Online car tax calculator
Transport tax rate in St. Petersburg The transport tax rate is determined by regional authorities in their own way
Rules and features of transporting boats and yachts by road
What to carry? The most convenient way to transport any of the mentioned devices is to place it in
How to load a car onto a tow truck
What to do if your car is impounded (2021): step-by-step guide
Some violations of traffic rules on road transport entail penalties such as
Railway right-of-way: what is it, the difference from the security zone, its width
What are noise stripes? Since for a Russian driver this phenomenon occurs on roads in
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2006 N 637 Moscow On approval of the Regulations on licensing the transportation of passengers by road transport equipped for transportation
Why were such amendments needed? In accordance with Federal Law dated 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ, activities
Car recycling program in Russia: conditions, terms, alternatives
2021 Vehicle Recycling Program Below is a list of makes and models of vehicles that
How to get a certificate of an accident from the traffic police in 2021
When is a document from the traffic police required? The list of documents required to receive payment depends on
Possible problems when using an electronic OSAGO policy. Is it necessary to demonstrate insurance?
No insurance what is the fine 2021
What is OSAGO Art. 4 Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002 establishes the obligation of owners and
Motor insurance
Rules for obtaining a driver’s medical certificate: how to obtain it, fine for absence
When applying for a job, in addition to the basic package of documents, a person may be required to undergo a medical examination
Where are identification plates placed on car photos?
What do the stickers on car bodies and windows mean?
Traffic rules must be strictly observed by absolutely every driver. Safety directly depends on them
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