictly observed traffic rules, and no other violations were registered against him.

The turn signal may not work. The reason for this is a burnt out light bulb or other malfunction. If a breakdown occurs on the road, the driver is not relieved of the obligation to warn other participants about the maneuver and from the fine for failure to turn on the turn signal. The action is performed using a hand signal. If the manipulation was not completed, the punishment will still be imposed in 2021. In this case, the person risks receiving a fine not only for a non-working turn signal, but also for improper operation of the vehicle (Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).


Still, not turning on the turn signal is not such a terrible violation of the traffic rules. The inspector may well limit himself to a warning.

A light measure of influence on the driver will be applied in the following situations:

  • the violation did not result in an increase in the level of public danger;
  • the car owner has a positive driving history and does not violate the rules (the employee establishes such information in the database);
  • an incident on the road does not cause any conflicts;
  • the offense was not clearly recorded.

Drivers often have the question “is the situation when the driver mixed up the turn signals sanctioned?” So, there are situations when a motorist gives a left turn signal, but turns in the opposite direction.

Whatever the justification for such an act, the violation is considered full-fledged. The explanation is simple: the driver misled other motorists or even pedestrians. The offense is equivalent to not using the light signal at all. The driver bears the corresponding responsibility.

Dangerous driving

For example, imagine a situation where a car is driving straight down the road without a flashing turn signal. Another car tries to get ahead of him on the right within one lane or in a free area reserved for paid parking. But the car suddenly turns to the right, creating a risk of collision. A sudden maneuver without a turn signal may be considered a violation. When analyzing such an accident, it will be difficult for police officers to determine the culprit, which often results in drawing up a decision on mutual guilt. This is not surprising, since sudden maneuvers without turn signals on can be punished under several articles of the administrative code.

The traffic rules define so-called dangerous driving and note that it is expressed “in the repeated commission of one or several consecutive actions, consisting of failure to comply with the requirement to give way to a vehicle enjoying the right of way when changing lanes, changing lanes in heavy traffic, when all traffic lanes are occupied, except in cases of turning left or right, turning around, stopping or avoiding an obstacle, failure to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle moving ahead, failure to maintain a lateral interval, sudden braking, if such braking is not required to prevent a traffic accident...”

In other words, if a driver suddenly changes lanes without warning, he is committing a serious offense that could result in punishment.

Where did the rule “pass interference on the right” come from? More details

Traffic rules requirements

The rules clearly regulate the norms for signaling to other users of public roads. The requirements for the motorist are recorded quite clearly. Although it must be admitted that in practice, traffic rules advice is not always applied. There are many reasons: from forgetfulness of vehicle owners to intentional violation.

When to signal

It is mandatory to use a turn signal in the following cases:

  • The driver changes lanes. Passing or oncoming traffic on it: it doesn’t matter. In any situation, maintaining safety and providing information about the maneuver to other motorists is required - turning on the turn signal. It is also necessary to remember the obligation to allow other cars to pass.
  • The car owner makes a U-turn or turns in any direction. There is only one exception: the whole road turns, for example, to the right. That is, there are no other options for maneuver. In all other cases, it is necessary to give a signal (regardless of whether the road section is regulated or not).
  • The vehicle starts moving.
  • A motorist enters the roundabout. You must enter with the right signal. If the vehicle is equipped with automatic turn-off, the driver must turn on the turn signal again. You can switch the pointer to the other side only when changing the trajectory of movement.

In road realities, of course, there are many more cases that may require turning on the turn. For example, when driving around in the yard, participants can show each other the directions of their movement. Even pedestrians will be grateful if the driver shows the chosen trajectory in advance. A fine will be issued only if the turn signal is used for other purposes (for example, when the driver forgot to turn off the device and is driving along the highway).

If the pointer unexpectedly fails, all safety measures must be taken. The rules advise trying to fix the problem yourself. Although on some cars it is impossible to do this without experience and tools. In this case, it is necessary to notify drivers using hand signals.

Failure to indicate turns using your hands may result in a penalty. But in reality, everything is not so scary - detection of a violation of this kind does not happen so often. Drivers waving their arms are extremely rare. Moreover, a broken turn signal is not a reason to remove a motorist from operating a vehicle.

Fine for not turning on the turn signal on a car during a maneuver

From the above article we quote part 1

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give a signal before starting to move, change lanes, turn, make a U-turn or stop will result in a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

That is, if the driver violated the very requirements of Section 8 of the Traffic Regulations “Maneuvering”, which we cited earlier, when performing a maneuver, then this will cost him a warning or a minimum fine. Today, ignoring the activation of direction indicators, or untimely activation, as you understand, is punished quite mildly.

Turning on the turn signal: nuances

The signal should be visible even if there are no other machines on the inverter. You should always use it. Other motorists may simply not be visible. One can imagine what would happen if the KAMAZ driver was guided by the opinion “no one can be seen - there is no need to turn on the turn signal,” because he has many blind spots.

It must be turned on approximately 6 to 9 seconds before the driver begins the maneuver. The period is determined by road conditions. Depending on the situation, you can give the sign earlier or later than the specified time.

Moreover, the signal must be turned on in the direction of the turn, otherwise the violation will be recognized as full-fledged. Using the wrong signal can be considered an even more dangerous offense. This type of violation misleads other participants, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

Penalty for red turn signals in 2021

In the case of a complex maneuver or several consecutive maneuvers, each light indicator is used separately.

If you purchased a car without running lights, then do not try to install them without permission from the traffic police and compliance with GOST requirements. It is not allowed to change the design of the vehicle without its approval. This is a completely justified step, especially for older models, since they put less strain on the vehicle’s energy system.

It is worth recalling that innovations regarding the inclusion of light lights, low beam or running lights, during daylight hours were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on November 20, 2010. From now on, drivers must drive with their cars' low beams on at all times, both day and night.

If you purchased a car without running lights, then do not try to install them without permission from the traffic police and compliance with GOST requirements. It is not allowed to change the design of the vehicle without its approval. This is a completely justified step, especially for older models, since they put less strain on the vehicle’s energy system.

As a result of various situations, the low beam headlights may not be turned on not only due to ignorance of traffic rules or simple forgetfulness, but also in cases of a non-working headlight. In all situations, the culprit will be punished with an administrative fine.

Likewise, regardless of the direction of the turn (turn is always left), other drivers must be notified of the driver's intention by the turn signal.

If the design of the road provides for the presence of a braking lane, then when turning, the driver must not only maneuver from it, but also reduce the speed in such a lane. Similarly with the acceleration lane, a car turning on the right must change into the flow from this lane, not forgetting to turn on the turn signal.

Therefore, in a situation where a person follows the curves of the roadway, but does not move off it, there is no need to turn on the turn signal.

When changing lanes, starting to move, or turning around, the driver must keep the correct turn signal on. If this obligation is ignored, the traffic police inspector, having recorded its violation, will apply severe penalties.

The rules for using turn signals with light indicators are established in clause 8 of the traffic rules. They prescribe the need to turn on the signal when making a turn, U-turn, changing lanes, or in any case when the driver plans to change direction or lane.

While the State Duma is deciding on increasing fines for violating traffic rules, many drivers are wondering what the size of the fine for not using a turn signal will be in 2021?

So, it could be:

  • repentance, admission of guilt;
  • no fines for the last 6 months.

It is forbidden to turn on the turn signal directly at the moment of turning or stopping - drivers in traffic should be warned in advance.

Already as of the current year, its size is according to 1 part of Art. 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses amounted to 500 rubles.

What responsibility is assigned to persons who drive a vehicle without complying with the above rules? How much will they have to pay a fine for not turning on the low beams?

The guilty person pays a fine for driving without lights in the amount of 500 rubles (Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Many drivers are not afraid of this amount. They still continue to ignore the requirements for the use of lighting devices.

Despite the fact that the traffic rules list the requirements for turning on turn signals as completely as possible, in practice problems often arise with this. There are several reasons for this: from driver indifference and forgetfulness to ignorance of those very rules.

The green arrow has identical meaning in the additional section. If the signal is turned off, it means that movement in this section is prohibited.

Today, such offenses can only be recorded by a traffic police officer, and in most cases they are combined with other violations of the rules. Automatic recording cameras are not capable of recording such offenses.

Driving a car without a light signal is one of the most common violations. The inspector may take into account the fact that you are going to a car repair shop to have a newly damaged headlight repaired.

According to traffic regulations, the driver is required to indicate each maneuver with a turn signal. Failure to comply with this requirement poses a threat to road safety, which is why a fine was established by law for not turning on a turn signal.

However, in 2021 there are a number of nuances. Let's say that a person is driving along a straight section of the main road, but there is a sharp turn to the right ahead. In this case, the face does not deviate from the previously selected strip. Based on the provisions of paragraph 8.2 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, there is no need to turn on the turn signal.

The fine is similar—although imposed according to a different standard—as set forth in Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Even if a driver with a broken turn signal tries to signal a turn with his hand, this will not be considered correct compliance with traffic rules and will constitute an offense.

Are red turn signals allowed or prohibited?

According to the Rules, scarlet turn signals can only be installed on the front of the vehicle: the rear elements must remain the standard color. An appeal to the technical regulations reveals different standards - according to its requirements, red lamps are prohibited altogether.

If a driver decorates the rear of his car in this way, he will be fined 500 rubles. This measure is specified in part one of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code. Elements installed at the front threaten more serious consequences - deprivation of a driver's license.

The right to confiscate a military device is established in Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code. The regulation regulates such punishment for any violation of the color and operating mode of the lamps. The period of imprisonment ranges from 6 months to a year. Moreover, devices that violate the rules will be confiscated.

When should you turn your turn signals on and off?

The exact distance for which turn signals need to be turned on is not specified in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (https://www.kodap.ru/). It only states that the appropriate signal must be turned on before the maneuver begins, in advance.

In advance - this means so that other motorists can understand your train of thought, and they do not have to change their movement: change lanes or brake.

Turn off the turn signals immediately after completing the maneuver.

Fine for not working turn signal

According to Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia, driving a car with a malfunction, including a non-working turn signal, is prohibited.

Otherwise, the inspector may apply one of the following sanctions:

  • warning;
  • a fine of 500 rubles.

Is there a fine for red turn signals?

According to Article 12.5 of Part 3, a driver driving a car with red turn signals installed on the front part of it may be subject to liability in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a car for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

Knowing what fine you may face for turning without a turn signal, namely 500 rubles, we hope that you will be extremely careful on the road and turn on the appropriate signs in a timely manner.

If you are not given a penalty in the form of a warning, then, accordingly, you will have to pay a fine. And the sooner it is done, the less you will pay (with a discount).

Video: When and which turn signal should you turn on?

How is a violation recorded?

At the moment, it is possible to record a violation in the notification of other car owners only when stopped by an inspector. The employee must complete all relevant paperwork and issue a fine. Recording an unactivated turn sign using cameras is not yet available to representatives of the law.

The driver should be aware of his right to demand from the inspector an explanation of exactly how the violation was recorded. Moreover, the presence of only verbal evidence leaves the motorist the opportunity to challenge the inspector’s point of view. In such a situation, the car owner can challenge the inspector’s decision in court and win the case.

It is impossible to refute the legality of a fine if there is video footage of the violation. Eyewitness testimony is also considered as evidence that the employee is right.

How to avoid a fine?

The best option when stopped by an inspector is to receive a warning. To achieve such a punishment, mitigating circumstances must be brought forward.

They may be:

  • admission of wrongdoing;
  • good driving history - no fines.

If the employee intends to be held financially liable, you can take advantage of the right to a discount. You can only pay half of the fine if the payment is made within 20 days. This right is regulated by Article 32.2 of the main administrative document of the country.

If the turn signal does not work at all, you can also avoid a fine. To do this, you need to extend your hand out of the cabin. The traffic rules contain designations: an outstretched arm means a turn in the direction where the fingertips point, and a bent arm means a turn in the opposite direction.

It is important to know: an outstretched hand indicates a cessation of traffic. This gesture should not be confused with a turn. In addition, some users of public roads may misunderstand the motorist's intentions. Especially often with

Pedestrians get knocked down.

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