Two years ago, changes were made to the clause “On permission to drive a vehicle”: rights
Characteristics of a false road accident Victims of a deliberate road accident most often become drivers driving alone, distracted
Briefly about OSAGO OSAGO makes it possible to pay for breakdowns of another car and damage to the driver’s health
What law regulates the rules for crossing railroad crossings? To ensure an increased level of safety when crossing
Road safety regulations change almost every day. Accordingly, fines for
Propane is most often called a mixture consisting of butane and propane. Impurities of other gases may
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MTPL insurance for cars - how to get it 3 (60%) 20 vote[s] Why such attention
August 7, 2018 Insurance Natalya Tikhomirova The MTPL policy is mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation,
Tread - wear rate Car tires inevitably wear out over time. On the wear rate of the car tread