What does a new sample medical certificate look like - detailed explanation for drivers + sample

All drivers sooner or later face the task of obtaining a medical certificate. A medical certificate for a driver's license is a mandatory document, without which it is impossible to obtain or renew a driver's license, with the exception of certain cases. Based on a medical certificate, a conclusion is made about whether a particular citizen can be allowed to drive a car. To get a document, you need to undergo a medical examination, but let's talk about everything in order.

Medical certificate for driver's license

A medical certificate for a driver’s license is a conclusion about the absence or, conversely, the presence of contraindications for driving a vehicle. Otherwise it is called Form No. 003-В/у.

To obtain a medical certificate for a driver's license, you must undergo a medical examination and pass the necessary tests. The survey institution must have a license to issue the document, otherwise it will be invalid, and the organization that issued it will bear administrative and, in some cases, criminal liability for this. The driver himself may also be held liable. The availability of a license can be checked on the official website of the medical institution.

The medical certificate is filled out by the therapist. It can be handwritten or printed on a computer - it doesn’t matter.

Obtaining a medical certificate is relevant in the following cases:

  • when a citizen is studying at a driving school and is going to get a driver’s license;
  • when does the driver's license expire?
  • upon receipt of a new driving category;
  • after deprivation of a driver’s license, if its validity period has expired at the time of receipt.

If the ID was lost or stolen, then a medical certificate is not required to restore it.

Documents required to obtain a medical certificate for drivers

In order for the driver to obtain a medical certificate, you must first prepare a list of documents. These include the following.

  1. Identity card (passport).
  2. Driver's license (if available).
  3. Military ID (if the citizen is liable for military service).

With these documents, the citizen needs to contact the registry of the institution that issues medical certificates. We repeat - he must have a license. At the registry, the citizen is given a referral to doctors, who must examine him and issue a report on his state of health. Drivers of categories A, A1, B, BE, B1 and M need to undergo the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology.

For truck drivers, the list of doctors is more extensive. This:

  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dermatovenerologist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • psychiatrist;
  • gynecologist (for women);
  • The therapist examines the patient last and makes the final conclusion.

It is worth noting that the services of a narcologist, psychiatrist and therapist in this case will be paid. The driver or his employer pays for the medical examination.

In addition, the driver will be required to undergo tests if doctors require it during the examination.

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Fluorography (can be x-ray of the chest organs).
  4. Electrocardiography.
  5. Blood test for sugar and cholesterol.
  6. Drivers of passenger and freight vehicles are also required to undergo electroencephalography.

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If necessary, doctors may prescribe additional examinations and studies. It is possible to undergo a medical examination in another city, not at the place of registration, with the exception of a narcologist and a psychiatrist. You need to go through all the doctors on the list; It is impossible to obtain a medical certificate without the opinion of at least one of the doctors.

If the therapist’s conclusion is positive and the corresponding results of all studies are obtained, the driver is issued a medical certificate. At the registry, it must be stamped - without a stamp, the document is considered invalid.

Medical certificate forms for drivers

The new form of certificate for drivers is now called “Medical report” form No. 003-В/у, which was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 344n dated June 15, 2015, which entered into force on March 26, 2016 (with the exception of certain provisions that came into force July 1, 2016).

Order No. 344n also approved:

  • The procedure for conducting mandatory medical examination of drivers and candidate drivers of vehicles.
  • The procedure for issuing a medical report on the presence (or absence) of drivers of medical contraindications, indications or restrictions for driving a vehicle.

Previously, a single sample of a Medical Certificate of Admission to Driving Vehicles was used, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 831n dated September 28, 2010.

And even earlier, form No. 083/U-89 Medical certificate was used (for submission to the State Traffic Inspectorate), approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 555 of September 29, 1989.

Where can I get a medical examination?

You can undergo a medical examination to obtain a certificate in a public clinic, or in a private one. Each of these options has its pros and cons.

Advantages of the state clinic:

  • You can get a medical examination for free, although you still have to pay for the services of some doctors (this was discussed above), in addition, the tests are also not free.


  • long queues in government institutions are still relevant;
  • preliminary appointment with specialists, which can last for several months.

In private clinics, too, not everything is as smooth as it seems, although there are obvious advantages:

  • no need to make an appointment with a doctor;
  • there are no queues – the medical examination procedure can be completed easily, quickly and calmly.

But there are also significant disadvantages:

  • an impressive price for services, considering that you will have to go through several doctors and undergo tests;
  • A certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist can only be obtained in government institutions and only for a fee. There is no such service in private clinics.

What does medical certificate 086 look like?

The uniform certificate form was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 834n dated December 15, 2014. The document is double-sided and includes 12 points.

  1. Document number (the serial number of the form, placed when purchasing a certificate).
  2. Name, full address of the organization issuing the certificate (correct address and location of the medical institution).
  3. Name of work or educational institution (full name of the university, college, etc.).
  4. Last name, first name, patronymic (of the person receiving the document).
  5. Gender, date of birth.
  6. Address of residence (filled in according to registration in the passport).
  7. Previous diseases (all diseases that the patient had before applying for a certificate are indicated).
  8. Data on the person’s health status at the time of receipt of the document (conclusions from each specialist).
  9. Results of fluorography or x-ray examination.
  10. Information about laboratory tests.
  11. Preventive vaccinations (which were given to the patient according to age).
  12. A medical report on a person’s professional suitability.

The completed certificate must have all the signatures of the doctors, the conclusion and seals of the medical institution.

If necessary, for more complete information, you can download the form in .docx format:

Personal information is filled in using passport data, so a person can fill out these fields independently. You can download the completed certificate form and use it as a sample.

The procedure for obtaining certificate 086

It may take several days to fully undergo a medical examination, since the conclusion is made only if the necessary tests are available.

First of all, the patient is recommended to undergo a fluorographic examination if the previous one was carried out more than a year ago.

The next stage is taking tests, namely:

  1. general urinalysis;
  2. clinical blood test;
  3. ECG.

To obtain a certificate, you will need the opinions of the following doctors:

  1. surgeon;
  2. ENT (otolaryngologist);
  3. psychiatrist;
  4. neurologist;
  5. ophthalmologist;
  6. narcologist;
  7. gynecologist (for girls and women);
  8. therapist.

All doctors put their seals and make an opinion about the patient’s health condition. If a person is registered with a specialized specialist (nephrologist, endocrinologist, urologist, cardiologist, etc.), then the therapist may require a conclusion from this doctor.

Information about vaccinations and past illnesses is included in the certificate by the local physician.

If the medical examination is carried out not in a clinic, but in a private clinic, then you must bring your vaccination card with you (Form 63). It can be obtained at the hospital at your place of registration in the vaccination office. The original is not issued, but you can make a photocopy and certify it with stamps.

You also need to have the result of a fluorographic examination and an extract from the outpatient card and passport with you.

After passing through all the specialists and receiving test results, the therapist makes a conclusion about the patient’s professional suitability. After this, all that remains is to certify the certificate with stamps.

Procedure for passing a medical commission

The procedure for passing a medical commission to obtain a medical certificate for a driver's license is as follows.

  1. First you need to see a psychiatrist and narcologist and get a certificate from them stating that the citizen is not registered.
  2. Then you need to see other doctors: an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist and others. Everyone must issue a report on the driver's health.
  3. In addition to doctors, you need to undergo tests - they are listed above. You should be prepared for the fact that they will not be done on the first day.
  4. After all the tests have been completed and the test results have been received, you can go to the therapist - he will make the final verdict.
  5. The last operation is printing on the certificate. It is placed at the register.

In general, you can undergo a medical examination within three to four days, depending on how busy the doctors are, their office hours and the timing of the preparation of tests. But you can do everything in one day - if possible.

Procedure for obtaining a certificate

Typically, all doctors are on the staff of the licensed clinic conducting the medical examination. You can make an appointment at any such institution. However, it should be borne in mind that examinations at dispensaries are carried out only at the place where the citizen is registered, so when visiting primary doctors in another city, you should obtain certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist in advance.

A certificate of passing a medical examination (form 003-в/у) is issued to the driver subject to the provision of a passport and military ID (or registration certificate), if available. Photography is no longer needed. However, during the doctor's visit, additional tests may be required. To avoid wasting time, it is recommended to have a valid fluorogram with you (expiration date - one year). In order to obtain a new type of traffic police certificate in 2021, it is proposed to follow the instructions below.

  1. Make an appointment with a therapist at a licensed clinic (for issuing traffic police certificates) and create a card at the registry.
  2. Go through doctors in accordance with the desired category of rights. The specialists will write down their comments on the patient’s condition on the card and record the results of the examination.
  3. Next, you need to visit the drug treatment and psychiatric clinics at the place of registration. In hospitals, you will need to go to the appropriate specialists and obtain documents confirming that the driver is not registered with a dispensary.
  4. After passing all the required authorities, you must again make an appointment with a therapist, who will examine the medical record filled out by doctors and, if there are no complaints about the driver’s health, will issue him a certificate.
  5. However, you must first pay for the procedure. The cost of passing a medical examination for a driver’s license depends on the city of residence and other additional conditions, but usually does not exceed 2-3 thousand rubles, taking into account the payment for certificates from dispensaries and additional tests.

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If there are non-critical medical contraindications, the driver receives a certificate with restrictions. In this case, driving the car is not prohibited, but a number of additional conditions are imposed. In particular, if the driver has vision problems, the medical certificate, and then the license, will contain a note about the need to drive the vehicle only with glasses or contact lenses. And also, if there are restrictions, regular annual health examinations may be prescribed.

Cost of a medical certificate for a driver's license

The cost of a medical certificate varies for different driving categories.

For driving categories A, A1, B, BE, B1, M, the cost of the document will be about 1,500 rubles.

For categories C, CE, C1, C1E, D, DE, D1E, Tm, Tb – 2500 rubles.

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The average price for the services of a narcologist is 600 rubles, a psychiatrist is 800 rubles.

Cases when a medical certificate is not issued

There are cases when a citizen is denied a medical certificate. As a rule, this happens on the basis of the conclusion of doctors performing a medical examination, during which medical contraindications were identified. They are expressed in the presence of severe forms of illness in the driver. The Ministry of Health lists such diseases as:

  • severe form of blindness;
  • color vision impairment;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • people registered with a narcologist and a psychiatrist;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • mental illnesses and others.

Citizens suffering from the listed ailments are a source of danger not only for people on the road, but also for themselves. Therefore, they are prohibited from driving.

Documents for the driver's medical examination in 2018

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for passing the driver's commission in 2018. What documents are required for the medical examination? There has been no tightening or complication in the formalities regarding the documents provided when obtaining a driver’s license in 2021. In order to undergo a medical examination for a driver's license at any medical institution, you only need a passport. If a foreign citizen requires a medical examination for a driver’s license, then what is needed in this case? Foreign citizens must present a notarized translation into Russian of all pages of the passport and, in addition, temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. Photos are not needed to obtain a medical certificate, because... In the new sample form there is no place for them to be glued.

Sometimes among the required documents you can find a military ID (for men). There is no immediate direct connection between a military ID and a driver's license. Then why might it be required? The procedure for obtaining a certificate for a driver's license is such that before undergoing a medical examination at a medical institution, you must visit a psychoneurological and drug treatment clinic. And in a psychoneurological dispensary you may need a military ID. Based on Decree No. 1604 of December 29, 2014 of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle,” there are restrictions on the issuance of driver’s licenses to citizens who have mental disorders. If a military ID was received in psychiatry, upon confirmation of a non-conscription diagnosis at a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, then the man is subject to mandatory registration at a psychoneurological dispensary.

Validity period for a medical certificate for a driver's license

A medical certificate for a driver's license is valid for 12 months. Previously, this period was 2 years. But now, due to the tightening of legislative standards for drivers, the validity period of the document has been reduced. By the way, previously a photograph of the car owner was pasted onto these certificates - now this is not required.

The medical certificate is valid throughout Russia.

Responsibility for the absence of a medical certificate or the expiration of its validity period implies fines in the amount of five to fifteen thousand rubles. In this case, the car is taken away by a tow truck.

If a citizen decides to buy a certificate, then the following penalties apply to him:

  • a fine of 80 thousand rubles;
  • 480 hours of compulsory work;
  • 2 years of correctional labor;
  • arrest for a period of six months.

For falsifying a medical certificate, a citizen faces:

  • restriction of freedom for a period of 2 - 3 years;
  • compulsory work for two years;
  • arrest for six months.

Specialists who issued a fake certificate are also required to bear responsibility, namely:

  • be punished in a correctional facility for two years;
  • perform compulsory work for two years;
  • be under arrest for six months.

The authenticity of the medical certificate is usually checked by traffic police officers. This is very easy to do. It is enough to call the institution that issued the document and find out everything. In addition, it is mandatory to check the medical certificate of disabled drivers (their cars must have a special sign with the image of a disabled person) and for citizens whose driver’s license is marked “Certificate required.”

How to get a medical certificate for a driver's license?

In what cases is a medical certificate needed?

As you know, a medical certificate is needed to obtain and replace a driver’s license - but the list is not limited to this. Here is a complete list of options when you will definitely need to obtain a medical certificate :

  • obtaining a driver's license for the first time;
  • replacement of rights due to expiration;
  • opening a new category of rights;
  • return of license after deprivation for drunk driving;
  • driving a car if your license contains a special o;
  • replacement of a driver's license before its expiration date.

Important! If you change your license before it expires, a certificate is not required. But without it, a certificate will be issued with the same validity period as the old license had, and if a certificate is provided, the new license will be issued for a full 10 years.

— Kolesa.Ru (@Kolesa_Ru) October 1, 2021

What documents are needed to obtain a medical certificate?

When applying to a medical institution to obtain a medical certificate, men will need a passport and a military ID (or registration certificate), and women will only need a passport.

Do you need a photo?

No, not needed. Previously, in old-style medical certificates there was a place for pasting a photograph - in current certificates there is simply no such place.

What kind of certificate is needed and where can I get it?

The so-called medical certificate is a medical report in form 003-B/u. You can get it at any state, municipal or private medical institution that has the appropriate license - and to receive it you need to be examined by a number of doctors. Please pay attention to a couple of important nuances.

The first nuance is that the list of doctors who need to be visited depends on the category of rights that you open (or have already opened)

To obtain rights of categories M , A and B
, as well as related subcategories, the list of doctors is as follows:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist.

If you need to open categories
C , D , CE , DE , Tm , Tb and related subcategories
, then in addition to the above doctors you will need to visit:

  • neurologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • undergo electroencephalography.

In addition, if a drug psychologist finds signs of alcohol abuse or drug use in you, he may refer you for the following tests:

  • determination of the presence of psychoactive substances in urine;
  • qualitative and quantitative determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in blood serum.

The second nuance associated with undergoing an examination by doctors is that the opinion of a psychologist and narcologist can only be obtained “in specialized medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system

at the place of residence or place of stay of the person being examined”: that is, a private psychologist cannot put a mark on the medical certificate. Usually, to obtain an opinion from these doctors, you have to visit a neuropsychiatric and drug addiction clinic separately.

But sometimes there is a practice when these specialists are seen in a private clinic on certain days or hours - in this case, you can “see all the doctors in one building.” It's comfortable.

— Kolesa.Ru (@Kolesa_Ru) October 1, 2021

How long is a medical certificate valid?

The validity period of the certificate in form 003-В/у is 1 year

During this year, you can, for example, change your rights at your own request. But if the driver’s license was revoked for drunk driving
during the validity period of the medical certificate, then in order to return the certificate, the certificate will have to be obtained again.

How much does a medical certificate cost?

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 344n, regulating the medical examination of drivers, does not fix a single cost for a medical report - the price may vary depending on the region and organization. It is worth considering that obtaining a conclusion from a psychologist and a narcologist is paid separately - and on average, a certificate usually costs 2.5-3 thousand rubles, including visits to these specialists.

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