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New traffic police regulations from October 20, 2017
electronic MTPL policy Electronic sales must solve the problem of availability of MTPL in problem regions. Decide
Duplicate PTS, Our help
How to restore a title - the cost and procedure for obtaining a document for a car if it is lost, without the owner or after disposal through State Services
In what cases is PTS required? Was it introduced to streamline the admission of vehicles to use and
All documents for registering a car 2020
Commission on Minors: Causes and Consequences of Registration
Every year the level of child crime increases, and not only in our country - throughout
Is it possible to find out the date and time of installation of a road sign? Penalty for stopping under sign 3.27 Stop prohibited. | Moscow
Traffic rules establish strict rules on the roads that help regulate traffic flows. Coordination
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How is CBM applied for unlimited insurance (cone-malus coefficient) in 2021
All vehicle owners understand perfectly well that the amount they pay for the MTPL policy is directly
New procedure for transporting children in cars from July 10, 2021
Change in traffic rules: new rules for transporting children under 11 years of age in cars Finally in
Drivers of cars with foreign license plates will soon no longer be able to break the rules on Russian roads with impunity.
How to go through customs The law on customs clearance of a car is mandatory for everyone, and go through
Driving on an unlit arrow 2021 fine
Despite the fact that motorists are fairly well versed in traffic light regulations, the meanings of some signals
What should you do if you hit another car in a parking lot with your door?
A car was hit by a door in a parking lot - accident or not?
In our article we will talk about one of the most common types of road accidents - so
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Deprived of license while intoxicated and fined 30,000 rubles. 2 years have passed. Can I not pay the fine and take away my license? Can they be canceled or has the statute of limitations passed?
What is the deadline for paying a fine of 30,000 rubles? The imposed administrative fine of 30,000
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