Road traffic injuries: causes and prevention

Analysis of accident statistics

The traffic police records all cases of death and injury as a result of road accidents. Over the past year, the number of accidents in which there were victims reached 126,000. Number of deaths: 16.6 thousand adults, 582 children. A total of 168,146 citizens were injured, of which 15,860 were children.

To reduce the number of victims, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public associations, cultural and educational organizations are making joint efforts to improve this situation. The population is told in accessible ways how to avoid accidents and taught the rules of behavior on highways and city streets.

Analysis of accident statistics

Most often, collisions with people, obstacles and cars are caused by drunk drivers. Car accidents also occur due to bad roads, inattention of pedestrians, and non-compliance with traffic rules by road users.

Forms and methods

Road accident prevention is carried out using the following methods and forms:

  1. A reminder to the population of different categories of road users about the general rules of behavior on the roads.
  2. The use of various visual materials, media, periodicals, film distribution, printing and other visualization methods in order to prevent criminal or irresponsible behavior on the roads.
  3. Appeal to specific categories of citizens for the purpose of preventive work to prevent road accidents - military personnel, children, disabled people who can drive a car, public transport drivers and other persons who can be divided into a separate category.
  4. Conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, monitoring and other events with the aim of publicizing the number of cases of accidents on the roads, as well as with the aim of considering a particular situation separately, so that each listener knows how to act correctly - for example, in the event of a collision with a pedestrian or rules behavior in the dark, etc.

In general, order on the roads is ensured by several parties, participants in society. First of all, these are road service employees, as well as those who indirectly relate to them.

These include the following categories of the population:

  • traffic police or highway patrol;
  • establishment of the State Traffic Inspectorate or traffic police;
  • department of internal affairs or the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • MREO, vehicle inspection stations and other institutions designed to ensure the serviceability of vehicles;
  • Insurance companies;
  • workers for repair, reconstruction and technical support of roads.

It's no secret that each of them is an important link in such an important matter as road safety. The most basic form of accident prevention is the work of road service employees.

Let us briefly review the preventive actions that a traffic police officer is required to take while performing his duties.

So, a representative of the internal affairs bodies, or rather employees of a specialized service for ensuring traffic safety on highways, must:

  • regulation of transport and pedestrian traffic on the roads;
  • detection and elimination, up to the implementation of methods of suppressing violations of the Traffic Rules (TRAF);
  • control over road construction works and proper maintenance of road infrastructure;
  • supervision of the condition of vehicles, their technical serviceability;
  • Carrying out registration of motor vehicles;
  • registration, accounting and registration of road accidents, as well as all related causes and circumstances that led to the accident;
  • carrying out measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents on roads and within their borders;
  • application of punitive measures to violators of traffic rules;
  • organized propaganda work on the implementation of all norms and rules of movement on the roads by citizens of the country.

The propaganda work of traffic police officers deserves special attention. It is usually carried out among the general public, and is also aimed at the attention of drivers.

This work includes the following activities carried out by road service employees:

  • presentation of articles of laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding optimal road safety in the country and their explanation;
  • clarification of the responsibility before the law of every citizen using the roads of Russia;
  • coverage of information about the frequency of road accidents, crimes and the causes of incidents;
  • consideration of external conditions that often contribute to road accidents (for example, bad weather or an accident at a factory near the road, etc.);
  • rules for driver behavior in unusual situations (for example, if he drives past an accident that has already occurred);
  • rules of conduct for drivers on the roads during repairs of certain areas that you need to drive past;
  • reminder about the basics of traffic rules;
  • a report on the work carried out by road services to ensure the appropriate level and quality of provision of this infrastructure;
  • answers to questions from drivers, pedestrians and passengers via the traffic police website;
  • visual material for remembering the rules of behavior on the roads - posters, brochures, leaflets, instructions for drivers or pedestrians, cartoons for children about traffic rules and other materials that contribute to memorization and instilling responsibility in every citizen.

In addition, traffic police officers also conduct inspections to identify safe traffic on the roads, raids, operations, trainings, thematic campaign runs, competitions and even film festivals.

Separate work is carried out with drivers of personal cars and two-wheeled vehicles, separately with drivers of public transport, as well as trucks.

Completely different measures to prevent accidents apply to military personnel using special mobile equipment. Special attention is also paid to informing minors and general information for all citizens on injuries in road accidents.

For drivers of personal transport

For motorists and professionals who have personal vehicles, the following preventive measures and means are used to prevent and prevent accidents on the roads:

  1. When registering a car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, each car owner is given a reminder on how to drive on the roads and follow road signs.
  2. The State Traffic Inspectorate may send booklets or other materials reminding you of the driver’s responsibility when driving a car to the postal address.
  3. When stopping a motorist, a traffic police officer has the right to warn about violations if they were committed inadvertently for the first time, as well as remind about traffic rules.
  4. Road service agencies can organize raids as well as advertising campaigns on the roads.
  5. Among other things, citizens themselves can cooperate to hold some kind of flash mob on a topic urging drivers to follow traffic rules. As, for example, residents of the city of Ukhta in the Komi Republic recently did this as part of the “Living Signs” program, going with appealing posters to the zebra crossing when the traffic light signal allowed.

For drivers of public and freight transport

For drivers who work or want to work in public or freight transport, tactics are used to track their level of professionalism.

For example, the prevention of accidents by bus drivers should, first of all, be carried out on the territory of the bus depot.

The head of an enterprise, when hiring a driver who in the future will become responsible for millions of lives, people transported by them on a trolleybus, tram or bus, must not only check his qualifications, but also test for the consciousness and responsibility of such a person.

In addition, an enterprise providing carrier services should always periodically take measures to prevent its employees from causing accidents on the roads.

Truck drivers must be trained on which roads they should preferentially drive with which loads.

For example, it is prohibited to drive in the city center with explosive or high-injury loads - for example, large construction materials.

For such vehicles there are bypass roads, which usually run near the city limits or along its outskirts. The driver of a truck loaded with dangerous goods must understand that if he ends up in a densely populated area, the risks of harming someone increase.

In addition, he must always ensure that the cargo is securely attached and isolated within the body, all fastenings and locks must be securely closed and not open when shaking while the vehicle is moving.

What an independent examination after an accident will provide is explained in the article: independent examination after an accident. How to deprive a driver's license for leaving the scene of an accident, read here.

For military personnel

For military personnel, special classes, competitions, certifications, exams or tests are held on knowledge of not only general traffic rules, but also on the special knowledge that every military personnel must have when using specific equipment on city roads, as well as in situations where intervention is required an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the proceedings in the event of an accident or at the time of warning or suppression of an accident.

Each employee is examined, in addition to being given certain knowledge. Such events can be carried out not only by the traffic police services, but even by the Federal Migration Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other authorized bodies.

Everywhere among citizens liable for military service, practice carried out in this way increases the level of consciousness and responsibility of law enforcement officers or specialized road services.

In the territories of military garrisons in Russia, all kinds of actions are also carried out in order to suppress and prevent violations of the Traffic Rules by employees of the RF Armed Forces when they use the roads as drivers of personal or specialized vehicles, as well as when they are ordinary pedestrians.

The goals of such actions are usually the following:

  1. Make every effort to prevent an accident on the roads or violation of the Rules while driving a personal or business vehicle.
  2. Reduce the use of specialized equipment on roads in densely populated areas as much as possible. And also for the purpose of maximizing the coverage of military personnel with classes in the garrison.
  3. Organize and carry out accident-free operation of military, military vehicles and other service equipment.
  4. Actively improve the level of driver training and develop their skills in using special equipment in the proper manner.

For minors

Frequent activities that have a positive and clear effect are carried out with students, face to face, so to speak.

Child psychologists and specialists in monitoring compliance with traffic rules have revealed that if a child is simply given a booklet to read about the rules of behavior on the roads, as well as near the road surface, then, most likely, he is unlikely to particularly delve into the meaning of the words that the propaganda message is intended to convey. booklet.

But if you meet a child within the walls of his home school and, with the help of classes, work on developing responsibility and law-abiding thinking, then the positive effect of such meetings with children by road service employees makes the same effect. Such meetings are held throughout Russian cities everywhere.

Thus, today all sorts of events are often held with children not only in schools, but also in children’s camps, hospitals, children’s puppet theaters, entertainment centers and in the media presentation of information in the form of films and animated films.

Advertisers, publishers of children's books and board games, librarians, and employees of any other organizations that have close contact with children can also get involved.

In addition, separate actions and programs are often held under various names, such as, for example, “Schoolchildren for law and order”, “Experts of the Rules”, “Stop the game on the roads!”, “Traffic rules for children”, etc.

In addition to informational preventive measures, all kinds of technical means and devices can also be used to minimize vehicle collisions on the roads due to children.

Such means include the following:

  • child car seats, with the help of which small children are properly transported inside the car. While fastened in the seat, the child is not only protected, but also will not interfere with the driver’s driving;
  • supplying clothing, shoes and children's backpacks with reflective or reflective elements (stickers, key chains, jackets, shoes, logos on hats, etc.). As part of programs with similar names as – “Become bright and noticeable!” – a child on or near the road will always be visible to the driver at night;
  • Already in some Russian cities, entire training centers similar to motor vehicle towns are beginning to open, where children can learn the rules of safety and behavior on the roads in natural conditions. For example, such a “Children’s Auto City” opened in Samara in September 2020;
  • Even entire online clubs are being created for children who want to try themselves as young traffic police inspectors. As part of the play form of classes, children easily learn the rules of the road.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures included in the educational process of schoolchildren and children from 4 to 7 years old are carried out by all interested organizations. Parents and road users should also participate in the training.

Drivers, pedestrians, passengers of public and private transport are required to know and comply with the Rules of Conduct on the Roads. Every adult, if necessary, should be able to take action, stop children and take them away from a dangerous place in order to prevent an accident. .

Basic forms of preventive measures

Road accident prevention refers to work aimed at promoting traffic rules among the population. Traffic police officers, school teachers and kindergarten teachers tell you what needs to be done to prevent the possibility of an accident. Prevention methods:

  1. Explanation by traffic police inspectors of the rules of behavior on the roads among different categories of the population.
  2. Dissemination of information through billboards, television, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, posters. Visual propaganda located along the highway encourages motorists to comply with traffic rules.
  3. Conversations are conducted with each category of citizens that require special attention from the traffic police. Traffic police officers develop lessons that take into account the age category and specific activities of the audience. For adults, classes are conducted in the form of lectures and seminars. In kindergartens and schools, information is presented through educational games. Activities to prevent road accidents can be planned jointly with local youth theaters and palaces of culture.
  4. Regional conferences where participants share experiences and study statistics, causes and prevention of road accidents.

Several police services are responsible for road safety. They are developing measures to prevent accidents and are working to promote rules of conduct on the highway and city streets.

Measures to prevent road accidents

Dear colleagues.

In order to prevent road accidents, the subject of transport activity must carry out annual planning of measures to prevent road accidents.

All measures being developed are divided into two parts - training of workers and preparation of vehicles. Let us examine in detail each item of these activities.

Part 1. Measures to prepare workers carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as employees of the subject of transport activities) for safe work:

  • Ensuring the professional selection and professional training of employees of the subject of transport activities filling positions listed in Section I of the List of works, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2008 No. 16 “On approval of the list of works, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles,” and other workers directly related to the movement of vehicles.

Professional selection and training activities must be carried out with all employees performing work on driving official vehicles and employees performing work on driving traffic of official vehicles. This event is usually held when hiring employees. In the action plan, the due date must be indicated “as soon as work begins.”

  • Ensuring the training of employees of the subject of transport activities in accordance with the professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport.

We provide the necessary training to all employees who are subject to professional and qualification requirements. The specialist responsible for ensuring road safety must also undergo certification. This event is usually held when hiring employees. Certification of the person responsible for road safety is carried out once. In the action plan, you need to indicate the deadline “as soon as you start working” and “a specific month of the year.”

  • Conducting internships for drivers of motor vehicles and urban ground electric transport when transferring to a new route or when transferring to a new type or model of vehicle.

The internship must be carried out for all employees performing work on driving a vehicle. This event is usually carried out when employees are hired, as well as when transferred to a new route or when transferred to a new type or model of vehicle. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “as soon as work is received” and “if necessary.”

  • Providing vehicle drivers with up-to-date information on ensuring safe transportation through appropriate briefings.

Prompt information is communicated to drivers through appropriate briefings by the responsible employee. All types of briefings and positions of responsible employees are indicated in the Regulations on conducting briefings. The duration, time and frequency of briefings depends on the type of briefing. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “as soon as you start working”, “a specific month of the year”.

  • Ensuring mandatory medical examinations of drivers.

See also: On the voluntary basis of application of GOST 12.0.004-2015
We conduct mandatory medical examinations for all employees performing work on driving a vehicle. The duration, time and frequency of this event depend on the type of medical examination. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “as soon as you start working,” “a specific month of the year,” or “according to the approved schedule.”

  • Measures to improve drivers’ skills in providing first aid to victims of road accidents.

We improve the skills of providing first aid to victims of road accidents with annual training and professional development of the driver. This event is a separate topic of the 20-hour road safety training program for drivers. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “a specific month of the year.”

  • Compliance with the working conditions of drivers in accordance with the work and rest regimes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as monitoring compliance with these conditions.

Shift schedules for drivers are drawn up, taking into account the peculiarities of work and rest schedules. This event is monthly and compliance with the work and rest regime is controlled using the time actually indicated in the travel sheets. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “monthly”.

Part 2. Measures to prepare vehicles for safe operation:

  • Checking the compliance of vehicles for their purpose and design with the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers and cargo.

If the vehicle does not meet the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers and cargo in terms of purpose and design, it is necessary to plan the re-equipment of this vehicle. This event is carried out either immediately after purchasing a vehicle, or after it has been determined that it is no longer suitable for its new purpose. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “as needed.”

  • Checking the availability of valid permits necessary for admitting a vehicle to participate in road traffic in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation: a vehicle registration certificate, an insurance policy for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, a license for passenger transportation, a waybill, as well as other documents necessary for carrying out specific types of transportation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An event to check the availability of documents is carried out every time a vehicle is admitted to the line. When certain documents expire, it is planned to update or replace them. In the action plan, the deadline for execution is indicated “daily”, “annually”, “a specific month of the year”, “as necessary”.

  • Maintaining vehicles in technically sound condition in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's operating instructions.

It is necessary to plan for minor repairs that can be carried out on your own, without the help of a service station. Measures to maintain vehicles in technically sound condition are carried out whenever faults are detected during daily monitoring. In the action plan, the deadline for completion is indicated “as needed.”

  • Carrying out maintenance and repair work on vehicles in the manner and volumes determined by the technical and operational documentation of vehicle manufacturers.

See also: Procedure for issuing ADR certificates to drivers

We plan to carry out periodic maintenance and repair work for each vehicle. The event is planned and carried out in accordance with the developed and approved quarterly or monthly schedule. In the action plan, the completion date is indicated “according to the approved schedule.”

  • Carrying out daily monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles before leaving the line from the parking lot with a corresponding note on the technical serviceability (malfunction) of vehicles in the waybill.

We plan to check the absence of faults that would prohibit the operation of vehicles. This event is carried out every time a vehicle is released onto the line from its parking lot. Monitoring of serviceability is carried out by putting a mark on the waybill. In the action plan, the deadline for execution is indicated “daily”.

  • Providing parking and storage of vehicles, excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, as well as their unauthorized use by drivers of subjects of transport activities.

We are planning an event to ensure the storage of vehicles and prevent access to them. This activity is carried out by ensuring the storage of vehicles or by concluding an agreement with the relevant organization. In the action plan, the deadline for execution is indicated “as necessary”, “a specific month of the year”. When storing vehicles on your own territory, measures are planned to exclude their unauthorized use and the possibility of leaving the parking lot. For example, installing barriers, appointing someone responsible for storing ignition keys, keeping a log, etc. In the action plan, the execution time is indicated “as needed”, “specific month of the year”, “daily”.

Responsibility for carrying out the activities of Block 1 rests with the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety.

Responsibility for carrying out the activities of Block 2 rests with the specialist responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles.

Control over the implementation of all activities is carried out by the manager, in accordance with the developed and approved annual Action Plan for the prevention of road accidents.

We remind you that on the website, in the “Road Traffic Safety Documents” section, you can find samples of documents necessary for organizing work on road safety.

You can also purchase a ready-made package of documents for organizing work on road safety on the website The cost of the package is 2500 rubles.

All documents are presented in Word and Excel format. In order to receive all the listed documents, just write to the email indicated in the “Contacts” , and you will be contacted within a day. Documents will be sent electronically to the email address you provided after confirmation of payment.

Head of the Transport Department Zuev Seraphim

How are they carried out?

Police officers provide explanations in an accessible form on how to avoid getting into an accident. Measures aimed at preventing accidents are developed and implemented:

  • traffic police;
  • Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • MREO;
  • Insurance companies;
  • educational institutions.

Each department is interested in reducing the number of road accidents, deaths and injuries.

Among the drivers

Motorists are the main participants in traffic on the roads. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, they are directly responsible for compliance with traffic rules and control of the situation. Any violations on their part lead to punishment through fines and deprivation of rights. To avoid loss of life, new forms of preventive measures are created every year. The following have a positive impact on drivers of private cars, public and freight transport:

  1. conversations conducted by MREO employees during vehicle registration;
  2. memos handed out by police officers when communicating with various groups of the population;
  3. targeted electronic mailings telling about changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses and Traffic Regulations;
  4. banners, banners, posters and other types of visual propaganda reminding motorists of the need to follow the rules of conduct on the highway and while driving through populated areas;
  5. explanations provided by traffic police officers for persons who have committed minor violations;
  6. flash mobs, rallies with the participation of schoolchildren and parents aimed at improving traffic culture.

With the participation of children

The most important part of the joint work of the police, youth organizations, educational institutions, village and city administrations is the prevention of road accidents involving children.
For each age category, activities are developed that take into account the characteristics of mental perception and the existing basis of knowledge and skills. Children do not remember edifying information presented in the form of a booklet or a boring lecture. Such activities in a child can cause the opposite effect, spurring a desire to do wrong out of a sense of contradiction.

Advice! In order for road accident prevention to encourage young citizens to want to protect themselves, it must be presented in a playful, entertaining form. Ideally, when the children's audience is involved in the action taking place on stage, the audience becomes participants in the performance or concert. Preschoolers are well influenced by cartoons where the main characters invite children to interact and explain the situation that may arise on the road.

Theory must be consolidated in practice. To do this, traffic police officers play out emergency situations. At the end of the activities, the leader of the learning group conducts a test, which makes it clear how effectively the lesson was.

Report on the topic: “Prevention and prevention of traffic violations” material

“Prevention and prevention of traffic violations”

Road safety is an extremely serious problem, both in our country and throughout the world. Ensuring road safety is an activity aimed at preventing the causes of road accidents and reducing the severity of their consequences.

The main mistakes of drivers that lead to accidents:

1. Drunk driving. First and foremost is the most obvious cause of all road accidents - driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

2. Driver fatigue. A sleepy or tired driver's attention becomes dull and reaction time increases.

3. Speeding. Fans of fast driving took an honorable third place. Speeding is the second most common cause of traffic fatalities.

4. The tendency of drivers to be distracted from the road. In most countries of the world it is prohibited to talk on a mobile phone while driving without special devices, but some manage not only to chat, but also to type SMS messages.

5. Underestimating weather and road conditions. Often, even a slight excess of speed on a wet road or failure to maintain a distance is fraught with skidding and subsequent collision.

6. Ignoring seat belts. The effectiveness of seat belts has been proven over the years of their existence, however, many drivers and passengers continue to ignore their use, thereby putting their lives and health at risk.

7. No child seat or restraint. An unbelted child will suffer serious injuries and injuries during an accident, as statistics confirm.

The most common causes of traffic accidents involving children:

1. Entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it with a head turn and monitoring the situation on the left and right while driving ).

2. Entering the roadway because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or inspecting the roadway before leaving from behind bushes or snowdrifts).

3. Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that all free territory is a place for games).

4. Walking along the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking along the roadway, most often with all sorts of violations).

A significant part of our work is the prevention of children's road traffic injuries and the formation of children's skills for safe behavior on the roads. Increasing traffic density makes roads increasingly dangerous for children and, accordingly, the issues of preventing children's road traffic injuries do not lose their relevance.

Our preschool institution has developed a system for the prevention of road traffic injuries, which is carried out in accordance with the annual work plan for the 2019-2020 school year. It is important to note that this process involves not only teachers and students, but also parents and social partners.

A meeting was organized between students and State Traffic Inspectorate employees. An employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate held additional conversations about the need and effectiveness of using reflective devices, child restraints, and also gave recommendations on the use of reflective vests.

What rules of politeness should drivers and pedestrians follow in order to avoid troubles on the road was the topic of the school preparatory group's lesson using teaching materials.

In the process of organized educational activities, children received information about the rules of behavior on the street and road. In free activities, during didactic, role-playing, outdoor games on this topic, the acquired knowledge and skills were consolidated.

The exhibition of drawings on road safety “The Road through the Eyes of Children” helped to reveal the creative potential of kindergarten students and once again drew the attention of children and parents to the importance of observing traffic rules.

On the official website of the institution on the safety page in the section “Prevention of child road traffic injuries” there is information for parents, “Traffic rules reminders for parents of preschool children”, “Let’s be polite”, How to choose a high-quality, safe and comfortable car seat for your child? »

At the preschool educational institution, a “Road Rules” stand was created, and road safety corners in groups were updated and expanded. Thanks to this, parents had the opportunity to learn more about the events held in the preschool institution and, together with their children, consolidate their knowledge on the roads of our village.

Teachers in groups held individual conversations with parent-drivers about the need to use seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in a car, and the use of reflective elements at night. At parent meetings on the topic: “The Road and Children,” teachers raised questions about how to teach a child to behave safely on the street.

Thus, the work carried out contributes to the enrichment and expansion of children’s knowledge about the rules of the road, parents’ understanding of the importance of the mandatory joint work of the family and preschool institution on the formation of safe behavior on the road, wearing reflective elements and the use of child restraints when transporting children in a car, which allows you to draw the attention of teachers and parents to the problem of preventing children's road traffic injuries, and to intensify activities with children.

The only thing that can save a child on the road is faith in the prohibitive properties of the color red. The only one who can convince him of this is an adult. And the only way is by example.

Injury prevention

Prevention of death and injury begins with the personal culture of road users, the use of technical means designed to ensure the safety of the driver, passengers, and pedestrians. To reduce the number of injured and killed during car accidents, the following are used:

  1. Child car seats. Parents must provide care and protection for the child.
  2. Reflective materials. At dusk and at night, it is unacceptable to walk along the road or cross the highway in dark clothes. The driver will not be able to see the person in time and avoid a collision with him.
  3. Training centers. Today, courses and groups of young police assistants are being created everywhere, where children are taught how to avoid problems while driving along the city streets.
  4. Internet games that allow a child to study signs and understand the specifics of traffic on the roads.

The largest number of cases resulting in severe injuries and death occur due to:

  • recklessness at a red traffic light;
  • driving a car at high speed through a populated area, during icy conditions, or on a poorly paved highway;
  • driving a car after drinking alcohol;
  • motorist communication by phone;
  • malfunction of the brake system, airbags.

Advice! To reduce the risk of injury, passengers should remain calm and not distract the driver from driving. Pedestrians are required to cross the road only in designated places.

Injury Prevention

To prevent injury in road accidents, drivers must know the rules of behavior behind the wheel, and pedestrians - when crossing the road.

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main causes of injuries:

  • crossing the road in the wrong place or at a prohibiting traffic light;
  • driving through a red traffic light;
  • exceeding the permissible vehicle speed;
  • driving while intoxicated;
  • airbag malfunction;
  • unfastened seat belt;
  • talking on the phone while driving;
  • incorrect behavior of car passengers, preventing the driver from controlling the situation on the roads.

To reduce the risk of serious injury or injury during an accident, there are several rules to follow:

  1. The driver must follow all traffic rules and be able to control the situation on the road.
  2. Passengers must not distract the driver, talk loudly or perform other actions that interfere with normal vehicle control.
  3. Pedestrians should only cross the road at designated points or through traffic lights, after making sure that all vehicles have stopped.
  4. Pedestrians need to ensure that other people, especially children, follow the rules of behavior on the roads.

If an accident occurs, you need to help the injured people and call an ambulance. He also does not refuse to be examined by doctors for minor injuries that may negatively affect his health in the future.

Recommendations for training traffic rules

Studying the rules of behavior on the roads should begin at the age of 4. A small child easily perceives information in pictures that depict signs and the colors of traffic lights. Kids enjoy playing with cars on special rugs where intersections and city streets are drawn. Schoolchildren are informed about the statistics of accidents involving children, and the causes of accidents are explained.

Car owners themselves should strive to study up-to-date information about changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses. Ignorance of the laws is not a basis for avoiding punishment.

Motorcycle and train injuries

They are less common than automobile ones. It should be noted that in accidents involving a motorcycle, both the driver of this vehicle and its passengers suffer severe injuries due to the design features of this type of transport.

Injuries are divided into the following types:

  • Collision with oncoming vehicles.
  • Falling from a motorcycle while in motion.
  • Hitting a pedestrian.

Motorcycle injuries

  • Colliding with stationary objects.
  • Moving over the victim.

This also includes atypical situations.

Railway injuries rank second after automobile ones. A railway injury is a combination of mechanical injuries that occur from protruding parts of a moving train, rotating wheels and rails. The types of injuries are the following: impact, moving, falling, compression of the body by parts of transport and structures located along the tracks, inside cars and mixed.

The role of parents in preventive work

Parental care should be manifested in the desire to protect the child from a dangerous situation. Road accident prevention carried out in schools and kindergartens has good results when the efforts of police officers and teachers are supported by the relatives of students.

Children perceive well information that is presented in an involuntary form during a walk with mom and dad. When other pedestrians commit violations, cross the road in the wrong place, the adult must point out to the child that doing so is wrong and tell about the consequences of such an act.

Close relatives explain the rules of behavior to the child:

  • It is prohibited to run and play on or near the highway;
  • You can’t make noise in a car or bus;
  • It is dangerous to throw balls, toys, and large objects onto the road;
  • when children and old people try to cross the road, you need to help them.

The cause of the accident may be parents' lack of attention to their children. The mother, carried away by communication, does not notice how the baby runs out onto the roadway. If you take your child by the hand while walking around the city near roads, you can avoid trouble.

Memo to parents

There are certain general rules that every child and adult should know:

  • You can cross the road only after you are sure that the traffic light has turned green.
  • Trusting the latter, it is better to once again make sure that traffic is safe, look to the right and left.
  • The child must be held tightly by the hand and the stroller must be rolled behind you.
  • During the transition, there should be no distracting objects in your hands: a telephone, headphones with music, a cigarette, and so on.
  • Make the transition in such a way that the child keeps up with you.
  • Only in the designated place: at a pedestrian crossing, in a straight perpendicular line relative to the intersection or along an underground passage.
  • At night, cross the road only on illuminated sections of the road, and do not forget about reflective elements.

Never frighten your child with danger, talk, explain traffic rules from early childhood, tell them about traffic lights, where you can move, and when you need to stand. The baby absorbs information like a sponge, and it is better to show this with a clear example, through cartoons and pictures.

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