3 options to deregister a car without documents and the vehicle itself

When can the owner deregister a car?

Termination of registration means termination of use of the vehicle. After deregistration, the owner will no longer be able to drive the car. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Selling a car. It happens that new owners drag their feet and do not register the car. Then the owner faces financial risks, and it is in his interests to terminate registration as quickly as possible.
  2. The owner no longer wants to use the car. For example, the car is no longer in use, or there is an intention to scrap it.
  3. If the owner plans to sell the car, retaining its license plate number. Then the car is deregistered, the buyer then receives new license plates and registers the vehicle with them.

If the car is stolen, the owner also needs to take care of deregistering it so as not to pay the mandatory transport tax.

If we are talking about the sale of a vehicle, then the owner has the right to deregister after 10 days from the date of concluding the sale and purchase agreement. The right is confirmed by the contract itself, a copy of which must be in the hands of the seller.

Reasons for deregistration of a vehicle

The current Administrative Regulations contain an exhaustive list of reasons why you can stop registering a car (deregister it).
Some of them imply that the car or its owner will disappear from the traffic police database forever, and some allow you to restore data if the reasons that caused its termination disappear. In accordance with paragraph 60 of the Regulations, registration can be terminated for the following reasons:

  • loss of car;
  • theft;
  • expiration of registration for a limited period;
  • sales;
  • since the leasing agreement has been terminated;
  • waiver of rights to insured property;
  • since the car is exported outside the country;
  • death or termination of activity (if we are talking about a legal entity) of the owner;
  • recycling.

It is worth noting that the rules of the Regulations presuppose: if the grounds for termination of registration are reasons number 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 from this list, then a record of deregistration is made in the vehicle passport (if it was not lost itself) due to with the loss of the vehicle or the inability to use it.

The first of the grounds listed by the Regulations for deregistration of a vehicle is its loss. This is also one of the most frequently cited reasons by Russian car owners in their statements.

The thing is that this term covers quite a wide range of factual reasons due to which a car can be considered lost:

  1. The car was involved in an accident, as a result of which it became impossible to drive.
  2. Transfer of control by proxy.
  3. Complex technical problems due to which she is confined to the garage for a long time.
  4. Disappeared for many years.
  5. Lack of any documents on the car.

If the reason for the loss of the vehicle is some kind of technical malfunction (including a traffic accident), then the conclusion of the service station will serve as evidence for the traffic police. True, regulations do not require the provision of an opinion when submitting an application.

Why deregister a car?

While a citizen owns a vehicle, he has obligations to pay tax. Every year he must pay tax for the previous year to the Federal Tax Service. It doesn’t matter whether he used the car or not. If the car is registered, the owner pays tax.

Another important point is the fines that the owner may receive after selling the car. The new owner may violate traffic rules, get caught on camera, and these debts will be attributed to the person to whom the vehicle is registered.

If the new owner suddenly gets into an accident and causes damage to someone, the real owner may also suffer from this. So, if you see that the buyer is in no hurry to register the car, it is better to deregister it. What next is the problem of the slow buyer.

It happens that the buyer cannot register the car due to the seller’s debts: the bailiff has imposed a ban on registration actions. The situation is complicated, until the debt is paid off, the car will be registered with the previous owner. Moreover, he can even be taken away for debts. Sometimes you have to break a purchase and sale agreement through the court.

Make sure the car is registered

Before deregistering a car through State Services, make sure that it is actually still registered in your name. And if we are not talking about a sale, but about terminating the registration of a vehicle at personal request, you need to make sure that there are no prohibitions from bailiffs.

Checks for registration and restrictions are carried out on the traffic police website. You just need to enter the VIN, and the system will display the information:

The information will look like this. Below, after the vehicle data, the dates of the last ownership of the vehicle are indicated. From them we can conclude whether the new owner has registered the car in his name:

Below on the same page you can “punch” the car through the bailiff database, that is, check it for prohibitions on registration actions:

How to correctly write an application for deregistration of a car

In fact, the driver sets out his request to terminate registration in a corresponding statement.
For this, a special form is used, which can be obtained from the traffic police department, or downloaded online. There should be no difficulties in filling out the document. The following information must be entered here:

  • The name of the organ and the city where it is located;
  • Full name of the applicant;
  • A specific request, namely, “I ask to be removed from the register”;
  • All available applications are listed, these are PTS, STS and other documents;
  • In the “Information about the owner” column, you need to enter detailed information about him. For individuals, passport details must be provided. If this is an organization, its head and legal address are noted;
  • Please fill in the vehicle details below;
  • The date of completion and signature of the applicant are indicated.

An appendix to the application may be an explanatory note detailing the reason for such a desire. If a proxy acts on behalf of the owner, his details must also be indicated in the appropriate column of the application. When the applicant is the owner, this field is left blank. It is recommended to enter information in printed characters. If the data is unreadable, the traffic police officer may not accept the application. There are also reasons why an inspector will refuse to deregister a car.

These include:

  • outstanding fines or unpaid taxes;
  • credit encumbrances;
  • a crime that was committed with the participation of this car is being investigated;
  • administrative arrest.

How to deregister a car through State Services: step-by-step instructions

So, you have decided to deregister your car through State Services. Regardless of the motives, the operation is performed according to one scenario. Please note that thanks to the state portal, this action can be carried out completely remotely without visiting the State Traffic Inspectorate.

How to rent a car through State Services:

1. Log in to the site using your credentials and use a search to find the “Vehicle Registration” service. Here you will see links with reasons for withdrawal. We will consider the most common option, when the buyer did not register the car in his name within the required period of 10 days - last link:

2. A page will open with a detailed description of the procedure and conditions for its implementation. Please note that the operation is free of charge and there is no need to pay a fee. After reading the information, click on the “Get service” button:

3. Proceed to fill out the application to deregister the car. The application can only be submitted by the owner of the vehicle from his account on State Services; the system will automatically enter his data into the form. They must be supplemented with an indication of the place of registration.

4. Next, you need to provide information about the car that is being deregistered. This is the registration number, information about the STS and the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement. At least 10 days must pass from this day, otherwise the application will not be accepted.

5. The next section is to provide information about who bought the car from you. It is assumed that the information can be taken from the purchase and sale agreement, a copy of which must remain with the seller:

6. The last step is to upload a document that confirms the transaction and transfer of ownership. In our case, this is a car purchase and sale agreement. You can scan it or take high-quality photos and attach it to your application. Then click the “Submit Application” button:

The portal will send an electronic application to the State Traffic Inspectorate, which will check the data. If there are no complaints, the sale of the car is confirmed and a positive decision is made. It appears in the applicant’s personal account on State Services.

After receiving information about a positive decision, it doesn’t hurt to go back to the traffic police database and check whether the car has been deregistered. But do this a little later, since the data does not enter the system immediately.

Laws and regulations of the Russian Federation on termination of car registration

The technological operation “suspension of vehicle registration” was introduced 9 years ago. In this regard, from 2011 to 2013, the provisions and regulations that regulated the process of registration of vehicles owned by government departments, private and legal entities were revised and updated. Changes have been made to:

  • order No. 1001, in its fifth paragraph, the second paragraph;
  • order No. 605, supplemented with new paragraphs;
  • Order No. 1 received an attachment containing a template for an application to terminate registration.

The changes differentiated the concept of termination of registration from deregistration of a car. Innovations have simplified life for motorists and made it possible to optimize the MREO accounting system.

You can deregister a car through the State Services portal in the shortest possible time. The service is available only to users authorized in the system. An application to terminate the registration of any type of vehicle, including motorcycles, trucks and cars, is sent through the state website. It is permissible to forward the application online only after the sale of the car and after 10 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

For what reasons can a refusal occur?

Usually there are no problems. If there are no restrictions on the car, if the purchase and sale agreement is drawn up correctly, the State Traffic Inspectorate will remove the car from registration, relieving the former owner of the burden of paying fines and transport tax.

Refusal may occur due to a ban on registration actions imposed on the car by bailiffs. This means that the owner has debts for which enforcement proceedings have been initiated. Sometimes it gets ridiculous; a ban can be obtained for underpayment of modest amounts of 100 rubles or even less.

If you see a ban, run through the bailiff database. In the list of debts you will see the amount and details of the bailiff who is collecting. Pay off the debt and contact the bailiff to remove the restrictions. After this, try again to remove the car from the State Service register.

If there is an incorrectly drawn up purchase and sale agreement, or if it contains errors in essential data, a refusal may also follow. Therefore, complete the transaction very carefully.


I deregistered the car, what will happen to the buyer?

The buyer himself is to blame for not complying with the legal deadlines for registering the purchased car. Therefore, first he will receive a fine for violating the deadlines. If the traffic police stops him and reveals that the vehicle is unregistered, the driver will receive a fine of 800 rubles.

What should I do if I received a fine for a car I sold?

To cancel the fine, you must contact the traffic police department that issued the report and provide the purchase and sale agreement as evidence. It may be necessary to initiate legal proceedings. You can also negotiate with the new owner.

How many days does the seller have to register a car?

By law, he has 10 days to do this. If they pass, the seller can deregister the car himself.

What fee must I pay to deregister a car with State Services?

The operation is carried out free of charge. But the seller will need to pay a fee for registering the car - 500 rubles.

What to do if the bailiff has imposed a ban on registration?

There is only one way out - to pay the debt, which was the reason for imposing a ban on registration actions. While it is in effect, the car cannot be deregistered and registered to another owner.


  1. Government services: Termination of registration of a vehicle.

about the author

Irina Rusanova - higher education at the International East European University in the direction of "Banking". Graduated with honors from the Russian Economic Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov with a major in Finance and Credit. Ten years of experience in leading Russian banks: Alfa-Bank, Renaissance Credit, Home Credit Bank, Delta Credit, ATB, Svyaznoy (closed). He is an analyst and expert of the Brobank service on banking and financial stability. [email protected]

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What can you do in other situations?

Next, we will provide step-by-step instructions for deregistering a car in the absence of a car or any documents for it.

Where to go?

Registration of the vehicle takes place at the traffic police department where the vehicle was registered. In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 399 of June 26, 2018, registration and re-registration of a vehicle can be carried out in any department of the State Traffic Inspectorate throughout the Russian Federation. How to deregister a car in another city or region is described here.

What to write in the application?

Applications for deregistration of a vehicle are drawn up in accordance with the sample form , which can be found in any department of the traffic police. The document filling scheme looks like this:

  1. Vehicle information (identification data).
  2. Information about the owner of the vehicle or his representative.
  3. The reason why accounting activities are carried out.
  4. Reasons for removing a car from registration:
      if the car was stolen by criminals, they write: “in connection with the theft of a car”;
  5. if the vehicle was sold, indicate: “due to the sale of the vehicle”;
  6. when disposing of a car, they write: “due to the disposal of the car.”

Reference. For complete disposal, you must indicate that a certificate for the released units is not needed. For partial – documents indicate the saved details.

It is important to mention in the application form that state license plates, as well as PTS, were lost.

What else to provide?


If a vehicle is stolen, the owner of the car, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 399 of June 26, 2018, can terminate the registration of such a car in a simplified manner.

To do this, the owner just needs to report it to the police. In turn, the traffic police authorities will transfer information about the theft (theft) of a vehicle to the tax authorities so that the calculation of transport tax on the vehicle is stopped.

In this case, the State Traffic Inspectorate provides the following documents:

  • civil passport of the car owner;
  • a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the initiation of a criminal case in case of theft of a vehicle;
  • PTS and vehicle registration certificate;
  • application for registration of the vehicle.


Disposal, as mentioned earlier, can be complete or partial (some units remain in the use of the owner). Documents required for accounting actions during disposal:

  • application according to the sample form;
  • civil passport of the car owner;
  • documents for the car;
  • state car signs;
  • receipt of payment of the tax contribution for recycled units;
  • a power of attorney, certified by a notary, for the actions of the authorized person in the interests of the owner.

In case of complete disposal, the procedure is free of charge. When parts are partially scrapped, the units must be presented to check the serial number and condition.

Comments: 2

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Author of the article Irina Rusanova

Consultant, author Popovich Anna

Financial author Olga Pikhotskaya

  1. Bektur
    05/21/2021 at 15:35 What documents are needed to deregister?
    Reply ↓ Anna Popovich
    05/21/2021 at 20:44

    Dear Baktur, you will need a vehicle registration certificate, a document certifying the applicant’s authority to represent the interests of the vehicle owner, state registration plates of the vehicle, an identification document, a technical passport (technical pass) of the vehicle and a vehicle passport.

    Reply ↓

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