At what age can you ride a scooter or moped?

At what age is a child allowed to ride a moped and scooter?

Today's teenagers are very lucky. Russian legislation allows them to operate such a facility from the age of 14. But the increasing concentration of cars on the roads from year to year, constantly changing traffic rules - all this leads to the fact that the guys cannot control the moped and create emergency situations. After all, a highway is not a home apartment, where parents simply won’t buy their child sweets as punishment for an offense he has committed.

The road is a place of increased danger for all participants in the traffic process without exception. Violating the rules threatens them not only with physical injury, but also with death, not only for themselves, but also for strangers.

Therefore, deputies are considering a law granting the right to drive a moped from the age of sixteen. According to the people's representatives, this age allows a person to more responsibly understand his actions, getting rid of the illusion that everything is allowed to him.

The scooter appears to be a type of motor scooter, equipped with a convenient platform for landing and placing your feet.
The developed feathering of the scooter protects the rider and the mechanisms of the vehicle from dirt. Traveling on such transport is considered quite safe. His rider is not guaranteed complete preservation of health, and even life, if he gets into an accident. The road legislation being discussed by the public stipulates the age at which one can ride a scooter. Car enthusiasts need to prepare for the fact that they are also planning to increase it by two years. Therefore, children should know at what age they can ride a scooter. The current rules currently allow this to be done from the age of 14, but after the adoption of innovations, this age will be updated to 16 years.

At what age can you get a motorcycle license?

Motorcycles vary in power, so the age for obtaining a license is different - you can get a license for weak motorcycles and mopeds as early as 16 years old, but to drive powerful motorcycles you must wait until you reach adulthood.
Requirements for future drivers wishing to obtain a license to drive a moped or scooter (motor scooter) are set out in clause 2 of Art. 26 of the Law “On Safety...” dated December 10, 1995 No. 196. To obtain a license of category “M” (for driving a moped or scooter) and “A1”, which already gives the right to drive a light motorcycle with an engine capacity of up to 125 cm3, you must complete three conditions:

  • reach the age of 16 years;
  • have no medical contraindications to driving;
  • take driving courses.

If a boy or girl plans to drive a motorcycle with an engine capacity greater than 125 cm3, then the age requirements become more stringent. Accordingly, category “A” licenses, which are needed to drive a motorcycle, are issued only from the age of 18.

Moped license

Mopeds were very popular in the Soviet Union. Their low price, almost free gasoline, led to the massive use of this vehicle. Many teenagers ignore the mandatory requirements while driving this way. Many people still don’t know for sure whether they need a license for a modern moped, which they could previously do without.

The Traffic Regulations, which have been in force for several years, require moped owners to have a driver’s license. It is stipulated by obtaining category M, which allows you to drive this vehicle without fear of meeting with a representative of the traffic police. Of course, this requirement only applies to those who do not have any other open category. A rider stopped by an inspector will be subject to an administrative fine of 5 thousand to 15 thousand rubles for operating without the appropriate certificate.

Considering a scooter and a moped, we can say that they have different engine power. This is expressed in the need to obtain different categories of rights. For example, an electric scooter also includes a driver category M. Therefore, all engines with a power from 0.25 to 4 kilowatts are included here. It does not play any role - the product was purchased in a store, or the craftsman designed it himself, installing an electric motor on it.

Category C causes a lot of controversy among its owners.
Some argue that it allows you to drive a moped, while others have the opposite opinion. Such positions are due to some differences in the types of old and new rights. The first ones were not intended to be awarded to the owners of mopeds, whose engines were determined to have a volume of no more than 50 cm3. Therefore, it was possible to ride such a vehicle without passing exams. Any higher category that was open made it possible to manage the funds of the lower category without any difficulties. New laws have tightened the rules for using two-wheeled mechanical vehicles. Now the owner who has the corresponding category open has the right to use a moped. Having permission to drive even all types of trucks, a person still does not have the right to drive a moped if he does not have category M.

The new road legislation provides for obtaining a driver's license to operate a moped and scooter no earlier than 16 years of age. Driving without a license threatens to result in penalties for the driver. Any open higher category is also not a permit to drive a moped or scooter.

What is needed to drive a moped

Mopeds belong to category L1 (Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 018/2011). If for some reason the vehicle has an engine capacity exceeding the established parameters (50 cc), then it belongs to the category of motorcycles.

License for a moped up to 50cc in 2021 - is it necessary or not?

The answer to this question is contained in Part 1 of Article 25 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196 “On Road Safety”. To drive mopeds and scooters, category M licenses are required, which are issued to citizens over 16 years of age.

There is no need to register a moped with the traffic police. As stated in the Rules for Registration of Motor Vehicles and Trailers, such a procedure is only necessary if the engine capacity is more than 50 cubic meters. cm (or more than 4 kW).

Who can get an M license?

Buying a moped is half the battle. But does a person who has the right to drive a heavy truck, bus or trolleybus have the right to operate it? The answer is that he has, when he has a mark on the opening of category M on his certificate. If there is no such record, then it will not be possible to roll out on two wheels equipped with a motor.

Any citizen of Russia who has no contraindications for driving a moped has the right to receive a driver’s license with the open form mentioned above. The latter is confirmed by the presence of a medical certificate. It should be recalled that permission is issued to citizens only when they reach the age of 14, and upon entry into force of legislative innovations - from the age of 16. This rule applies to driving all categories of light motorcycles.

Heavier two-wheeled vehicles with an engine capacity of over 125 cm 3 will require the owner to reach the age of majority - 18 years. From this age you can get permission to drive cars. Increasing the class of equipment requires increasing the category and age at the same time.

You can go to a driving school much earlier, starting at age 14. True, the teenager will be allowed to take the traffic police exams only after two years. Documents issued by the driving school will serve as confirmation of completion of this training course.

Now there are many driving schools providing services to the public. But this does not mean that you need to rush into the first one you come across. Having decided to apply for training, the future student needs to study the offers of several schools and compare them.

They may differ due to the following factors:

  1. Opportunity for training. Not all schools offer the opportunity to obtain a license to drive a scooter.
  2. Tuition costs can vary significantly, although obtaining an M form itself is not particularly difficult.
  3. Reviews from graduates posted on the Internet will greatly benefit the listener.

The cost of training for a moped driver is, on average, 10-15 thousand rubles. Perhaps, for obtaining a professional license, this difference is not so significant, but not for riding a two-wheeled motor bicycle. If the driver has a higher open category, this may be a slight advantage, since the rules of the road for all types of vehicles are based on the same basis. You can simply take private lessons and then take the exams.

What is more profitable to buy for a child: a scooter or a moped?

In fact, as I understand it, a scooter and a moped are essentially the same thing - a small motorcycle or a bicycle with a motor. And there are probably no special differences that would determine which of them is better for a teenager, and which is worse, and, most importantly, which of them is safer. The only thing that probably affects safety is the fact that the driver sits a little higher on a moped, which can affect a possible fall. What is usually called a scooter has a more modern appearance, streamlined shape and often in appearance resembles not a motorcycle, but a motor scooter, that is, a person sits on it not astride, like on a moped or motorcycle, but like on a stool - he has legs are located in front of the seat. In addition, scooters, as a rule, have a much smaller wheel diameter, which is why in appearance they most often resemble motor scooters rather than bicycles or motorcycles.

In theory, all other things being equal, scooters should have a lower speed due to small wheels, but this is not entirely true - structurally, scooters usually have more modern gearboxes, while mopeds may not have a gearbox at all, so the speed they are not very different. However, this is not necessary - no one is stopping the manufacturer from equipping the moped in the same way.

For a teenage girl, a scooter will most likely be more suitable - it just looks better, not so brutal. However, here you need to ask her - maybe she is more impressed by mopeds in appearance because of their resemblance to motorcycles...

However, when planning to buy a moped or scooter for your child, do not forget that now (this was introduced last year) he must undergo training at a driving school, pass exams at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and receive a driver’s license of category “M”. But this is where the problems begin - licenses in our country are issued only from the age of 16 (categories M, A and A1) or from the age of 18 (all others). So your daughter will have to wait a couple more years and ride a bicycle (possibly with an electric motor - these are now sold) or the same moped, but as a passenger...

And in the future, when choosing a scooter or moped, you must also remember that the engine capacity for the “M” category should not exceed 50 cubic meters. cm, and if almost all mopeds are produced with this volume, then you need to be careful when choosing a scooter - there are a lot of scooter models whose engine capacity exceeds 50 m3, and sometimes exceeds it significantly.

Well, as an addition, the driver must wear a motorcycle helmet when riding, and preferably also other protective elements - knee pads and elbow pads, a thick jacket and other elements designed to soften the impact of a possible fall and protect the most vulnerable parts of the body.

Category restrictions

Obtaining the right to drive a moped is limited by the presence of certain diseases that are identified during a medical examination. There are a number of contraindications.

These include:

  • pathological mental disorder;
  • psychological disorder caused by the use of psychotropic medications;
  • absence of an upper or lower limb, fingers;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer.

Lack of vision concludes the list.
Despite this, there are some acceptable indicators that you can count on to obtain rights. The best eye should see at least 0.6, the worst - 0.2:

  1. Lack of vision in one eye, 0.8 units in the sighted eye.
  2. More than 30 days after ophthalmic surgery.

Vision may improve as a result of operations or exercises, so if the dynamics are positive, you can visit the ophthalmologist again. The data recorded by him will become one of the legal grounds for obtaining the desired access.

How and where to get a moped license

To obtain a driving license, a newly qualified driver will have to take a “young fighter” course and pass exams at the traffic police department.

Of course, an educational institution must have not only qualified teachers, but also an appropriate license.

The training lasts no more than two months and is divided into theory and practice. The latter takes place at a specialized site, where students demonstrate their mastery of technology.

Do you need a license for a scooter in 2021 in Russia?

Since 2014, the law has clearly provided that a scooter is a power-driven vehicle that can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. Therefore, an open category M is required, which can be obtained by passing the exam at the traffic police. Moreover, the government decided to introduce such rules for everyone who has a transport “iron horse” - Article 1 of Federal Law No. 25 includes a scooter, moped and even an ATV, regardless of how many cubic meters its engine capacity is. This also includes mopeds with electric motors of 0.25-4 kilowatts.

Do you need a license for a 49.9cc scooter in 2021?

Until November 2013, it was not necessary to obtain a driver’s license to drive this type of transport. But the following year a change occurred - the driver was required to pass up to 50 cubic meters for a scooter license. After all, he, like others, goes out onto the road and can create an emergency situation. The only caveat is that if a person has received category A, which allows him to ride, for example, a liter sports bike or any other motorcycle, then he can also drive a moped.

At what age can you get a license for a scooter in Russia?

Young people are concerned about the question: at what age can you take the exam? By law, the age must be 16 years old. In this case, anyone wishing to obtain a driver's license must undergo a medical examination. He will not be allowed to drive a moped if he:

  • vision in the better seeing eye is below 0.2, and in the second eye - below 0.6;
  • there is immobility of the interphalangeal space;
  • vestibular functions are impaired;
  • Less than a month ago, eye surgery and the like were performed.

Therefore, before receiving a license, a driver 16 years of age or older must undergo a medical examination and be confident in his good health.

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