Exit to the main road from the secondary road to the left


1. An accident occurred.
The bus on the left allowed me to pass when leaving the secondary road; at the moment of turning to the left, the scooter drove into the left fender of my car, moving along the dividing strip. The scooter driver was hospitalized. What consequences are expected? 1.1. Apparently, the scooter did not have the right of way through the intersection. This means that you should not have given way to him. Part 2 Art. 12.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and Art. 13.4 Traffic regulations are not applicable here. Otherwise, everything depends on the traffic police, what else they come up with there. But in any case, the scooter driver will have the right to recover from you compensation for damage caused to health and moral damage.

2. I had an accident on December 19, 2016. I was driving out of a secondary road, already halfway onto the road, another car was driving in the opposite direction and hit my bumper. Who is to blame, when leaving, I made sure that I started moving safely and then, from nowhere, a car would come into the oncoming traffic? The traffic police asked who was guilty? And it’s as if they made me guilty by choice, but I thought it should be 50/50. On December 27, 2016 there will be a debriefing at the traffic police.

2.1. You have no chance, since you entered the intersection from a secondary road. This kind of matter is definitely not decided in your favor. I'm really sorry.

3. An accident occurred when a bus was leaving a secondary road on the main road, choosing the wrong turning radius, and crushed the car passing it. And now he claims that the car first stopped and then rolled and caused a collision... they claim that the car fled the scene of the accident, but this is a lie because the driver of the car called the duty station and followed the instructions of the duty officer... Guy claims that the issue is moot, what to do?

3.1. Seek the help of a lawyer and let him handle the case in court.

4. Road accident. When leaving the secondary road to the main one, having made sure that the car moving along the main one had started to turn to the right, I began to maneuver to turn left, while the car moving along the main one skidded and crashed into the left front wheel of my car. Whose fault is it in this case? There are no exit signs.

4.1. Guilt according to traffic rules - the one who did not give way.

5. My driver in another city got into an accident. He claims that he was wrong, because when leaving the secondary road on the main road he did not give way. Of all the papers, after analyzing the accident, they only gave him a certificate; they did not give him a diagram or a protocol. Judging only by the list of damages indicated in the certificate (both vehicles have damage on the right side), I suspect that he was given money for being the culprit. Where can I view the scheme and resolution?

5.1. Hello. You need to do this at the traffic police department that issued the certificate to your driver.

6. An acquaintance got into an accident when leaving the secondary road to the main road and there was a collision with a scooter that was driving along the main road. The victim had a hip replacement. I’m interested in what kind of harm was caused to health, what are the consequences for a friend and his driver’s license. He's a truck driver. Thank you in advance.

6.1. If your friend is not at fault in the accident. there will be no consequences. As for the severity of bodily injuries, the most likely cause is MODERATE HARM TO HEALTH.

7. I was leaving the side road. I had a give way sign. When entering the intersection, a collision occurred with the second participant in the accident. The second participant in the accident was moving in the oncoming lane at that moment. There was an accident at the intersection. Who is to blame for the result or is each driver at fault?

7.1. And there is counter, as in terms of the opposite direction or 2nd 1st solid/solid

This is very important, because if there is a dotted line there, then he could move like that and you were obliged to give way to him, and if entering your lane in the oncoming direction was prohibited, then you can speak about his guilt and challenge the decision if it is made against you!

7.2. Most likely, both drivers will be found guilty, but there is every reason to insist on your innocence.

If there is no main road sign

Traffic rules
In populated areas, the “Main Road” priority sign is installed before each intersection. But what to do if this is not installed? Markings directly on the roadway (on the surface), as well as the location and order of roads adjacent to the main one, will come to the rescue.

You need to pay attention to the coating. So, for example, the main roadway will be an asphalt roadway in relation to a dirt or gravel one, or any roadway in relation to adjacent exits from the territories

The entrance to the territory or residential area will never be the main roadway.

Important ! Even if the surface of the road, which is a secondary one or an exit from the territory, is made of solid material: asphalt or concrete, it will still not have the status of the main one or be equated to it

The minor road turns left

In this case, one of the following combinations is set before the intersection:

Turn right, go straight, turn left

In all of the above cases, you need to give way only to cars that are approaching the intersection along the main road, i.e. those coming from the opposite direction (blue) or from the right (orange).


This is the only maneuver during which you need to give way not only to cars approaching the intersection on the main road, but also to cars approaching the intersection on the secondary (green) road and turning right.

This concludes the consideration of unequal intersections. The next article in the series will talk about equivalent intersections.

Exit to the main road from a secondary road according to traffic rules is regulated by clause 13.9. According to the rules, the driver is obliged to let vehicles approaching an uncontrolled intersection along the main roadway pass. To designate such areas, signs 2.1, 2.4 and 8.13 are installed, which regulate the order of travel. In their absence, the main road is considered to be a paved road, and the secondary road is considered to be a dirt road. However, in real life everything is not so simple.

minor road

Traffic rules for residential areas and courtyards

Even though a vehicle with a flashing light is on a secondary road, it has the right of way.  

The sign shows which side - right or left - the secondary road adjoins the main one.  

At the moment T - 6 s a signal is received about the presence of a car on a secondary road.  

Municipal bonds issued to finance improvements to municipal property, such as secondary roads or drainage systems, which are repaid from property taxes.  

Signals from the main road must be summed modulo 7 on the meter, and signals from the secondary road must be used to generate a request to turn on a green traffic light for that road.  

When approaching an intersection formed by the main and secondary roads along a secondary road, you should stop on the secondary road at the edge of the carriageway of the main road. When transverse markings are applied on a secondary road, used simultaneously with warning sign 1.6 - Intersection with the main road (see Fig. 202), then you need to stop at the marking line to allow vehicles moving along the main road and having the right of way to pass. The word Stop is not written before such markings.  

The Intersection with a minor road sign (1.5a) (Fig. 7) warns drivers of an upcoming intersection with a minor road.  

If a secondary road intersects or does not adjoin a main road at a right angle, on the signs Intersection with a minor road, Junction with a secondary main road (1.56, c) this may be shown at the appropriate angle depending on the configuration of the intersection.  

Warning sign - Intersection with equivalent road.  

When approaching any intersection, even along the main road, you need to remember the possibility of unexpected traffic entering it from an adjacent secondary road.  

When constructing onshore transport and storage facilities for oil, petroleum products and gas, the road network at the construction site consists of main and secondary roads. Main highways are designed in areas with the most intense traffic; they must have a width of at least 6 m and provide two-way traffic flow, as well as bypass for vehicles standing under unloading. These roads are provided with widenings necessary for passing oncoming traffic and for ensuring the passage of vehicles during unloading in the crane's operating area. Main and secondary roads should not be designed as dead ends. As an exception, the construction of dead-end secondary roads is allowed with the obligatory organization of areas for turning vehicles.  

When connecting at an acute angle to the right (when approaching on a secondary road), it is advisable to install a triangular island to highlight right-turn traffic from the secondary road to the main one. The shape of the islands is determined by the trajectories of trucks when turning.  

When an intersection is regulated, the road signs 2.15 No passing without stopping, 1.6 Intersection with the main road, 1 5 Intersection with a secondary road and 4.1 Main road installed on it, as well as the sign of the primacy of the road by type of surface, are not in effect.  

However, the reason why the signal on the main road will change to green at time T 44 s is because the maximum period during which the traffic light on the secondary road can remain green has expired. At time T 65 s, a signal about the presence of a car is received from a secondary road. At T 74 s, the period of minimum green traffic light on the main road expires and the signal will change to yellow for 4 s and then turn red.  

Beach along the river Malaya Nevka in Primorsky Victory Park.  

Changing the direction of the main road

Changing the direct direction of the main road, that is, turning it, makes it necessary to take into account the following provisions:

  • its intersection with the secondary turns into an equivalent one;
  • this is what guides the drivers of cars following both routes;
  • at the intersection the right-hand rule applies, that is, the car approaching the opponent from the right along the preferential path has the advantage;
  • if the vehicle changes its trajectory, you need to turn on the turn signal;
  • Performing this maneuver from the second or third row is considered a violation.

More on AutoLex.Net:

Recklessness on the road, Or how an accident when overtaking will end

road traffic rules protect from chaos on the roads

Road sign action: straight ahead

Determining priority when passing road intersections is an important factor in traffic safety. For this purpose, road signs have been developed and such a concept as the main road - traffic rules clearly and unambiguously reflect these tools for interaction between drivers.

The definition of traffic rules for a main road is as follows: the main road, first of all, is the road on which signs 2.1, 2.3.1–2.3.7 or 5.1 are placed. Any adjacent or crossing roads will be of secondary importance and drivers on them will be required to yield to traffic traveling in the direction indicated by the above signs.

Priority is also determined by the availability of coverage. With a hard road surface (materials made of stone, cement, asphalt concrete), in relation to the ground, it is also the main one. But the secondary one, which has a certain segment with coverage only in front of the intersection, is not equal in importance to the one being crossed. You can also distinguish the secondary one by its location. Any road is considered the main road for exits from adjacent territories. Let's look at the signs indicating the main one and how they are used.

  • 2.1 is placed at the beginning of the segment with priority right of movement through unregulated intersections, as well as immediately before intersections.
  • If at the intersection the main road changes direction, then in addition to 2.1, a sign 8.13 is installed.
  • The end of the section where the driver was driving along the main road is indicated by sign 2.2.
  • 2.3.1 informs about the approach to the intersection with directions of secondary importance simultaneously from the left and right.
  • 2.3.2–2.3.7 – about approaching the junction on the right or left of a secondary road.
  • The sign “Motorway” (5.1) indicates the main road to which the rules for traveling on motorways apply. 5.1 is placed at the beginning of the highway.

Signs on minor roads

To warn drivers that they are driving on a secondary road and are approaching an intersection with the main road, they put up a “Give way” sign (2.4). Place it before exiting the main road at the beginning of the junction, before an intersection or exit onto a highway. Additionally, with 2.4, plate 8.13 can be used, informing about the direction of the main road in the section being crossed.

Before the intersection with the main road, sign 2.5 may be placed, which prohibits passing without stopping. 2.5 obliges you to yield to vehicles traveling on the roadway you are crossing. Drivers must stop at the stop line, and when there is none, at the border of the intersection. Only after making sure that further movement is safe and does not interfere with transport in the direction being crossed can you move off.

Traffic regulations on the actions of drivers at road intersections

For drivers who move in the direction designated as the main road, traffic rules require priority (primary) movement through uncontrolled intersections and intersections with secondary directions. Drivers traveling in a secondary direction are required to yield to traffic moving in the main direction. At controlled intersections, you should be guided by the signals given by the traffic controller or traffic light.

The road sign is usually located at the beginning of the street, which makes it difficult to determine which roadway is the priority. In order to avoid misinterpretation in the absence of the required signs, you should know the requirements of the traffic rules.

When approaching an intersection, you need to study its near right corner. In the absence of the above signs, inspect the near and then the far left corner. This is necessary to identify the “Give Way” sign.

When it is covered with snow or turned to the other side, they look at the location of the triangle - in 2.4 the apex is directed downward.

Then they determine which direction of travel this sign refers to and determine the priority of travel. The primacy of the road can also be judged by the presence of the 2.5 sign.

If it is difficult to determine the priority direction, then they are guided by the rule “Interference on the right” - they allow traffic moving on the right to pass. When you are in the first direction, you can drive straight or turn right.

If you need to make a U-turn or turn left, then yield to oncoming traffic. When determining primacy, it is necessary to take into account the location of the road - for example, leaving a yard or a populated area is of secondary importance.

Whenever there are no signs and it is impossible to determine the type of surface, the direction of movement should be considered secondary - this will reduce the risk of creating an emergency situation.

The rule for exiting from a secondary road to the main one. Exit to the main road


Having studied the theory and started practical lessons with a driving instructor, many do not fully understand some points of the rules or have a somewhat false idea of ​​how to behave in certain situations. We hope that our advice will help you in life and when passing the traffic police exam.

Approaching an intersection, you see a sign “Secondary road” or, more simply, “give way”. What does it mean to “give in”? Do not interfere with the movement of vehicles moving on the main road, i.e.

Leaving the surrounding area

For motorists, there are many controversial issues regarding traffic rules. Moreover, this applies to both experienced and novice drivers.

Even if it seems to you that you have a perfect understanding of traffic rules, changes in the rules can raise many questions. One of these issues is leaving the adjacent territory.

The driving instructors of our portal decided to sort out the controversial issue for readers.

road - traffic rules, designation and coverage area

The definition of traffic rules for a main road is as follows: the main road, first of all, is the road on which signs 2.1, 2.3.1–2.3.7 or 5.1 are placed. Any adjacent or crossing roads will be of secondary importance and drivers on them will be required to yield to traffic traveling in the direction indicated by the above signs.

Priority is also determined by the availability of coverage.

Accident leaving home

Visitors to the legal consultation asked 169 questions on the topic “Road accident on the main page.” On average, the answer to a question appears within 15 minutes, and to a question we guarantee at least two answers that will begin to arrive within 5 minutes!

Accident when entering the main road on the right after driving 5 meters. A Daewoo drove out from behind the Kamaz (it was overtaking the Kamaz) and there was a frontal impact. who is guilty? (the scene of the accident was a gentle slope with a turn, and it was raining) 20.

How to determine the main road

The sign indicating the main road is located only at the beginning of the street, so it can be quite difficult to determine which of the possible roadways is the primary one. To avoid any difficulties, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of the Traffic Rules.

When approaching an intersection, carefully examine its right corner. If you don't see the sign there, look to the left corner closest to you and then to the corner further away.

Law Club Conference

Hi all. The situation is this: the road is two-way, one lane. car 1 drives from the secondary to the main with a left turn, before the maneuver he made sure that everything is clean, reads, carries out and completes the maneuver.

car 2 drives along the main road, with excess speed, in the opposite direction. when only car 1 has completed the maneuver and entered its lane, car 2 safely flies into car 1. i.e.

the impact occurred in the lane of car 1 (in the oncoming lane for car 2), but almost opposite the exit from the secondary lane.

Intersection with main road

and he will greet you with a sign 2.4 “Give way”. It makes no sense to consider separately intersections with signs 2.5 “Moving without stopping is prohibited”, since the difference will be only in one thing - before entering an intersection with sign 2.5, you must completely stop. The main meaning that the signs carry is 2.

Rules for driving through intersections. Part 7. Driving through uncontrolled intersections on a secondary road

In this article we will continue the conversation about traffic rules that apply to crossing intersections. This time we will talk about uncontrolled intersections. to which your car is approaching on a secondary road.

Let me remind you that the passage of uncontrolled intersections, to which our car approaches along the main road, was discussed in the article “Rules for driving through intersections.

The right driver

Let’s read the explanation of the driver who wanted to turn left from the courtyard area: “...I was making a left turn. On the left side, parked cars were parked near the curb and obstructed the view.

I slowed down at the turn and looked around. There were no moving cars in sight. I started turning carefully at a speed of 10-15 km/h.

When I almost drove out and carried out the maneuver, a collision occurred and I was thrown 2 meters back...”

Forum Behind the Wheel

Help me solve a seemingly simple issue.

e. do not force drivers to brake or change their trajectory. It is very important to understand that your task is not to have time to leave before someone else. but in not preventing others from calmly passing the intersection and moving on.

Therefore, when driving to an intersection, you need to take into account not only the distance to the cars, but also their speed.

Most likely, you will move many times slower than cars on the main road, so keep in mind: in a couple of seconds they will catch up with you and you will be a clear obstacle to traffic.

Exit to the main road

But, nevertheless, the collision occurred.

The cause of such collisions is most often simple inattention towards other road users. What caused inattention is another question, but it is inattention and the inability to predict the situation in a traffic situation that leads to such cases, or, in simple terms, to road accidents.

Those leaving a secondary road or yard see that they are being let through.

Leaving the surrounding area

There is a certain inaccuracy that is present in traffic regulations and can often confuse drivers. The fact is that not everyone knows whether the adjacent territory can be a roadway or is it just an element of the road.

So, according to clause 1.2. Traffic regulations, the adjacent territory is not a roadway, since this territory is not intended for through traffic, and therefore cannot be considered a full-fledged road.

Accident leaving home


At the intersection, when entering the main road, I did not wait for the car approaching from the left along the main lane with a right turn to finish turning right and began to move, turning left. 06.11.2014

Source: https://autokresla-isofix.ru/the-rule-of-leaving-from-the-secondary-road-to-the-main-one-departure-to-main-road/

Signs 2

Signs 2.3.2 – 2.3.7 Junction of a secondary road A secondary road has a different approach to the main road, and the direction can be determined by road signs. Regardless of whether the intersection occurs on a road, the adjacent road forms an intersection.

The point here is that a car with an adjoining road can enter the road with the main direction, thereby creating an obstacle to traffic.

Therefore, these regulations are established in the traffic rules. Requirements of signs Junction of a secondary road Depending on the sign 2.3.2 – 2.3.7, the driver can recognize from which direction the intersection with the main road will be made.

Of course, the adjacent road will be of secondary importance. The significance of these signs in determining the priority for passing through an intersection. A driver approaching the road will notice sign 2.4 “Give way”, except when driving on equivalent roads where the rules for passing vehicles on the right side apply.

Thanks to the indicated direction of the adjacent road, the driver will be able to navigate and be attentive at the intersection of roads. Also, the driver who wants to make a turn will have in mind what turning radius needs to be made for the maneuver.

This is especially true in the dark and in slippery road conditions.

Rules for installing signs 2.3.2 – 2.3.7 Road signs are made at an angle of 90 degrees and indicate the direction of the turn, or from which side the main road can be entered.

If the angle along the coordinate axis of the main and adjacent roads is less than 60 degrees, then road signs 2.3.4-2.3.7 must be installed. Outside populated areas, installation of signs is mandatory, except in cases where there are intersections with complex layouts.

The complexity of intersections can be created by a system of road crossings using overpasses. For example, when leaving the road to the right, you can go down or, conversely, go up across the bridge and go in the opposite direction.

An example is the well-known road along the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow. Also relevant will be driving on highways, where entry from an adjacent road may be unsafe due to the speed limit.

Requirements for distances for placing signs A similar system for placing signs located in the city and outside the city limits is applied.

Installation is not carried out before intersections with a primer or the entrance to a yard or other adjacent area, for example, a parking lot.

Responsibility for violation of signs 2.3.2 – 2.3.7 A driver who encounters these signs on his way will be advised to approach the adjacent road.

The admissibility of any violations of signs 2.3.2 – 2.3.7 is not provided, except for the cases of selecting a speed limit and giving a turn signal to maneuver at an intersection. But for drivers approaching the main road, a number of requirements are regulated. Firstly, do not interfere with traffic on the main road.

This means that the driver must allow all vehicles to pass, even if he has to stop.

Secondly, do not abandon your car at an intersection or stop on the roadway in violation of road markings, for example, if there is less than three meters from a parked car to a continuous strip.

Thirdly, it is not allowed, having passed the intersection, to stop and move in reverse to turn onto an adjacent road if the driver suddenly missed the exit from the road.

This is a common violation that results in a traffic collision. Since the impact occurs from behind, a controversial situation arises regarding the guilt of the accident for the driver behind him, if he does not have a video recorder installed, indicating that he is right.

How the Main Road sign is depicted

The sign is a yellow diamond-shaped plate framed by a white frame. He is the only one with a similar shape and this is not without reason. It can be recognized from afar only by visually observing its outline, even from oncoming traffic.

As a supplement, they use signs indicating the direction and turn of movement, there are several of them, as well as other explanatory marks.

On a white background, a black outline schematically depicts a mini-model of an intersection, where a thick line indicates the main direction, and a regular line indicates the secondary direction.

Typically, such explanatory boards are not used independently; they always cooperate with the main road sign and nothing else.

Main road turn

Turning in any direction along the main road requires the driver to comply with clause 13.10 of the traffic rules:

In the event that the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers moving along the main road must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads. Drivers driving on secondary roads should follow the same rules.

And they pass through an intersection of equivalent paths, keeping in mind the following paragraph of the “Rules...”:

At the intersection of equivalent roads, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 13.111 of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right.

In this case, the maneuver must be accompanied by occupying the corresponding extreme position in the row or the extreme row if the road is multi-lane.

Who gives way when leaving the priority direction depends on how his trajectory changes and what location the cars have in multi-lane traffic. If traffic follows it to the right, it has the right of way, but only when turning from the far right lane regulated by the rules. Otherwise, he allows those driving directly along this lane to pass.

When driving on the priority left, the car must give way to someone who does not change direction and follows along with the person turning. This is how unregulated intersections of unequal paths are passed according to the rules. They work unless the traffic police officer in charge of the traffic requires other actions from drivers.

A turn on a more important road and a traffic light, being next to each other, change everything. The one for whom the green light turns on has priority when passing. The traffic controller’s commands have the same meaning; they are more important than the requirements of road symbols.

If you need to make a turn in the preferred direction, follow clause 13.12 of the traffic rules:

When ... turning, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right.

Driving through uncontrolled intersections on a secondary road

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article we will again talk about the traffic rules that relate to crossing intersections. This time we will consider uncontrolled intersections, which the car approaches on a secondary road.

Let me remind you that the passage of uncontrolled intersections, which a car approaches along the main road, was discussed in the previous article.

This article is already the seventh in the series “Rules for driving through intersections,” and if for some reason you have not read the previous parts, you can start, for example, with the article “What is an intersection?”

Once again, I want to remind you that when approaching any intersection, you must first take the correct lane and then decide on the type of intersection. Well, within the framework of this article we will consider an unregulated intersection, to which a car is approaching along a secondary road:

Please note that regardless of the direction of the main and secondary roads, you must give way to at least all vehicles on the main road . Paragraph 13.9 of the traffic rules:

13.9. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

The secondary road does not change direction

In this case, one of the following signs must be installed in front of the intersection:

Moreover, there should not be any additional signs.

Right turn

The trajectory of the white car may intersect with the trajectory of a car that is driving towards you on a secondary road and turning left. He (the blue one) does not need to give way, and this is evidenced by paragraph 13.12 of the rules:

13.12. When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

As for cars coming from all other directions (green, orange), that is, driving on the main road, they should give way.

Those. you need to give way to all cars that enter the intersection along the main road from the right and left if their trajectory intersects with yours.

Go straight

In this case, everything is exactly the same as in the previous one. You only need to give way to cars approaching the intersection along the main road (orange, green).

Turn left or make a U-turn

This situation is perhaps the most difficult at an unequal intersection. In this case, you need to give way to absolutely all cars (blue, green, orange) that are approaching the intersection. Moreover, it does not matter what maneuver each of them performs.

The minor road turns right

Before the intersection, one of the following combinations must be installed:

Right turn

In this case, you need to give way to all cars approaching from the opposite direction and from the left, i.e. on the main one (blue, green).

In addition to them, the trajectory of your car can only intersect with cars that approach on the right road and make a U-turn. There is no need to give way to them, because... at the moment of intersection of the trajectories, the turning car appears to your left. This is evidenced by paragraphs 13.10 and 13.11 of the traffic rules:

13.10. In the event that the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers moving along the main road must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads. Drivers driving on secondary roads should follow the same rules.

13.11. At the intersection of equivalent roads, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 13.111 of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

Driving straight, turning left or making a U-turn

In this case, you need to give way to absolutely all cars whose trajectories intersect with yours (orange, blue, green).

The minor road turns left

In this case, one of the following combinations is set before the intersection:

Turn right, go straight, turn left

In all of the above cases, you need to give way only to cars that are approaching the intersection along the main road, i.e. those coming from the opposite direction (blue) or from the right (orange).


This is the only maneuver during which you need to give way not only to cars approaching the intersection on the main road, but also to cars approaching the intersection on the secondary (green) road and turning right.

This concludes the consideration of unequal intersections. The next article in the series will talk about equivalent intersections.

Good luck on the roads!

Source: https://pddmaster.ru/pdd/pravila-proezda-perekrestkov-chast-7-proezd-nereguliruemyx-perekrestkov-po-vtorostepennoj-doroge.html

Main road definition of traffic rules, denoting signs

The definition of traffic rules for a main road is as follows: the main road, first of all, is the road on which signs 2.1, 2.3.1–2.3.7 or 5.1 are placed.

Any adjacent or crossing roads will be of secondary importance and drivers on them will be required to yield to traffic traveling in the direction indicated by the above signs.

Priority is also determined by the availability of coverage.

With a hard road surface (materials made of stone, cement, asphalt concrete), in relation to the ground, it is also the main one.
But the secondary one, which has a certain segment with coverage only in front of the intersection, is not equal in importance to the one being crossed. You can also distinguish the secondary one by its location.
Any road is considered the main road for exits from adjacent territories. Let's look at the signs indicating the main one and how they are used.

  • 2.1 is placed at the beginning of the segment with priority right of movement through, as well as immediately before intersections.
  • If at the intersection the main road changes direction, then in addition to 2.1, a sign 8.13 is installed.
  • The end of the section where the driver was driving along the main road is indicated by sign 2.2.
  • 2.3.1 informs about the approach to the intersection with directions of secondary importance simultaneously from the left and right.
  • 2.3.2–2.3.7 – about approaching the junction on the right or left of a secondary road.
  • The sign “Motorway” (5.1) indicates the main road to which the rules for traveling on motorways apply. 5.1 is placed at the beginning of the highway.

Definition of the main road in traffic regulations

The definition of the main road should be found in the traffic rules in the “General provisions” section:

Main road" - a road marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7 or 5.1, in relation to the one being crossed (adjacent), or a road with a hard surface (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials, etc.) in relation to a dirt road, or any road in relation to exits from adjacent territories. The presence of a paved section on a minor road immediately before the intersection does not make it equal in importance to the one it intersects.

It follows from it that it can be distinguished from a secondary one not only by the presence of a road symbol. Sometimes it doesn’t happen at all, but the paths are nevertheless not equivalent.

It is not difficult to understand which direction is the priority, purely visually, by the type of surface. But sometimes snow or ice can become a problem when the covering is not visible. And determining the preferential path by the width of the roadway is also not always possible, because it is the same on both intersecting sections. The driver should then drive as if he were in secondary. This will help avoid a dangerous situation or accident.

More on AutoLex.Net:

Causes of an accident during a U-turn and the chances of avoiding it

The term “minor road” is not explained in any way in the traffic rules. But knowing what priority is, it’s not difficult to decipher it:

  • in such sections there is a sign requiring you to yield, stop before continuing, or symbols of joining a priority segment;
  • There may be a difference in the type of coating; it is almost always cheaper and of lower quality;
  • the minor one is the one that intersects with the symbol 2.1, even in the absence of 2.4 or 2.5.

Watch this video about what the term “main road” means in traffic rules:

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