For what violations of parking rules can a driver face a fine? How does the amount of recovery differ in Moscow?
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Intercept parking is a parking lot that is located close to vehicle routes from peripheral areas
Car number preponderance Each car owner, after purchasing it, has the opportunity to save license plates
Legislative norms - 2021 for conducting pre-trip medical examinations of drivers It is noteworthy that conducting pre-trip medical examinations
Procedure Most often, the reason for wanting to file a complaint is the issuance of a resolution by a traffic police officer
Important change from May 1, 2019 The main risk of failure to fulfill this obligation under the European protocol
Transit numbers a few years ago were something irreplaceable and necessary, but now they are relevant
When you are summoned to court for failure to pay a fine You are summoned to court when the driver ignored notices
Legislative regulation On April 1, 2015, amendments were made to Federal Law No. 40, which concerned