Is it possible to transfer insurance from one car to another?

Is it even possible to re-register OSAGO for a new owner?

The law stipulates that it is necessary to redo the compulsory motor liability insurance for each of the registered vehicles within the established time frame, since this is the responsibility of each driver.
If you do not rewrite the policy, in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Administrative Violations, penalties in the amount of 800 rubles are imposed. Therefore, it is recommended to transfer the insurance documents as soon as possible by creating a new contract. You cannot independently re-register MTPL for a second car. In the process of preparing the document, data will be entered into the database not only about the motorist who owns the vehicle, but also about the technical characteristics of the car.

The insurance premium also depends on these indicators. Therefore, the usual transfer of data from one policy to another is not possible.

To do this, a free-form statement is written stating that the transaction is canceled due to the official sale of the car. You should submit documentation from the traffic police on the fact of deregistration, from the tax service, an agreement with an act of a completed transaction - sale. Insurance company specialists promptly cancel the transaction, and cash for the unused period is given personally to the owner.

Is it possible to convert insurance from one car to another: transfer OSAGO to another car
The owner of the vehicle must contact the insurance company in a timely manner, preparing a set of documents; the organization will return the money for the period when the person was not the owner of the car.

There is another way to resolve the issue with less losses. OSAGO from the old car will be transferred to the new one. This is rarely done, since insurers rarely agree to this. The first and second cars are serviced by the same insurer. If the company agrees to the request, an application is submitted, as well as documentation:

  • passport details;
  • driver's license;
  • PTS;
  • confirmation of technical inspection;
  • former VHI.

When replacing a vehicle, it is mandatory to renew the insurance contract and CASCO for a new vehicle, since the protection will be extended to the car itself. But when the driver changes, the contract is still reissued.

If the car owner is going to purchase a new car or does not want to transfer the current insurance to the buyer, the MTPL is canceled and the remainder is transferred to a new contract. To complete this procedure, an application must be provided with the attached policy. The company’s specialist deducts the amount based on the days that passed before the transaction was completed, and also transfers the entire balance free of charge.

This method applies to a policy without payments for time used. A convenient option for drivers who are immediately buying a new car.

You can terminate the contract and receive the balance. This procedure is available if a person has 2 cars at his disposal, one of which is sold under a purchase and sale agreement, and the insurance policy for the second was obtained from the same company. The same citizen acts as the insurer of the cars.

Is it possible to convert insurance from one car to another: transfer OSAGO to another car
When the contract is terminated early, the insurance company charges a 23% premium when calculating the remaining funds. If an existing MTPL policy is issued for a new car, this percentage is not withheld.

The same option for re-registering a documented transaction is suitable for persons purchasing a new car immediately after the sale. This means that only vehicle owners who have another vehicle insured by the same insurer can use the census.

This option of renewing the insurance contract occurs in rare cases, since, in addition to having two cars, you also need insurance from one institution. You can calculate using an online calculator what the transaction cost and balance will be. On the official websites of insurance companies there are special calculators where you just need to enter data on your car.

Contacting an insurance company with a request to transfer insurance to a new car is carried out exclusively by the policyholder or an authorized representative who has the authority to transfer changes to the insurance contract. All other citizens do not change the clauses of the contract, so the policy will remain unchanged.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, you need to make sure that the owner of the vehicle has the right to reissue the MTPL policy. To do this, the above conditions must be met.
  2. Collect the necessary documents.
  3. Arrive with your documents at the office of the insurance company.
  4. Fill out an application for renewal of insurance for a new car and attach a list of necessary documents to it.
  5. Get an updated insurance policy.

The extension will be made for an appropriate surcharge, the amount of which will be calculated by an employee of the insurance company. In this case, payment can occur either at one time or in stages.

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Documents you need to prepare:

  1. Vehicle purchase and sale agreement.
  2. Vehicle passport where its new owner is registered (or invoice certificate).
  3. Passport of the second vehicle or STS.
  4. The policyholder's passport or other identification document.
  5. Driver's licenses of all persons who are allowed to drive a car.
  6. Both insurance policies.
  7. If the second car is older than three years - a diagnostic card.
  8. If a trusted person acts on behalf of the policyholder - a certified power of attorney.

The procedure for renewing insurance for a new vehicle is quick. The policy will be reissued on the same day when the policyholder contacts the company’s office. At the same time, there is no need to pay any additional fees, duties, etc. – the procedure is completely free.

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When concluding a transaction, be it a gift, purchase or sale, or transfer of a car by proxy, the alienator relieves himself of liability to the victim in the event of an insured event. As soon as the vehicle is transferred to the new owner, the MTPL agreement is no longer valid. Motor vehicle liability is assigned to the new owner, therefore, the policy must be reissued within 10 days.

Is it possible to re-issue MTPL for a car if the owner has changed? Among the possible options, there is one such as re-registration of the MTPL agreement from the old owner to the new one. By the way, insurers are much more willing to take this step, which cannot be said about the payment of compensation for early termination of the contract, which is provided for in Art. 10 clause 4 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”.

Is it possible to convert insurance from one car to another: transfer OSAGO to another car

The new owner of the car will need MTPL insurance, which includes his name. It goes without saying that the old owner is not obliged to reissue the policy to another owner. However, the vehicle license will have to be redone in the following cases:

  • alienation of a car under a contract of sale, gift, exchange, etc.;
  • transfer of the vehicle under a general power of attorney.

There are several options for purchasing an MTPL agreement if the owner of the car has changed, namely:

  • registration of a new MTPL policy after purchasing (receiving as a gift) a car;
  • adding the name of the new owner to the current policy;
  • re-registration of a car title to a new owner in order to use the remaining insurance period.

Do I need different insurance when there is a change of ownership?

When carrying out legal procedures (purchase, sale, donation), car owners are often faced with the fact that when the owner changes, the insurance remains valid for some time. Since purchasing this service is quite expensive, in order not to incur losses, they use several methods of re-registration:

  1. The insurance is reissued for another car, while the former owner uses his current policy for another vehicle until the end of the insurance period.
  2. The new owner is entered into the current policy; this method is used if the car is used by proxy.
  3. The contract is terminated early, which makes it possible to receive compensation.

At the same time, we should not forget that if the owner and the insured are different persons, then difficulties may arise with the distribution of rights and responsibilities for insurance. For example, the policyholder has the right to re-register compulsory motor liability insurance without the presence of the owner, but the owner does not. If the insured does not change when the owner of the car changes, then the policyholder will for the most part bear responsibility for insured events.

Reference! Sometimes there are cases when, during re-registration, the policyholder is changed, but not the owner (with the consent of the insurers).

Can insurance be transferred to another car, as well as transfer features?

Unfortunately, the specifics of calculating the insurance premium in this case, as well as the re-registration procedure itself, are not covered in any regulatory act. Therefore, insurers act at their own discretion and recalculate only upward. So the new owner:

  • or pays the missing amount if his insurance history is worse than that of the former owner;
  • or does not take any steps, even if his history is better than that of the alienator.

Persons who legally use vehicles terminate contracts with the insurance company. The insurer itself must return the funds for the duration (in days) of the insurance coverage that they did not have time to use.

Another option is for the owner of the vehicle to issue a car title to the person who buys the car. But in this case, the money will be returned not by the insurance company, but by the buyer himself.

Is it possible to convert insurance from one car to another: transfer OSAGO to another car
To transfer insurance to a new car, there are two ways: terminating the contract with the insurance company and concluding a new one or renewing the policy for another vehicle.

If one vehicle is sold and another car is purchased, insurance is taken out from the beginning, under a new contract. How to deal with documents for an old car:

  • the documentary transaction with the insurance company is terminated and funds are returned for the unused period;
  • insurance documentation is put aside until the contractual legal relationship is completed. Relevant if there is about a month left;
  • OSAGO is purchased for the buyer of the car and amounts are required from him for the time not used in the contract.

In this case, the auto insurance policy will not apply to the old car, due to the fact that the policy is being rewritten for a new one, the legal relationship is terminated in any case, since the documentation contains information about the sale of all vehicles. The Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” contains information that in case of an accident involving a car that is not included in the policy, compensation is not returned.

Why change the data in the MTPL policy?

Changing information about the MTPL policy will be required in the following situations:

  • Change of surname or first name of the insured person, change of passport data
  • Change of registration or current place of residence
  • Change during the useful life of a vehicle
  • Changing the region for vehicle registration
  • Exchange of driving licenses of one or more drivers

This change was made to avoid confusion or problems when using the policy later. If the data in the policy is out of date, such a document may be considered invalid. At best, you may be fined for not having an MTPL policy, and at worst, for falsifying documents.

In what cases will the insurance company refuse?

Renewal of MTPL insurance for the new owner

All legislative acts relating to compulsory insurance provide an explanation of the procedure for early termination of compulsory motor liability insurance, but they do not say a word about re-registration. This gives the insurer the right to act at its own discretion, so refusal to renew the insurance contract to another person is also possible.

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However, insurance companies understand that in this matter it is better to meet the policyholder halfway for at least the following two reasons:

  • a new car owner is a potential client who is less likely to want to buy compulsory motor insurance where he was refused to renew the contract. Consequently, the company loses the new owner of the vehicle as a client;
  • if the insurer refuses, the old owner will most likely want to collect the remainder of the insurance premium for the unused period, which is completely legal and completely unprofitable for the insurer, and it will not be possible to refuse this either.

Therefore, large and rated insurance companies almost always willingly agree to reissue an existing contract, since they understand that this is the most, if not profitable, then the optimal scenario for the development of events. Refusal may come from small firms citing the individual characteristics of running an insurance business that do not allow doing otherwise.

However, sometimes the refusal is quite justified. For example:

  • the insurance history of the new owner leaves much to be desired - the coefficients are too high, so the insurance company does not agree to re-register;
  • the previous owner caused the accident during the current insurance period. In this case, the insurer almost always refuses to re-register.

In case of refusal, the old owner has no choice but to terminate the contract and receive payment for unused insurance, and the new owner must enter into a new contract with the selected insurance company.

The transfer of ownership of a car can occur through a document of purchase and sale, or by a general power of attorney. This is also related to differences in the methods of reissuing a policy. They may be as follows:

  • the previous owner includes the buyer in the car insurance and gives him this document;
  • the seller breaks the contract with the insurance company, and compensation for the unused period is returned to him;
  • the current policy is reissued to another citizen or car.

Thus, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to drive under the old owner’s insurance?” This is allowed if the policy is transferred to a new owner who is included in this car insurance.

A situation often arises when the person selling the car plans to subsequently purchase a new car, so there is no point in terminating the existing insurance, but only needs to change it.

It’s the same with the buyer: if you have a motor vehicle license, you only need to enter the changed information into the unified register of the RSA.

The registration procedure must take into account all available nuances and be adopted by mutual agreement of the parties.

If a general power of attorney is executed and the seller agrees to the buyer using the current insurance, the new driver can simply be included in it. To do this, you need to visit the insurance company. In this situation, do not forget about the need to conclude an additional agreement on compensation on the part of the new owner for the unused insurance period.

Its value is easy to calculate:

  • the cost of one day is determined by dividing the annual amount by the number of days in the year;
  • the result is multiplied by the number of remaining days.

It is worth considering that this option is only possible if there is no change in the region of registration of the car, because there may be differences in the cost of compulsory motor insurance.

As for the termination of a motor vehicle license. If the new owner refuses to pay compensation, it can be reimbursed by the insurance company after the auto insurance contract is terminated. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 10 Federal Law No. 40, the insurer is obliged to compensate for unused policy time.

Is it possible to convert insurance from one car to another: transfer OSAGO to another car

In this case, it is necessary to submit a contract for the sale of a car to the insurance company before the end of the day of its conclusion in order to record this event.

But you need to take into account that the insurer in such a situation will withhold a twenty percent penalty. In this regard, if you plan to continue driving another car, drawing up a new contract or re-registering the old one is much preferable from an economic point of view.

Recalculation of insurance premium

Despite the fact that the car remains the same, the cost of the policy will be recalculated by the insurer based on the buyer's data. As a result, it may be either higher or lower than the original one. But you shouldn't hope for a refund. In case of re-registration, the calculation is usually made only upward. In this case, the new price will depend on the value of the coefficients determined based on the buyer’s indicators:

  • age;
  • length of service;
  • driving quality, characterized by the bonus-malus coefficient;
  • region of permanent registration.

In addition, the buyer’s desire to include third parties in the insurance who have received the right to drive the car will also affect the cost.

In this case, the calculation will be adjusted taking into account the performance of the youngest, inexperienced or careless driver included in the document.

If the cost of the policy turns out to be higher than the original one, the buyer will need to pay an additional amount specified by the manager through the company's cash desk.

Bottom line

Expert opinion

Mironova Anna Sergeevna

Lawyer and lawyer for automobile law. Specializes in administrative and civil law, insurance.

The transfer of the vehicle title is carried out by the official owner of the vehicle on the day the application and documents are submitted to the insurance company. There is no additional payment required for the contract renewal process. You need to have information about the car and the owner with you.

An insurance company specialist makes insurance transfers for the procedure of prolonging the transaction for a second vehicle. The owner has the right to payment of the premium amount (which is not covered by the compensation amount for the first insurance issue) on the day the application is submitted or in stages.

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What legislative acts regulate the re-issuance of compulsory motor liability insurance?

It’s worth clarifying right away that today there are no direct regulations regulating the procedure for extending compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

This practice is implemented by the insurance company on the basis of basic regulatory and legal documentation in this area, which includes the following:

  • Law on Civil Liability Insurance (Federal Law No. 40);
  • Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on compulsory motor liability insurance (No. 431-P).
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 14).

In addition to the above, there is one more document that does not have the status of strict legal regulation - this is the Resolution of the Presidium of the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) No. 10 (Methodological Manual).

All provisions used in this procedure relate to sections and articles on early termination of the contract with the insurance company (the policyholder).

The MTPL Law says virtually nothing on this issue - only Article 10(4) mentions early termination in connection with the return of part of the unused insurance period. Article 10(4), which refers to early termination due to the return of part of the unused period of insurance.

However, officially this paragraph refers to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, which gives their provisions greater legal weight than federal law.

Previously (from 2003 to 2014), MTPL insurance was regulated by Government Decree No. 263 of the Russian Federation, which had a special section (Section VI, paragraphs 33 - 36) dedicated to early termination of the insurance contract. Clause 33.1, namely subclauses “b” and “c”, was responsible for the early termination of MTPL insurance (valid from 2006 to 2014 - RF PP No. 525).

Currently (as of 2014), compulsory motor liability insurance is regulated by Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 431-P (clauses 1.13-1.17), in particular, clause 1.14 (paragraphs 3 and 4). This is the main provision used by insurers. It provides that the policyholder has the right to terminate the insurance contract on his own initiative.

This may be due, in particular, to the following reasons:

  1. Change of owner of a vehicle (clause 3) - including in the case of sale, donation, inheritance;
  2. In other situations (clause 4), which comply or do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for re-registration

The procedure for reissuing a policy is the same, however, in each case there are features that depend on which path the alienator and the acquirer choose.

Step one

Preliminary resolution of financial issues. The old owner paid for the entire insurance period, so it is quite natural that he wants to get his money back. If the previous owner wants compensation for unused insurance, and the potential buyer agrees to its terms, he has several options:

  • include this amount in the cost of the car;
  • receive it from the new owner upon re-registration.

Often, compared to the amount received from the sale of a car, this figure does not seem significant, and this issue is simply not raised.

Step two

Preparation for re-registration of compulsory motor liability insurance at the conclusion of the transaction. The issue of re-issuing an insurance contract must be discussed at this stage. If the car is transferred under a general power of attorney, the new owner can be included in the policy, but if it is a deed of sale, this option will not work - you will have to issue a duplicate policy for the new person.

These points are discussed orally, or recorded on paper if both parties are interested in this. The issue of re-registration of compulsory motor liability insurance can be considered as a separate clause of the property agreement, or a separate document can be drawn up, where the subject of the agreement will be the motor vehicle title.

Step three

Collection of documents. The seller will need a policy and an application for renewal. The buyer must provide a complete package of documents:

  • passport;
  • property agreement;
  • PTS with the latest information;
  • driver's licenses of the new owner and all authorized persons.

If we are talking about a legal entity, then you will need to provide a full package of statutory and registration documents to the company to which the car was transferred.

Step four

Visit to SK. The seller and buyer must visit the insurance company together. If the new owner cannot come to the office in person, he can transfer all the listed documents through the previous owner, whose presence is required. This is a common practice when a deal is concluded between good friends.

Step five

The final stage of re-registration. At the end of the procedure, the new owner receives a duplicate of the insurance policy. The old one must be destroyed. In addition, he is given a copy of the receipt for payment of the insurance premium, two copies of the European protocol and the insurance rules.

Can the Insurer refuse to reissue the insurance policy to the policyholder?

Unfortunately, it can. As I already noted, at present there is no separate provision for transferring car insurance to another person. Therefore, insurance companies may interpret many of the above prescriptive provisions differently, including in favor of a legally valid denial.

As a rule, for insurers, changing policyholders under one policy does not harm their business. Quite the opposite:

  • If you refuse, the old owner will have to pay the remaining premium for the unused period (at the time of application);
  • And the new owner is not sure whether he will be insured by the seller's company.

These are mainly small insurers who refuse to re-register due to some specific features of their insurance business. But large companies (Sogaz, Ingosstrakh, Reko-Garantiya, etc.) have a more flexible system and actively pursue a customer retention policy, and this procedure will not be a problem.

There are also situations where failure is inevitable or almost inevitable:

  • If the seller was the culprit of the accident during the current insurance period against payments made by the insurance company, then the refusal almost always occurs in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 955 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • If the new owner has a poor insurance history requiring an Infraction Rate (IR) adjustment, in most cases the insurance company will refuse service and offer a regular policy.

Tip: When you sign your first contract with an insurance company, ask your manager about the transferability of insurance.

When re-registration is not possible

But renewing the policy for another car is impossible (except for one situation). When the insured vehicle is sold, the old policy remains issued to it. There are the following ways out of the situation:

  1. Terminate the insurance contract with the insurance company. In this case, the car owner will be returned that part of the funds that corresponds to the unused period of validity of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  2. Renew insurance for the future owner of the vehicle with the expectation that he will financially compensate for the remaining period of validity of the insurance policy.
  3. If the MTPL expires in less than a month, then nothing can be done.

It is worth keeping in mind that, based on clause 1.16 of Chapter 1 of the OSAGO Rules, upon termination of the contract with the insurer, 23% of the refunded funds will be withheld. Of these, 20% goes to the insurance company itself (for services provided), and the remaining 3% is paid to the RSA. When renewing a policy, this 23% fee will not be charged.

Renewal of the policy for another car

Often the sale of one car is associated with the simultaneous purchase of another. At the same time, a natural question arises for the motorist: is it possible to reissue a valid MTPL policy for another car? It is possible to do this. But it is important to take into account that such re-registration can only be carried out for the remaining period of its validity.

To change the data, the owner of a new car needs to come to the office of his insurer, write a corresponding application and present documents for the new car. In this case, recalculation of the cost may be required provided that the power of the purchased vehicle differs from that previously stated.

In what cases is it permissible to transfer insurance?

There is one exception when it is still possible to reissue an MTPL policy.


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If the car owner, after the sale of the vehicle, does not remain in the possession of the insured car, it will not be possible to transfer the MTPL insurance policy to the purchased car.

Why is it important to report all changes?

Why is it important to report all changes to compulsory motor liability insurance?

Failure to make timely changes to the policy, as already mentioned, may result in refusal of compensation and invalidation of the policy.

Another negative point is the loss of discounts that drivers receive for accident-free driving. Quite often it happens that a client, having replaced his rights, does not notify the company about this, and as a result, all his bonuses are reset. Therefore, with any changes, it is important to make them timely in the policy. This will prevent a number of problems in the future.

Important Tips

  • it is impossible to resolve the issue of re-registration remotely - it is best to visit the main office and rewrite the policy to the new owner there;
  • if the old owner wants to renew the contract for a new one and at the same time receive compensation for unused insurance, then the best option would be to include this amount in the cost of the car and not discuss this issue separately;
  • the insurance company must be notified within three days of receiving new license plates after re-registration of insurance;
  • A duplicate policy is usually issued free of charge, but some insurers insist on additional payment - on average 400-600 rubles.

What are the features of recalculation when re-issuing compulsory motor liability insurance?

According to the law, with each acquisition of liability to third parties (if there was no one-year break in insurance), the insurance company recalculates the amount of payment (in accordance with paragraph 23 of the Rules), based on insurance coefficients. In this case, you can increase or decrease the cost of insurance.

However, when re-issuing car insurance to a new policyholder, the recalculation will only occur in the direction of increasing the payment, if the coefficients indicate this. If the new insured's ratios indicate a reduction in the payment amount, this will not happen.

SK simply took advantage of the lack of regulations in this area, that's all - the manager politely referred to the technical impossibility of making such a deferred payment.

So there are two possibilities:

  1. The driver pays the calculated difference in coefficients;
  2. The driver receives nothing, but also pays nothing if there is no difference in the odds.

As a rule, insurers consider all insurance premiums to be theirs from the moment they are paid and are reluctant to comply with provisions regarding payments for the unused period. But this is another interesting topic on which I will prepare material for a future publication.

Typical situations

The changes that need to be made to compulsory motor insurance differ, so it is worth considering each typical case separately.

Adding a new driver

This is the most common amendment that drivers apply to the insurance company. In addition to the documents already mentioned, you must present the driver's license, which must be included in the insurance.

No more than five drivers can be included in the policy. If the contract already includes this quantity, then to add another person you need to write someone out. But there is also such a condition as “an unlimited number of persons admitted to management.”

Adding a new driver may require additional payment. It is calculated automatically. Additional payment is required in the following cases:

  1. The discount amount based on the RSA database is less than that used to form the initial calculation.
  2. The new driver’s age is less than 22 years or the driver’s experience is less than 3 years, provided that these indicators are higher for previously registered participants.

Changing the validity period

By law, you can buy insurance with a limited period of use (from 3 months). If the driver decides to increase this period, such changes must be made to the policy. When renewing, you must pay the difference for the required insurance period. The policy will indicate the new date.

These changes must be made before the insurance period specified on the form ends.

Replacement of driver's license

When replacing your driver's license, it is also important to make timely changes to your insurance, since the license number is indicated on the form. In addition, this is necessary to maintain a discount for accident-free driving. Additional documents will require a new ID.

At the same time, the number of the old certificate is most often indicated on the back of the new license. In this case, the driver should not encounter problems either when checking the papers by representatives of the traffic police, or during further communication with the insurer. However, in some cases, there may be quibbles that the current rights according to the number do not coincide with those specified in the policy, so it is still recommended to make changes. This is especially true in cases where the number of the old rights is not indicated on the new ones.

Change of place of residence

When changing registration, you need to contact the insurance company, presenting a document indicating the new place of registration. Usually this is a passport.

At the same time, the amount of the insurance premium can either decrease or increase, since it is influenced by the territory coefficient - CT. That is, either you will have to pay extra, or, on the contrary, part of the premium paid will be returned to you.

CT differs not only in different regions, but also in different cities. Therefore, it is important to promptly inform the insurer about a change of place of registration, even if the territory coefficient does not change.

Replacing PTS

When replacing a vehicle's passport, you must enter the new number and series of the document into the policy. To do this, you must present a new PTS. This procedure is free.

Replacing vehicle license plate

State registration plates are indicated in the insurance policy, so if they change, it is important to record this. This will help prevent problems both with traffic cops and with the insurance company.

Changing the license plate does not equate to replacing the car, so you only need to make changes to the policy, and not change it. If the car has not yet been registered, the license plate will not be entered in the column of the policy intended for this. Once the numbers are received, you need to inform the insurer about this within three days, who will make a note about this in the insurance.

Changes in personal data

The basis for amending the policy is also a change of first or last name. New data must be entered not only into OSAGO, but also into other documents for the car. Therefore, it is recommended to contact the insurer after you have changed your main passport, license, PTS and STS. Then you can immediately change other necessary data.

Some MREO branches require an insurance policy that already contains new personal data. In this case, you need to visit the insurer twice: the first - to change the name or surname in the policy, the second - to provide data on new documents for the car.

In this case, the amount of the insurance premium does not change, so no additional payments are needed.

What is needed to make changes to OSAGO: a guide to action

What is needed to make changes to OSAGO: a guide to action

There is nothing difficult about making changes to your insurance policy. This procedure includes several basic steps.


First you need to visit the insurer's office. You will need to write a statement. The form will be issued by a company representative.

You need to contact specifically the insurance company where you took out the policy.

It is recommended that you first call the insurer and clarify whether the employees will be able to make the necessary amendments to the insurance. This is due to the fact that many organizations make amendments only at their central offices.

Collection and submission of documents

The list of documents that insurance companies require to make changes includes:

  • Policyholder's passport. If his interests are represented by another person, he must also present his passport and notarized power of attorney.
  • Contract form received when applying for insurance. If the policy was issued electronically, you need to print out a copy of the agreement with the original signature and show it to the specialist.
  • Document confirming the changes. Depends on the reason for the application: it could be a document confirming a change of surname, a new driver’s license, and so on.

Additionally, the insurer may ask the policyholder to present the car.

Getting a new policy

After the insurance company employee accepts the application with documents, he will make the appropriate amendments and issue a new policy. The new form will contain the number of the previously received policy.

According to the rules, the insurer can make changes on the back of the insurance form. In this case, a note about special conditions is placed on it, new information is entered, and the full name, position and signature of an employee of the insurance company are added. The date and time are indicated.

If the interests of the policyholder are represented by another person, a power of attorney must be presented. If the owner does not act as the policyholder under the contract, he also cannot make amendments without a power of attorney.

The power of attorney is drawn up by a notary. It indicates the details of the policyholder and the authorized person, the actions that the latter can perform and the validity period. Some insurers accommodate the client halfway and replace the policy with a regular power of attorney filled out by hand. It is better to first check with its representatives whether the insurance company will accept such a power of attorney.

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