Power of attorney for moving a car
Documents for moving a car under your own power with TA Peregonshchik LLC
In what cases is it required? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2012
The quarantine is over, the crisis is not. Is it worth buying a new car now and what is the market situation?
Where is the best place to buy a used vehicle? The most common method, which previously had no alternatives, is
How to brake and start at a traffic light
How to brake correctly: in the city, on the highway and even in a high-speed turn?
When a person finds himself behind the wheel of a car without extensive driving experience, he immediately
Consequences of an accident on a taxi car Regular compulsory insurance
Fines for not having car insurance
The main differences between taxi insurance and a standard MTPL insurance policy When driving a vehicle,
Changes in traffic rules from January 1, 2021: latest news
Starting from the New Year, new changes in rules come into effect throughout the Russian Federation.
Is it possible to ride an ATV on traffic regulations?
Safety precautions when riding an ATV
Many drivers have a question about where they can ride an ATV. This vehicle is intended
How to put up a warning triangle correctly: distance, fines
A warning triangle is an indispensable attribute of any motorist, since traffic regulations prohibit driving on
I drove into the back of another car: is it possible to prove innocence?
Fine for failure to maintain distance - what is the point of the traffic rules and who is to blame for the accident
If you hit a car from behind, who is to blame? A traffic accident is a very unpleasant event in
Cars with and without identification marks
Traffic Laws. License plates, identification marks, inscriptions and designations.
About a month ago, the Government of the country decided to amend the Traffic Rules,
Procedure for calculating loss of commodity value
How to recover the vehicle's vehicle title (loss of marketable value) in 2021
Home/OSAGO/Compensation for vehicle insurance under MTPL in 2021 When purchasing a new car, the owner invests in the purchase
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