What is the penalty for running a red light?

On March 1, 2021, a system began to operate in Moscow that automatically records violations for entering an intersection during a traffic jam. In this regard, drivers who, under certain circumstances, drive onto waffle markings may receive a fine of 1 thousand rubles. At the moment, cameras to record such violations are installed only on the Garden Ring, but later it is planned to equip more than 30 more intersections with them.

According to experts, drivers will be unhappy with such innovations. This is primarily due to the fact that driving in Moscow traffic jams is often unpredictable. In other words, it is impossible to predict how a particular driver will behave. It may happen that the exit to the “waffle iron” marking occurred while driving, and only after that a traffic jam formed. It is not yet clear how the technicians of the Organizational Support Center (OSC) and the inspectors checking such violations will behave in this case.

Violation of clause 13.2 of the traffic rules is regulated:

“It is prohibited to drive to an intersection, the intersection of roadways or a section of an intersection marked with markings 1.26 if there is a traffic jam ahead along the route that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, with the exception of turning right or left in cases established these Rules."

Drivers call marking 1.26 “waffle iron” or “waffle marking.” It is used either in conjunction with the 1.35 road sign or without it. However, the sign cannot be used separately from the markings.

The amount of the fine is established by paragraph 1 of Article 12.13 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations No. 195-FZ:

“Driving to an intersection or crossing a roadway in the event of a traffic jam that has forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.”

How violations will be recorded

The complex for automatically recording violations related to entering an intersection during a traffic jam consists of three cameras: one observation camera and two “arrows”. At least this is how it looks on the Garden Ring and Orlikov Lane.

A violation will be registered if the driver meets the following conditions:

  1. The car drove onto the waffle marking and stood there continuously for 5 or more seconds.
  2. Another car came to the right or left at the green light. In this case, the vehicle of the driver violating traffic rules must create an obstacle.

In principle, this violation corresponds to the above paragraph in the traffic rules. However, it doesn't say anything about 5 seconds. Despite this, the system has already begun to work according to this principle:

  1. Recording a violation.
  2. Checking violations by data center employees.
  3. Checking violations by employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Moscow Region.

If the fact of violation is confirmed, an appropriate resolution will be issued. It is worth noting that the driver can be informed by telephone already on the day of the violation, but a decision sent by mail will have to wait several days.

Drivers' reaction

According to photo and video recording expert Grigory Shukhman, drivers will react negatively to such an innovation. Intense traffic in Moscow, and even more so on its busy sections like the Garden Ring, defies any predictions. That is, the driver is not able to understand how his participants will behave. On top of that, traffic lights often work differently. For example, depending on the road load, drivers are given from 83 to 113 seconds to travel along the Garden Ring.

Under these conditions, vehicle drivers can see the situation at most 2-3 cars ahead, and the length of intersections can reach tens of meters. In this scenario, citizens who received a fine will feel the injustice of the violation attributed to them, despite the fact that from the point of view of traffic rules it will be legal. Moreover, anticipating a sea of ​​complaints from drivers, the traffic police proposed increasing the parking time on waffle markings from 5 to 20 seconds, but this initiative was not supported.

They are going to prove to road users that they are wrong by presenting them with comprehensive evidence in the form of six photographs from different angles. Among other things, if you appeal the decision, you will be able to see a video recording of what happened. It was the data center staff who insisted that evidence of the violation must now be kept for four months from the moment it was recorded.

Despite warnings from experts, it was announced that similar automatic systems for recording violations related to entering an intersection during a congestion are planned to be installed at at least 40 more intersections.

Application of waffle markings

Externally, marking 1.26 resembles a grid with diagonal lines and yellow borders. It is used at intersections with heavy traffic and frequent congestion. Was introduced on April 28, 2021.

The main function of marking 1.26 is to highlight a road section, entry to which is prohibited in the event of a traffic jam in front, one way or another forcing the driver to stop, which in turn will create an obstacle for other drivers moving in the transverse direction. However, this marking does not prohibit turning right or left. Of course, if such maneuvers are permitted by traffic rules.

It is noteworthy that waffle markings can be applied to intersections of any complexity and are sometimes used in conjunction with the 1.35 sign, which is a yellow square with two diagonals intersecting at right angles. The sign is not used separately, without markings.

What to do if you don't have time to stop

If the driver has already entered the intersection, but cannot leave there, he needs to take actions that will relieve him of the penalty. It is even more important to maneuver so as not to become the culprit of an accident.

More on AutoLex.Net:

Fines for traffic violations will be paid according to the new system

It is best to brake after the stop line. This is contrary to the Code (the fine for crossing the markings is 800 rubles), but is the safest way out of the situation. From a legal point of view, it would be worth going back immediately. But this maneuver is more dangerous, as it can lead to a collision with the following car. It’s also not worth speeding up to get out of the intersection faster. This makes it even easier to provoke an accident or, at best, run into a fine of 1000 rubles.

Driving through some intersections is a serious challenge for motorists. It is important to correctly assess the situation, not to rush, and to be more attentive to the surrounding environment. If you have doubts that you will be able to drive through this section without interfering with other vehicles, it is better to stay behind the stop line and wait.

Possible types of violations

Rush hour in a densely populated city is hell for any driver. Everyone is rushing about their business and often don’t even remember about basic road etiquette. In such a commotion, you can often see drivers driving into an intersection and stopping due to a traffic jam. As a result, not only they, but also participants in cross traffic cannot pass. In order to stop such situations, it was decided to introduce new rules that regulate the issue of entering the intersection during a traffic jam.

Let's look at standard examples of cases in which a driver can violate the above rules and receive a fine of 1 thousand rubles.

Traffic jam at the intersection

Standard situation: there is a traffic jam just beyond the intersection, and if the driver of car A enters the intersection, he will interfere with the movement of the red car.

Traffic jam some distance from the intersection

In this case, the traffic jam did not form immediately after the intersection, but at a short distance from it. However, the driver of car A misjudged the size of the free space and created an obstacle for the red car.

In practice, such a situation is often prompted by other road users who are behind and honking. They don't risk anything, but you can break the rules.

Congestion behind the pedestrian crossing

According to paragraph 14.4 of the traffic rules:

“It is prohibited to enter a pedestrian crossing if there is a traffic jam behind it that will force the driver to stop at the pedestrian crossing.”

In this example, driver A violated two rules at once: 13.2 and 14.4. That is, I drove out into a pedestrian crossing and into an intersection when there was a traffic jam.

These are just simple examples where drivers may encounter waffle markings in practice. And if previously violations for entering it during a traffic jam were recorded by traffic police officers, now this will happen automatically. At least at some crossroads in Moscow.

If you take the wrong turn at an intersection

The intersection points of several roads vary in complexity. And sometimes breaking the rules becomes inevitable. But in most cases it is caused by the driver's impatience and ignorance of other road users.

To the oncoming lane

When crossing an intersection, some drivers find themselves in the oncoming lane, wanting to get through it faster or overtake the traffic moving or standing in front. Both situations can lead to a car collision. Therefore, the punishment for violation is quite harsh. It is regulated by part 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences:

Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to four years. up to six months.

On the clogged

When there is a dense flow of cars, many people try to leave the intersection quickly, fearing that otherwise they will have to wait a long time for the opportunity to pass. But in such circumstances it is difficult to accurately assess the situation. And it may turn out that a hurrying car will stop at the intersection in such a way that it complicates or blocks the movement for other cars. And he won’t be able to move back, since his place will already be taken.

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Pedestrian violators will be fined 3,000 rubles

Here the fine is 1000 rubles. guaranteed, so you shouldn’t react to demanding signals from cars coming behind you and don’t rush.

To a busy intersection

Maneuvering at an intersection where the car with the right of way has already entered is fraught with a collision. Here the driver will also violate rule 13.2 of the traffic rules, that is, he will interfere with other vehicles at the intersection of roads. This means that this is an unconditional fine of 1000 rubles. best case scenario. If the offending driver causes an accident, the costs will be even higher. Only here the punishment is imposed under Part 2 of Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Failure to comply with the traffic regulations requirement to give way to a vehicle enjoying priority right of passage through intersections entails the imposition of... a fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

When there is a traffic jam

A traffic jam at the exit from an intersection is not what is called a traffic jam, but simply the presence of at least one vehicle in this area. If a driver leaving a road intersection sees another car there, he should not rush. Because there may be another car in front of her. And the congestion is not cleared so quickly that a car leaving the intersection does not become an obstacle. And his driver will receive a fine of 1000 rubles.

If there is a zebra crossing behind the intersection

Traffic through road intersections is complicated if there is a pedestrian crossing at the exit of the site. There is a risk of not only interfering with other vehicles, but also with people walking through the roadway. Therefore, it is impossible to wait at the zebra crossing until the traffic jam that has formed at the exit disappears. It is better not to enter the intersection until it is possible to leave it freely. Otherwise, you will also have to pay a fine under Article 12.18:

Failure to comply with the traffic rules requirement to give way to pedestrians, ... or other road users (except for vehicle drivers) who have the right of way in traffic, entails an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

To the stop line

To make traffic easier, there is a stop line in front of the intersection. This is done by marking the asphalt or installing an appropriate sign. And stepping beyond the stop line is punishable:

  • when driving on a red or yellow traffic light;

  • if this happens in response to a prohibitory gesture from a traffic controller;
  • if symbol 2.5 is ignored, “moving without stopping is prohibited.”

More on AutoLex.Net:

Instead of o, they proposed linking fines to degrees

In all these cases, the driver is obliged to stop before reaching the stop line. If this does not happen, he will face a fine:

  • under Part 2 of Article 12.12, that is, 800 rubles, if the border is marked with markings;
  • under Part 1 of Article 12.16, that is, 500 rubles, if there is no marking, but there is a sign.
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