'How to challenge chain letters
How to challenge a double fine for a chain letter that never arrived
The principle of operation of video recording cameras There are photo and video recording cameras in every city. Moreover,
Changes to the rules for organized transportation of groups of children
Basic concepts Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each
Ecological sign on the road
Fine for low environmental class of a vehicle
Good afternoon, dear reader. This article will talk about changes to traffic rules,
Queue at the traffic police photo
Fine for driving a motorcycle without a license: amount, payment
A motorcycle, like a car, is not a luxury, but also not just a means of transportation. For
How to respond to a tax court filing for transport tax
Court orders are often issued against motorists who do not pay transport tax. Given below
What happens when you are deprived of your driver's license?
Is it possible to lose a driver's license for life?
For what violations are driver's licenses revoked? The Administrative Code conventionally divides all possible violations into
Do I need to register a new engine with the traffic police?
General information and legislative regulation of the issue PTS is an official document that contains
An example of an unreadable license plate
Is it legal to drive with upside down license plates?
What is the fine for unreadable numbers? So, the very first part of Article 12.2 states that
Rights marked APS
What are special marks in a vehicle passport?
What does the APS mark on your license mean? APS (acoustic parking system only) mark on the driver's license
Example of a number with natural wear
Will you be fined for damaged license plates?
Fine for unreadable numbers in 2021 Article and amount of the fine. For an unreadable number
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