I turned out of my lane when passing through an intersection. What's the threat?

Multi-lane roads have a number of advantages - they are easy to overtake, change lanes, it is convenient to maintain the desired rhythm when driving, and there is always room for maneuver. But at the same time, they also oblige the driver to follow certain rules, which are not always simple and convenient.

In this article we will talk about such a thing as a turn from the second row. We will not only describe this violation, but also tell you what the fine is for it and what the required amounts are associated with, and we will also tell you about exceptions.

Requirements for turning at intersections with and without markings (signs)

First of all, about how to do it! So, when approaching an intersection, in most cases there are signs and markings, we look at them.

It is from them that you can understand where and how to turn. Sometimes you can even turn from the second lane, that is, this is allowed by signs or markings. If there are no signs and markings, then you must follow the travel rules according to paragraph 8.5 of the traffic rules

Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver is obliged to take in advance the appropriate extreme position on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction, except in cases where a turn is made when entering an intersection where a roundabout is organized. If there are tram tracks in the same direction on the left, located at the same level as the roadway, a left turn and a U-turn must be made from them, unless signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or markings 1.18 prescribe a different movement order. In this case, there should be no interference with the tram.

That is, we turn right from the far right lane, left from the far left. This is the case if there are no signs or markings indicating otherwise. A couple of pictures to understand the situation.

turning from the second lane at an intersection

Now the time has come to discuss possible penalties for violations and special cases.

How is a turn from the second row penalized?

New rules for passing a medical examination for a driver’s license, and along with them the cost of a medical certificate for drivers, should have been introduced last year. But the update of the rules was postponed until January 1, 2021. However, the corresponding Order has not yet been signed, and it is too early to talk about entry into force from this date.

Another draft corresponding resolution is in limbo. The so-called “garage amnesty” should have been undertaken a couple of years ago. But the innovation was postponed until January (no date) 2021. However, it is not a fact that this document will enter into legal force.

Resolution No. 597 on changes to the rules for making changes to the design has been tentatively postponed to February 1 of the same year. They wanted to make amendments last year, but were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Now let's move on to the truth! On March 1, 2021, the draft Federal Law on amendments to the law On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance comes into force. But, unfortunately or fortunately, this does not apply to fines for lack of insurance. We are talking about another tightening for motorists - the insurance company will be able to issue a recourse to the driver if the accident occurred due to a malfunction of the car, and it did not have a valid technical inspection.

Along with the possibility of a recourse requirement, a new fine will also come into force - only not from January 1, but from the same March 1, 2021. It will amount to 2,000 rubles if the driver does not have a valid diagnostic card. However, drivers were not required to carry this card in their car and hand it over to the traffic police officer for inspection.

Among other things, from the same date a number of rules for undergoing technical inspection of cars are changing.

Regardless of the type of road, the main regulator of the flow of traffic on it is the directional sign. Signs that regulate traffic in lanes are important for our topic.

The most common of them are:

  • Lane traffic sign;
  • Driving straight along the lane;
  • Turn from one row to another;
  • Beginning and ending of a row;
  • Restrictions on speed or vehicle dimensions.

The sign dominates the road. In cases where there are also markings, the instructions on the sign must not be violated, otherwise the driver will face a fine.

Violations can be recorded using video recording devices, as well as traffic police traffic patrols. Auto-fixing devices are much more difficult to find outside the city limits, however, in places of high emergency risk, this equipment is usually installed.

Violation of restrictions or prohibitions of a sign can entail not only administrative liability, but also cause an accident, damage to the life and health of road users. For example, a stop sign warns drivers of potential danger. Lane movement signs also have a similar preventive property; for non-compliance with them, fines are imposed on the driver.

The scope of the penalty depends on the individual circumstances and motives pursued by the person turning. Thus, the fine for turning from the second row in 2021 is 1,500 rubles.

The traffic flow system is very thoughtful and logical, so if there is a need to turn left, but the signs say to continue moving straight, then at the next intersection the opportunity to turn will appear.

In order to make a left or right turn at an intersection from the second row, the driver must first take the extreme position in his lane for the desired direction. Turning is permitted if indicated by signs or markings.

The most common cause of violation is poor knowledge of the route or untimely response. The driver is late in assessing the situation while driving in the second lane, then decides not to hesitate, waiting for the next opportunity to turn, and makes a turn in violation of the rules. Another circumstance that tends to lead to violations is the presence of rails intended for tram traffic. According to traffic rules, you should drive onto the rails and perform a maneuver from them. Before carrying out, you must make sure that there is no interference with the movement of the tram.

Motorists often get confused when they find themselves in front of signs posted at an intersection. A moment's confusion can lead to a violation and a fine, or even an accident. To competently defend your rights, you can study the following points as carefully as possible:

  • If a sign and markings conflict, the sign will take precedence.
  • Sometimes signs include additional restrictions that set traffic movements and speeds. They operate exclusively within their own lane.
  • If there are traffic direction signs at a roundabout intersection, you can change your car at any time. But departure is carried out only after changing lanes to the far right lane. A different way of driving is chosen only if there is some sign for this.

  • When driving on a three-lane road, pay attention to the signs.
    In front of the main ones, additional technical elements are always installed with the designation - 50-150 meters. If they are absent, tell any inspector who stops you for violating the lanes that you did not have time to change lanes due to the lack of signs. Important! If a report is nevertheless drawn up against you, indicate your disagreement in it - this will help the motorist defend his rights in court.

Remember that even the fact that the driver allowed his wheel to hit the marking line can be classified as a violation (you can find out what the fine is for violating the markings when changing lanes in a tunnel, at an intersection, etc.). To prevent this from happening, place the vehicle on one lane , only when changing lanes can you change the direction of movement.

Sometimes there are no markings on the road surface, but visually it can be divided into three lanes. However, just before the intersection there is a road sign that regulates traffic in only two lanes. In this case, you should drive to the intersection along any suitable of the three lanes, and immediately before the intersection, change the vehicle into two.

For every driver, a clear understanding of the signs is important - this will help to move on roads without causing accidents. Any traffic violations, including wrong turns, can result in significant losses. The likelihood of an accident if the rules are violated is significantly increased. In order to avoid unpleasant situations on the roads as much as possible, you must be vigilant when driving on the roads and only turn from the permitted lane.

According to traffic rules, turns from multi-lane traffic must be made from the extreme left or right position, depending on the further direction of the vehicle.

The exceptions are those intersections where traffic is regulated by road signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, which set possible directions for each lane, as well as road markings 1.18, colloquially referred to as an “arrow”.

A separate category includes intersections of roads with tram tracks located in the middle of the same direction, which are on the same level as the main roadway and are not separated from it by a solid line.

Penalty for turning from the second row in the presence of signs and markings

So, after the rules have been learned, it’s time to move on to the case of punishment for breaking them. And the first case is related to violations of contradiction to the requirements of markings or signs when turning right, but not from the lane for public transport! Then read article 12.16, part 1:

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

This is the most “modest” case of possible violations when turning. The second option with the same conditions, when there are signs and (or) markings, but the turn is made to the left. Again the same article, but part 2.

Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings will entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

That is, when turning left, “the stakes rise” and you won’t get away with a warning. The fine will already be quite significant. Everything is clear with signs and markings, now let’s move on to the case when there are none.


Turn left from two lanes.

What is the trajectory of movement when turning left at an intersection in front of which there is a sign 5.15.1 or signs 5.15.2? And who is obliged to give way to whom when turning left if their paths intersect?

First opinion: When turning left from the left lane, it is imperative to move into the left lane, and when turning left from the right lane, correspondingly into the right.

Second opinion: These signs do not indicate the trajectory of traffic at the intersection and, accordingly, when turning left from any lane, you can enter any lane.

If everyone adhered to the first opinion, then the trajectories of cars when turning left would not intersect and, accordingly, the question of who is obliged to give way to whom would not arise. But where is it stated that this is exactly how you need to turn left at an intersection from two lanes?

What is written about this in the traffic rules: “5.15.1 “Driving directions along the lanes.” The number of lanes and permitted directions of movement for each of them. 5.15.2 “Lane directions”. Permitted lane directions. The effect of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed in front of the intersection applies to the entire intersection, unless other signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed on it give other instructions.”

What is written about this in GOST: “Signs 5.15.1 “Directions of movement along lanes” and 5.15.2 “Directions of movement along lanes” are used to indicate the permitted directions of movement along each of the lanes at an intersection where it is necessary to ensure the use of lanes in accordance with the intensity of vehicle traffic in various directions. The use of signs 5.15.2 is preferable. The effect of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed in front of the intersection extends to the intersection, unless signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 installed at the intersection give other instructions.”

Thus, neither the traffic rules nor the GOST indicate the trajectory of vehicles when turning left. Some will say, well, it’s written: “The effect of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed in front of the intersection extends to the entire intersection...”. Yes it does, but this clarification is necessary for intersections with multiple roadway crossings. So that the driver knows that these signs apply to the entire intersection, and not just to the first intersection of roadways. In addition, the concepts of “direction of movement” and “trajectory of movement” are not the same thing. To mark the boundaries of traffic lanes within an intersection in cases where it is necessary to show the trajectory of vehicles or to mark the boundaries of a traffic lane, markings 1.7 are used. (dashed line with short strokes and equal intervals). In the description of the purpose of markings 1.7 there is the term “trajectory of movement”, which is not in the description of the purpose of signs 5.15.1. and 5.15.2, respectively, these markings and these road signs have different purposes.

If you belong to the group of people who support the first opinion, then the question for you is: what will be the trajectory of movement when turning left at such an intersection?

Which lane should the red car go into? Left or middle? Why is this so? Which lane should the blue car go into? To the right or middle? Why is this so?

There are no answers to these questions in the traffic rules. If you adhere to the second opinion, that is, consider that when turning left from two lanes at an intersection you can enter any lane, then the order of passage will be regulated by the traffic rules, namely clause 8.4. “When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.” If, when turning left from two lanes, the exit is carried out in three lanes, then you must also be guided by clause 8.9 of the traffic rules “In cases where the trajectories of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not specified by the Rules, the driver to whom the vehicle is approaching must give way on right".

Thus, if: 1. Red and blue cars move into the left lane, the blue one must yield (Section 8.4 of the Traffic Regulations). 2. Red and blue cars drive into the middle lane, the red one must yield (Section 8.9 of the Traffic Regulations). 3. Red and blue cars move into the right lane, the red one must yield (Section 8.4 of the Traffic Regulations).

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Penalty for turning from the second row without signs and markings

In this case, the punishment for the driver will be much milder, which is actually strange, but it is what it is. We turn to Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1.1.

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules, except for established cases, before turning right, left or making a U-turn, to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

That is, if there are no markings or signs, then again you can get off with just a warning. Now we need to talk about a special case when the turn is from a public transport lane. Such variations most often occur when turning right. Here we will not be talking about maneuvering or violating the requirements of signs or markings, but about entering the public transport lane.

In most cases, violations related to violations when turning are recorded by photo and video recording and then decisions are issued and sent by mail.

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