Electronic MTPL policy, is it valid if issued via the Internet?

What is an electronic OSAGO policy?

This electronic MTPL policy has the same legal force as the paper version of the insurance. When asked what an electronic OSAGO policy is, we can say that it is a complete analogue of the insurance policy that car owners issue at the offices of insurance companies. A distinctive feature of the electronic version is its virtuality and the method of purchase. Issuing an electronic policy will require the same package of documents as the paper equivalent. Until 2015, car owners could only renew an existing document via the Internet, but on 10/1/15. The law “on compulsory motor liability insurance” has undergone changes and it is now possible to significantly save your time by buying a motor vehicle license via the Internet from scratch. Almost all insurance companies with an online service offer to issue insurance remotely.

After purchasing, the insurance is sent to the specified mailbox, from where you need to download and print the document.

Externally, the policy is practically no different from the traditional paper version, but there are still differences:

  • the paper version is printed on Goznak letterhead;
  • no micropattern;
  • has the XXX series;

In addition, the digital version can be either color or black and white.

Electronic insurance works as follows. Traffic police officers have access to the all-Russian IMTS database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, where you can see the availability of insurance by entering the vehicle’s VIN and state registration number into the service. registration plate.

Is it possible to get a secure document on a letterhead instead of that piece of paper?

As for whether it is possible to get an MTPL insurance policy on a secure form instead of a printed one, then if we again turn to Federal Law No. 40-FZ “On MTPL”, Article 15, it turns out that if someone has such a wild desire, then It's not a problem.

You just need to come to the office of the insurance company, and they do not have the right to refuse to replace your electronic policy with a secure document on a strict reporting form. In this case, you do not need to pay anything additional.

You can issue an electronic MTPL policy yourself using the Electronic Calculator. You only need to enter registration information about the car, its owner and drivers allowed to drive it.

The system will automatically calculate the cost of the policy in different insurance companies, and you can choose any one you like from them. After paying by bank card, the MTPL policy will be sent to you at the specified email address and all you have to do is print it out.

This is more profitable because you do not sign up for unnecessary additional services that insurance agents push on you in order to increase their commission.

Apply for a policy yourself using the link – OSAGO Calculator

Pros and cons of electronic insurance

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of an electronic OSAGO policy.


  • By purchasing an electronic insurance policy, the car owner is freed from the need to carry a paper contract with him, which eliminates the problems associated with the risk of losing a document or the banal “forgot at home”. However, it is still recommended to keep a printed sample in your car.
  • By applying for an electronic policy, you can independently choose additional options or purchase insurance without unnecessary services that insurance company employees love to impose.
  • By purchasing a policy on the official websites of insurance companies, you minimize the risk of running into scammers.
  • A big advantage is the registration of compulsory motor liability insurance online for residents of small towns and cities, since there is a choice of insurance companies.
  • Save time. At the same time, you can apply for a motor vehicle license online on weekends and holidays.

Article on the topic: Limitation period under compulsory motor liability insurance and how its period is calculated

  • Today, it is not possible to issue an electronic policy to car owners without driving experience, that is, the data on the owner of the vehicle must already be contained in the RSA database.
  • You must be careful when filling out the data on the SK website and double-check it after filling it out before making the payment. Incorrectly entered information is considered false and will invalidate the document.
  • Checking electronic insurance takes more time from traffic police officers, since it is necessary to check the data in the RSA database.
  • The computer system periodically crashes, which can cause inconvenience at the time of registration.

Before deciding which policy option to take out, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of such a purchase and choose the best option for yourself.

Stages of registration

  1. The first step in obtaining a motor vehicle title electronically is to find a reliable insurance company. To make the right choice, it is necessary to compare insurance companies, evaluate financial stability, the amount of insurance payments and the cost of the policy. The cost can be calculated using an online calculator, which is available on the website of any insurance company.
  2. After choosing a company, you need to register on the company’s official website, for which you need to enter the buyer’s personal data, phone number and email address. After registration, a password is sent to your phone (email), which must be entered to complete registration.
  3. After this, on a special page for registration of a motor vehicle license, you need to fill out a form where you must enter the vehicle data (model and make, registration data, year of manufacture, etc.) and information about the owner of the car.
  4. The next step is to pay for insurance. You can do this in any convenient way (using a bank card or from your phone account). After the payment has been completed, an electronic document will be sent to the specified email address, which must be printed.

IMPORTANT! Only vehicle owners who have previously issued a motor vehicle license can purchase an electronic policy!

The policy comes into effect 3 days after registration and payment on the Insurance Company website, in accordance with Decree of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 4723.

How to check the authenticity of E-OSAGO

There are three ways to check the authenticity of E-OSAGO.

  1. By policy number. After issuing an electronic motor vehicle license, the unique number enters the Russian insurers’ database within 1-2 days. However, this method does not guarantee the authenticity of the auto insurance policy, since fraudsters often make copies of real policies. Therefore, you need to check which car is registered under this insurance.
  2. By car make and number. This method provides accurate information about the authenticity of the vehicle title. In addition, if the policy has lost its validity, you can see for what reason it is no longer valid.
  3. By VIN code or State license. vehicle number. This is the most reliable way to check authenticity as it makes it possible to verify everything down to the smallest detail.

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Fraudsters do not sleep and every year they come up with new ways to deceive gullible car owners. To avoid the unpleasant situation of purchasing a fake policy, you should not use the services of intermediaries and apply for E-MTPL only on the official websites of insurance companies. Fraudsters often significantly reduce the price of insurance, trying to attract buyers in this way, so the cost of a policy, which is several times lower, should alert you. Buying a fake document has unpleasant consequences, namely, in the event of an insured event, compensation will not be paid.

How to use the E-OSAGO policy

Having an electronic OSAGO policy greatly simplifies the life of car owners. If you must have a paper version with you, then information about the owner and the car when purchasing E-OSAGO is already contained in the Russian database of car insurers. An electronic policy protects the vehicle owner not only from fines, but also guarantees the return of compensation in the event of an insured event. You need to use the electronic policy in the same way as the standard version.

Since an electronic policy is an analogue of a paper version of car insurance, it is possible to issue road transport situations according to the European protocol. However, due to special cases of purchases of counterfeits, it is necessary to check the validity of the document through the insurers' database immediately at the scene of the accident.

If you need to add one more or more drivers to the policy, it is advisable to do this at the time of registration. Since a ready-made document does not provide for the possibility of additions or changes. And if some insurance companies offer this option, it is worth remembering that this will require additional costs.

When adding a driver to the policy, it is possible under two conditions:

  • driver's age;
  • he has a driver's license.

You can add only 5 people to your insurance for free. Each subsequent driver will be added at a separate cost.

What does a compulsory motor liability insurance policy look like in electronic form?

Electronic car insurance should look the same as in paper form. The electronic policy has the same structure as a paper document and the same green color. The only thing missing is the shiny protective scheme that is characteristic of a regular policy. The final form must contain a number. Without it, the document is considered invalid.

The electronic policy must be clean, neat and easy to read. There should be no corrections, strikethroughs or any inscriptions on it. Any dirt or corrections can lead to damage to the document and its invalidity.

The issued insurance is sent to your personal Internet email in the form of an electronic document. When printing a paper version, you should use a high-quality printer to avoid dirt and blur.

Is it necessary to print out an electronic motor vehicle policy?

A standard paper policy must be carried with you in the car and presented to the traffic police inspector. Lack of standard insurance entails a mandatory fine. With electronic car insurance, everything is simpler. It is advisable to take the printed document with you and present it to the traffic police officer, as this will reduce the inspection time. But if suddenly for some reason you don’t have insurance with you, this will only increase the time the inspector checks for the presence of the document in the database. At the same time, it is still recommended to download and print the electronic document. It is also recommended to download and save the electronic version of the document on your smartphone in order to have access to the policy data at any time.

Related article: Checking the authenticity of an MTPL insurance policy using a unified register

Do I need to certify or sign an electronic policy?

The electronic MTPL policy is certified by the electronic signature of the insurance company. This is already enough to confirm its authenticity. There is no need to put any additional marks on it.

There is also no need to certify the printout of the electronic document from the insurance company. But you can do this to further indicate the authenticity of the document. The printout must be easy to read and the policy number must be on it - this is enough to check it.

Is an electronic policy valid for the traffic police?

An electronic OSAGO policy has the same legal force as a paper one, so it is valid wherever presentation of a motor vehicle license is required. This also applies when checked by a traffic police inspector. How it works? In order to check whether the policy is valid, the inspector will only need the vehicle number or its VIN number. By entering this data into the database on the car insurers website, the traffic police officer can easily determine the status of the car owner. However, if the inspector has additional questions, you must provide a printed policy form. Therefore, it is recommended to keep this document in your car.

Is it necessary to stamp or notarize such a document?

So, with regard to the certification of such a document or regarding the affixing of the seal of the insurance company, if you read the law on compulsory motor liability insurance and the Traffic Rules (general responsibilities of the driver), then there are no requirements that the driver must certify the printed documents somewhere electronic MTPL policies from an insurance company or a notary and get them stamped.

If a traffic police inspector on the road, when checking documents, has doubts about such a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, then this is his problem. We have Federal Law No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures,” which establishes the conditions for recognizing electronic documents signed with an electronic signature as equivalent to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature. These include the electronic MTPL policy.

P. 7.2. Art. 15 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”: When carrying out compulsory insurance, an application for concluding a compulsory insurance contract in the form of an electronic document sent to the insurer and signed with a simple electronic signature of the owner of the vehicle - an individual or an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the owner of the vehicle - a legal entity in accordance with the requirements Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature” is recognized as an electronic document equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature.

Therefore, there is no need to certify the printed policy anywhere.

In addition, you can check the availability and validity of your MTPL policy online:

Checking the MTPL policy on the RSA website by state number:


Checking the availability of an MTPL policy by state number or STS:


What problems may arise when using electronic compulsory motor liability insurance?

The popularity of electronic car insurance is growing every year, but the system is not yet stable enough, and various problems associated with the virtual policy may arise. For example, an unstable system may fail when processing a document or checking it. And this leads to a slowdown in the process and, as a result, a waste of time. Although rare, there are cases when the inspector refuses to accept the electronic version and demands paper insurance. The car owner should know that the traffic police officer does not have the right not to accept the policy, and if he also issues a fine, then it can be easily appealed in court.

An MTPL policy is a mandatory document that any car owner must have, and its availability is strictly controlled by law. The main documents that will be required if the vehicle is stopped by an inspector are a driver’s license and an MTPL policy. But which of the two options to issue - electronic or standard - remains at the choice of the car owner. According to the law, there is no difference between these two samples; they differ only in the method of design and appearance.

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