Where and how to find out the driver's license number by last name

Where can I find out about the deprivation of the right to drive by name?

Verifying the authenticity and validity of a citizen’s driver’s license is most often necessary in the following situations:

  1. when accepting a driver's license as collateral.
  2. When drawing up a loan agreement, when a driver’s license is one of the required documents.
  3. When hiring a citizen, when the position requires the employee to drive a vehicle.
  4. In case of a traffic collision and drawing up a protocol.

You can check the authenticity of a document certifying a citizen’s right to drive a vehicle:

  • at the traffic police department. You can write a statement to the department, indicating the reason why you need to check the document. In order for your applications to be accepted, you need to make an appointment with the inspector in advance and take with you the necessary list of documents.
  • On the official website of the traffic police, you can check online. This is one of the fastest and most accurate verification methods.
  • Having indicated the purpose of your inspection, you can send a request by letter or electronically to the traffic police. However, you should be aware that the verification in this case may take up to 30 days. Such a long period is very inconvenient, for example, when a person wants to get a loan. Waiting such a period of time in the Internet age is simply unreasonable.

The most convenient is the online service, which is available 24 hours a day. Checking online will take you a matter of seconds, which is of course more convenient. The database contains frequently updated information.

By entering the data required for verification, you will be able to obtain current and up-to-date information on the driver’s license that interests you.

On the Internet you can look at other services that offer a list of services, incl. check the authenticity of the document to find out when it ends, but they are not advised to use.

Most often, the owners of such sites are not responsible for the relevance of the information they provide.

Not all services are ready to provide information for free. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, since for your money you may receive false information.

In order to obtain the information you are interested in, you do not have to pay, you only need to know the information about the owner of the rights; without this information, you will not be able to obtain reliable information on the Internet.

Check by last name

Initially, we note that it will not be possible to check an ID using one last name on the traffic police website. To enter the database, you need the number, series and date of issue of the certificate. This is necessary to ensure confidentiality of information.

Car owners are often interested in how to find out the series and number of their driver’s license from their passport. However, only traffic police inspectors can answer this frequently asked question among motorists, because only they are authorized to enter the driver database using any parameters.

Are there other ways, and if so, how can I find out my driver's license number by last name online? You can use commercial Internet services for this purpose. Today there are a huge number of them. However, when it comes to practice, the following problem appears - some services are paid, and even despite this, they do not take responsibility for the reliability of the data. Therefore, such options are very doubtful.

You can also find out the series and number of a driver’s license by full name at the traffic police post. Usually, the police are ready to meet inquisitive motorists and provide them with assistance in this matter.

List of violations for which the court confiscates a driver’s license

  1. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Punishment is provided for in Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  2. According to Art. 12.15, you may be fined for driving in the oncoming lane.
  3. If you are driving a vehicle that does not have license plates or if the license plates are not genuine. Also, if they differ from the GRZ.
  4. Article 12.5 provides for punishment for installing sound, lighting equipment, and inscriptions on your car that can only be used by official operational services.
  5. Exceeding the speed limit by a driver on a stretch of road of more than 60 km/h can lead to deprivation of a license.
  6. Driving in the opposite direction, on a one-way road.
  7. Oversized and dangerous goods should also be transported correctly. For incorrect transportation of such cargo, the driver’s license may be revoked.
  8. Improper crossing of railway tracks can lead to deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle.

  9. If the driver intentionally fled the scene of the accident, the court may also deprive him of his driver's license for a certain period.

  10. If, during an accident, the driver caused moderate or mild harm to the health of another person through his actions.

Some of the listed articles provide for a range of penalties, such as administrative arrest and a fine, and some will definitely cause deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle.

Checking the authenticity of the driver's license via the Internet on the traffic police website

On the traffic police website, you can easily find out the information you are interested in , for this you need to know the VIN code of the car or the driver’s license details of the driver of which you want to check.

For this:

  • open the traffic police website.
  • Select your region.
    Most often, your region is determined automatically by the IP address of the owner of the device (computer, tablet, phone) from which you entered the site. IMPORTANT! If the region is displayed incorrectly or is not defined, then you need to click on “Moscow city” and select your region from the sign that appears.
  • After you select your region, go to the “services” tab and open “driver check”.
  • A window will appear in front of you in which you must enter the requested data.
  • Enter the number and series of the document you want to check.
  • You must also enter the date when the document was issued to the owner.
  • Enter the captcha.
  • After you have entered all the data, click on the “check driver’s license” button at the bottom of the screen.

Within a few seconds, you will receive the scan results.

You can check the authenticity of your driver's license on the traffic police website

If permissions are not verified

Sometimes it happens that a driver’s license does not pass the inspection by a traffic police inspector right on the highway. What to do then and is this a serious cause for concern? All car owners know exactly how they received their main document. If it was registered in the MREO, then there will be no difficulties and there is no need to panic - this is a normal failure in the database, because due to overload this does not happen rarely. Usually a second check is performed to confirm that everything is in order with the document.

You also need to understand that all data is entered into the database by people, not robots. They may also make a mistake - your information may simply be accidentally deleted. And then you need:

  1. Go to the archives and ask for a certificate that can prove the authenticity of the rights;
  2. Compose an application and submit it to the traffic police, indicating a request to include the details of this certificate in the database.

Literally a couple of minutes after consideration of your application, the document will appear in the database. You just need to look at the return of the document, where you can see the series and number of the driver’s license, and use them in order to check the driver’s license on the traffic police website.

The license may not pass the test if its validity period has already expired, then they will need to be restored. But if the license is fake, then that’s a completely separate issue.

Online answer options

  1. No information was found for this document. Such an inscription means that such a certificate was not issued to the citizen, its validity period has passed, or it has been replaced with a new one. This means that such a certificate is invalid and according to it the car owner does not have the right to drive a vehicle.

  2. When a valid ID is detected, the window will display information containing the date of birth of the owner of the document, the date when the rights were issued and the date when they will cease to be valid. The window also displays information about open categories.
  3. The owner of the documents being verified is deprived of the right to drive a motor vehicle. In this case, along with information about the owner, you will receive information about the date of the decision and the penalty. In this window you can also find out whether the period of punishment provided for by law has begun.

IMPORTANT! Until the full completion of the sentence imposed by the court, such a person has no right to get behind the wheel or drive a vehicle.

It is also necessary to note the fact that you will not be able to obtain the information you are interested in only by the last name of the owner of the rights, because In our country there are full namesakes who have the same not just last names, but also first names and patronymics. But on this resource, you can also check information by the VIN code of the vehicle.

Through the Internet

There is another legal way to find out your driver's license number by last name online. The traffic police website has data on accidents and violations. All this information is freely available. Therefore, each driver can receive information that is interesting to him. All you need for this is access to the Internet.

In addition, you can also find a driver’s license number using your passport at an insurance company. When applying for a CASCO policy, it was used in any case. You can find the number of the insurance agent, call him and ask him to send the number, series and date of issue of the VU by email. Typically, insurers do not refuse such a service.

On the traffic police portal, verification is carried out according to the number and date of issue of the driving license. Using the service is very easy and convenient. Another big advantage is that you can check at any time, whenever it is convenient for you, since the site operates 24 hours a day.

So, initially go to the site and specify the region:

  • On the “Services” tab, open “driver check”;
  • Enter information in the series field, No rights and write your email address;
  • Enter the captcha and click “Get service”.

After 1-2 hours (sometimes longer, depending on system congestion), a response will be sent to you by email. If the identity is detected and no problems have been recorded regarding it, then the answer will be of the following order:

  • Birth number;
  • Document issue date;
  • Validity;
  • Categories that are open.

If a motorist is deprived of the right to drive a vehicle, then the number of deprivation, for what period, as well as the number of the resolution will be indicated. If it says that the data could not be found, then this means only one thing - the driver’s document is not valid.

How to find out the period for which the owner of the vehicle was deprived of the right to drive?

There are three ways to find out for how long a motorist has been deprived of the right to drive a vehicle:

Today, deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle is one of the most stringent measures taken in case of violation of traffic rules. You need to understand that only a court can decide the issue of issuing a ruling depriving a driver of the right to drive a vehicle.

Without a court decision, no traffic inspector can deprive a person of his rights. An authorized traffic inspector can only confiscate a driver's license if an accident occurs.

A traffic police officer has the right to remove a driver from driving a vehicle if:

  1. the driver, in the opinion of the traffic inspector, is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  2. The person behind the wheel is deprived of the right to drive a vehicle, or if he does not have a driver’s license with him at the time of the stop.
  3. The vehicle's brake system is in poor condition.
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