Do I have to pay the state fee for the exam in the traffic police after deprivation of my license? | Nizhny Novgorod

Do I need to retake the traffic rules exam after being disqualified?

Yes. This condition is mandatory for all deprived persons, regardless of the specific article under which this penalty was imposed. Even if the period of deprivation is short (at least 1 month), the traffic rules will have to be retaken. According to Part 4.1 of Article 32.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (quote below), retaking the traffic rules theory is mandatory for all disqualified persons, in contrast, for example, to obtaining a medical certificate, which is required only under the article for “drunkenness” and 2 more articles (12.8, 12.26, 12.27 of the Administrative Code, respectively ).

Retaking the exam on knowledge of the Rules of the Road for disqualified persons

Thus, it is necessary for all deprived persons, without exception, to pass the traffic rules exam after deprivation of their rights, regardless of the article of the code. And you only need to retake the theory of the traffic rules exam - those disqualified do not need to take the motordrome and “city” exams.

Also, all drivers without exception will need to pay all traffic fines (see the loophole when you don’t have to pay).

4.1. After the expiration of the period of deprivation of a special right for committing administrative offenses provided for in Article 9.3 and Chapter 12 of this Code, a driver’s license or a tractor driver’s (tractor driver’s) license seized from a person subjected to this type of administrative punishment is returned after checking his knowledge of the Traffic Rules and after payment in the prescribed manner of administrative fines imposed on him for administrative offenses in the field of road traffic, and for the commission of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.8, Part 1 of Article 12.26 and Part 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code, also a medical examination of this person for the presence of medical contraindications to driving.

Do I need a medical certificate?

To get your license back, you must not only submit an application and pay all traffic fines (for any offenses, not just those for which you were deprived of your license), but also provide a number of documents:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the court order on deprivation (or a document confirming the surrender of the license to the current traffic police department);
  • exam card;
  • medical certificate.

However, a medical certificate is not necessary in all cases, but only when depriving one’s license for a number of administrative offenses related to driving while intoxicated, namely:

  • driving a vehicle while intoxicated or transferring the right to drive a car to a person who is intoxicated (parts 1 and 4 of article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • refusal of a medical examination for the fact of alcohol or drug intoxication (Part 1 of Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • use of drugs, alcohol and other prohibited substances after being involved in an accident, to which the driver is directly related (Part 3 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

A medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving vehicles is also required if the driver has been deprived of his rights under criminal liability under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If the driver was removed from driving a vehicle for the reason that he did not pass a medical examination (relevant health problems were identified), but at the next medical commission no contraindications were identified, then to return his license he only needs to provide a new medical certificate. In this case, there is no need to take the theory test.

When can I retake?

According to paragraph 4 of the Rules for Returning to a Military District, retaking the exam is allowed after exactly half the period of withdrawal of rights has passed. Even more precisely, according to the law, the start date of this period is the next day. That is, it is correct to divide the period of deprivation by 2 and add 1 day - it is from this that you can legally take a retake for knowledge of the rules.

When can you retake the traffic rules after deprivation of the right to drive?

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When can you take the exam after deprivation?

You can take the test after half the period for which your license was withdrawn has expired. To find out when you can go to surrender, you need to know the duration of the punishment and the day it starts. You can view the date of the decision on the traffic police website in the section for checking information about the vehicle.

According to Art. 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offences, the time of deprivation begins to be calculated 10 days after the day of the resolution or court decision. Provided that the driver has passed his driving license within 3 days. Otherwise, the period does not begin to count while the V/U is in the possession of the person subject to punishment.

You should know that passing exams in advance does not lead to early issuance of a license. There is no legal way to obtain a license before the end of the sentence.

The law does not provide grounds for early return of rights; you will have to wait for the expiration of the deprivation period

Where to retake?

As of October 10, 2021, the edition of the Rules for the Return of Rights has changed. According to the new legislation, relevant for 2021, after the changes, you must pass the traffic rules at the place of deprivation.

According to paragraph 2 of the Rules for the return of a license, the exam must be taken at the traffic police department at the place of deprivation:

2. The confiscated driver’s license is returned to the person subjected to administrative punishment ... who has successfully passed a test of his knowledge of the rules of the road in the unit of the State Road Safety Inspectorate at the place of execution of the court decision in the case of an administrative offense ...

This means that you need to choose the traffic police department in which area of ​​the city you were deprived of your license. For example, if the court was in the Vakhitovsky district of the city of Kazan, then you need to take the exam on knowledge of traffic rules at the inspection unit for the Vakhitovsky district. However, you also had to submit your driver’s license there.

Do I have to pay the state fee for the exam in the traffic police after deprivation of my license? | Nizhny Novgorod

What is needed to obtain rights after deprivation?

The first step will be passing a theoretical exam at the traffic police. You must apply to retake the exam after half the period of deprivation has expired. Contact the traffic police and write a corresponding statement.

If you didn’t pass the first time, you can come back the second and third time, but only with an interval of one week. The number of attempts is not limited. One nice thing: you don’t have to pay money for such an exam.

If the exam is passed successfully, you can go to the traffic police department where your license is stored. Don't forget to take your passport, exam sheet and court order with you (to confirm the period of deprivation).

If the driver has been disqualified for driving while intoxicated, he will need a valid medical certificate to return the B. For violations such as “double continuous”, a certificate is not needed.

Correctly calculate the date of return of your driver's license. For example, you were deprived of your license for two years.

If you applied to the courts, then add this period (usually up to one month). It turns out the following: two years + time spent in court.

If you were deprived of your rights in one region and live in another? We hasten to please you: you don’t need to go anywhere. Now you can get a B at any traffic police department convenient for you. To do this, at least 30 days before the expiration of the deprivation period, a corresponding application must be sent to the department where the rights are stored. It must indicate where exactly you want to get your rights back. Such an application is sent by mail.

Pay the fines before returning B!

To return a driver's license, the car owner will be required to confirm that he has no debt on fines for certain traffic violations.

If at least one fine is not paid, your license will not be given to you. Such rules were introduced not only to monitor debtors even more strictly, but also to ensure that violators realized the seriousness of their actions and bore full responsibility.

Let us remind you that the fine for driving while intoxicated is 30 thousand rubles.

If the driver is caught drunk driving again, he will have to fork out 50 thousand. Plus an additional term of imprisonment. To get your ID back, there is no way out of paying such penalties...

Driving license retention period

It is not at all necessary to obtain your license on the very day the deprivation period expired. You can do this later. However, it should be taken into account that the traffic police have rules, or rather, storage periods for driver’s licenses. After three years of storage, if the rights have not yet reached their owner, they are subject to destruction.

Note: in this case, you can restore your license using the same procedure as after losing your driver’s license.

Is it possible to sign up for a traffic rules exam through State Services?

No. As of May 22, 2021, such government services are not provided formally. You can only sign up online to issue a driver’s license for the first time and return it after the entire period of deprivation has passed.

However, according to unverified data, you can sign up through State Services by selecting a slightly different item - “Replacement of license upon expiration.” But be careful, payment is required here, and the government service itself is completely different. The data has not been verified because this is the official response of the traffic police, and although it has official status, there is neither responsibility for its unreliability, nor, moreover, the obligation to register you using incorrect data.

Here's the answer:

Registration through State Services to retake the traffic rules exam after deprivation

How to sign up?

In fact, you can absolutely and absolutely sign up for a re-examination directly through a direct contact with the traffic police. To do this, you can select the appropriate service in the terminal, which is installed in almost all branches for 2021, and also by submitting an application by filling it out directly at the branch.

How is the recording going?

After registering at the terminal, you must wait in line when you are called to write an application. You fill out the last document and at this moment you find out the date for retaking the traffic rules. And on this date, just come for a retake.

What documents are needed to retake the exam?

Only a civil passport. You will need it 2 times:

  1. when registering for re-examination at the traffic police department,
  2. when directly passing the exam.

No more documents are needed.

Do you need a medical certificate?

No. Despite the fact that a fresh medical certificate is required when returning to a vehicle after deprivation of a license, it is not required directly for handing over traffic tickets to deprived persons. If inspectors ask you for a medical certificate at this stage, then they are doing it illegally. The entire list of required documents is limited to the passport. This is approved by the Rules for the return of property after deprivation.

Traffic rules for a deprived person

How is the traffic rules test carried out?

Everything is done quite quickly and with a minimum of formalities, in flow mode.

  1. you come on the appointed day with your passport,
  2. the examining inspector checks your identity,
  3. You sit down at the computer and a random traffic ticket opens in front of you with 20 questions that you need to answer correctly.

Among the questions, everything is the same as if you were taking the exam for the first time. The questions are aimed at testing knowledge of the traffic rules itself, as well as the basic provisions for admission (vehicle malfunctions), the Code of Administrative Offenses and fines.

How to retake the exam if you are deprived

How many mistakes can you make?

As of May 22, 2021 (we monitor changes daily), the allowed number of errors is two. At the same time, for each mistake in the main 20 questions, 5 additional questions are given, the answer to which is no longer possible.

We strongly recommend that, in addition to traffic rules, you learn the tickets themselves and the answers to them, since sometimes the correct answers, to put it mildly, do not clearly correlate with the points of the Rules.

What if you don't pass the first time?

In this case, you will have to re-register for the traffic rules exam after deprivation according to the instructions above - through the terminal with a visit to the traffic police department. You can do this immediately after leaving the exam retake office, but they will register you no earlier than 7 days later, this is stipulated by law.

Unfortunately, the maximum period is not regulated by anything, but according to the very principle of the legislation of the Russian Federation, it should be reasonable.

The number of attempts to pass, however, is not limited - you can retake the exam an infinite number of times until you pass it successfully.

How many attempts are given to pass the exam?

What category of rights will the tickets be for?

According to the (“oldest” of all the ones you have) that you passed when you received your license. If you have several categories, this does not mean that you will take each one separately.

The retake occurs as follows:

  • if you have category “B”, then you will take the traffic rules exam in this category,
  • for “BC” categories, delivery is made using tickets of “CD” categories (a single set of tickets for this category),
  • for the “CE” categories, you retake the exam with “CE” tickets, respectively,
  • motorcyclists with category “A” retake only this category if they do not have “B”, otherwise only the last one.

For reference, also remember that management rights are being deprived as a whole, and not certain categories.

Something else useful for you:

  • Is the new law on retaking traffic rules when replacing a license true?
  • Removing a car from the traffic police register due to the death of the owner in questions and answers
  • What is the fine and what else threatens for forgotten licenses and car documents?

What happens after a successful retake?

If you correctly answered all the necessary questions of the theoretical part of the exam, then based on the results you will be given an examination sheet, which must be carefully stored until the end of the period of deprivation.

When applying for rights after the deadline, you will need to present this sheet to the document acceptance window (administrative practice) along with other documents to return the rights. You will receive a score sheet along with your certificate.

If the exam is retaken on the first try

Do they take the exam after the withdrawal of the driving license?

For committing any administrative offense that involves deprivation of a driving license, the driver must not only pay a fine and temporarily become a pedestrian, but also pass a theoretical exam. At the same time, there is no need to demonstrate your practical driving skills in the city or on a specially equipped training ground. We are talking specifically about passing the theory of traffic rules using tickets.

Some important information about retaking the theory after deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle:

  • passing the theory is possible in advance, after half the period of deprivation of rights has expired;
  • the exam can be taken at any traffic police department, and not just at the place of delivery of the license, at the place of registration or temporary registration of the driver (that is, in any department where there is an examination department);
  • You can sign up for the exam in advance through the public services portal (Gosuslugi);
  • exam tickets consist of 20 questions, you must answer at least 18 of them correctly;
  • with one error, 5 additional questions are given for 5 minutes, with two errors - 10 additional questions for 10 minutes (all additional questions must be answered correctly);
  • for citizens taking the exam due to deprivation of their rights, their tickets will not contain questions about the technical structure of the car and other vehicles and about providing first aid in the event of a road accident (there will only be questions about the Rules of the Road);
  • Only 20 minutes are allotted for passing the exam, and the total number of tickets is 40;
  • the number of attempts to pass the theory is unlimited, and the exam itself is absolutely free;
  • the break between two attempts to pass the exam is at least 7 days.

After successfully passing the theory, the driver is given an examination card with the appropriate marks. It will need to be submitted to the traffic police department along with an application and other documents to return the license.

All tickets for passing the theory are divided into 2 large groups, by category - “AB” and “CD”. And only tickets with the highest category are issued. This means that if a driver has “BC” categories open, then he will take the exam on tickets with “CD” categories. And if only category “A” was open, then he should prepare for “AB” tickets. To take the exam, you only need a passport, a court order to withdraw your license, and an application.

It is important to know!

In conclusion, we present a number of subtleties that are best known and read just in case by everyone who is deprived of their rights.

  • Pay close attention to the documents confirming the surrender of your license after deprivation to the traffic police (or to the court); Recently, there have been frequent cases when, due to errors in the traffic police, there is no information about the surrender of the certificate, as a result of which the period of deprivation is interrupted (in fact, the period begins when you hand over the license or write a statement about the loss).
  • To pass the exam, you do not need to pay all the fines you have, but only when you return your license. We have a separate article about the illegality of demanding payment of fines.
  • All of the above is presented with reference to the legislation in force for 2021. Any other data and exceptions are nothing more than a myth... Even if they supposedly come from the traffic police officers themselves. Remember that employees are the executive branch, not the legislative branch, and they are required to follow the regulations of the current legislation.
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