How OSAGO is calculated: formula, calculation method, coefficients
If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form
Traffic rules driving in lanes
What should be the width of the road lane according to GOST
A sign indicating an exit onto a road with a dedicated lane: There is an additional lane on the road surface
What to do in case of an accident: without victims, with victims
Changes in legislation Let's look at how to file an accident without calling the traffic police in accordance with the new procedure that came into force
OSAGO coefficient by region
OSAGO territory coefficient in 2021 and calculation formula
The OSAGO coefficient by region is established by law and can be adjusted by specifying or adding to
Coefficient age experience in compulsory motor liability insurance
KVS OSAGO - the concept of the coefficient, how it affects the cost of the policy and its calculation
Insurance company specialists, when determining the cost of an MTPL policy, take into account many coefficients, each
What documents should the driver have and is it possible to carry a photocopy of the MTPL policy?
What documents is the driver required to carry with him according to the law? First of all, it should be mentioned
Should the car number be entered into the MTPL insurance after registration?
What is the penalty if you are not included in the MTPL insurance in 2021? The situation when
Renewal of insurance for another car
Types of car insurance Every driver needs insurance. It will be needed to register the car with the traffic police and
What is better - CASCO or OSAGO?
Differences between CASCO and OSAGO: which is better for the car owner
Car insurance has become firmly established in the lives of modern motorists, but the latter often wonder whether CASCO or
Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance for 1 year
Cost of MTPL for a tractor: how and where to apply for a policy online via the Internet in 2021
Accurate calculation of compulsory motor liability insurance for insurance companies Go to the express calculator With a minimum base rate of 27466.11
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