How to restore a canceled vehicle registration

What is cancellation?

Russian legislation has established that every vehicle must undergo special registration.
Quite often, the need for this arises as a consequence of certain legal procedures that may entail the re-registration of property rights, for example, this may be a purchase and sale transaction.

Confirmation of the fact that the car was registered at the time is a registration certificate or technical passport. These documents enable the owner of the car to move freely across the expanses of the homeland, as well as beyond its borders.

A vehicle passport is a legal document that contains basic technical information. Based on it, traffic police officers identify the vehicle.

Along with the popularity of registration, we can note situations when registration is completely canceled . This process implies the fact that the previous registration procedure is invalid and canceled for various reasons.

Most often, the need for this arises after identification of violations with documents. In this case, the registration of the vehicle is canceled with an explanation from the Supreme Arbitration Court.

If traffic police officers suspect fraud with a car and it is later confirmed, the vehicle is driven to a impound lot, and its owner will need to undergo a certain number of checks.

Very often, illegal registration systems are used in the process of car customs clearance. This automatically results in the need to cancel.

Many of these considerations lead to the decision to purchase their cars from car dealerships. This is an ideal guarantee to avoid a variety of illegal schemes.

Differences between cancellation and suspension and termination of vehicle registration

The concept of cancellation should not be confused with suspension and termination of registration. Termination of registration of a car is possible not only on the initiative of the traffic police, but also by a voluntary decision of the car owner (clause 7). The application of the car owner will be accepted in the following cases:

  • If your car is lost or stolen.
  • When a car is alienated in favor of the previous owner (in case of violation of the vehicle registration process and there is an application from the previous owner).
  • Upon expiration of the 10-day period allocated by law for re-registration of a car to a new owner upon its sale.
  • Upon termination of the leasing agreement.
  • When disposing of a car (you can learn about deregistering a car for recycling here).
  • When it is exported outside the Russian Federation for permanent use abroad.

By a unilateral decision of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, registration is terminated if:

  • There is information about the death of the owner of the car or the termination of the activities of the legal entity to which the vehicle is registered.
  • The registration period for a vehicle registered for a limited period has expired.

Attention .
The previous edition of the Order (Order No. 1001 of November 24, 2008, as amended on 20/13/2015) provided for the concept of temporary suspension of vehicle registration. It was understood that after deregistration, the car can be returned to it in the following cases:

  • If a lost car is found after it has been stolen.
  • When the car goes into the use of the lessor at the end of the lease agreement.
  • If a car deregistered for export outside the Russian Federation is returned to its homeland.
  • When eliminating violations that led to the forced cancellation of the car’s registration (clause 13 of Order No. 1001).

In the new one from 2021, the concepts of restoration of registration, and with it its temporary termination, do not apply.

Why do they stop recording?

So, paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Federal Law-283 prescribes a list of grounds for termination of accounting:

  • most often in our realities, cancellation of registration occurs due to tinting - the film is recognized as an illegally installed component of the car, therefore, registration is subject to temporary termination until the cause is eliminated,
  • installation of gas equipment (LPG) without the appropriate permission from the traffic police,
  • other changes in the design of the car (tuning, kanguryatnik, etc.) without officially entering such updates into the inspection database,
  • in the event of the death of the owner of the car, if this information reaches the inspectors,
  • if signs of destruction, falsification or concealment of the VIN number are detected,
  • if the engine is replaced and there is a suspicion that the new engine differs in model and/or characteristics.

Please note that according to the definitions above, we are talking specifically about the termination of car registration. We discussed above why he can be deregistered (forever).

The legality of this action on the initiative of the traffic police in relation to changes in the design of the car, including tinting, installation of gas equipment, is determined by 3 norms of the law:

  • subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law-283 states that the registration of a car can be canceled on the grounds specified in Part 1 of Article 20 of the same law - that is, in the presence of those reasons for which there would be a refusal to perform registry actions when registering accounting,
  • in turn, subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 20 indicates that registration may be refused if the design of the vehicle is changed,
  • in addition, paragraph 59 of Order No. 1764 also prescribes that the registration is canceled on the grounds specified in paragraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the law.

Why can't they stop?

As of 2021, registration cannot be legally canceled for the following owner or occupier violations:

  • the presence of traffic police fines or for deprivation of rights as a punishment in itself (that is, for example, evacuation to an impound lot is possible as a security measure, but termination of registration is not such a measure, and it is not at all in the current Code of Administrative Offenses),
  • if there is a ban on registration or arrest from bailiffs - in this case you can even continue to drive a car (except for arrest in most cases),
  • for non-payment of transport tax, alimony and other debts.

Reasons for cancellation

If your car's registration is cancelled, it is important to know not only what to do, but also what the reasons are:

  • falsification of documents, errors;
  • selling a car to another country;
  • changed numbers on the body;
  • destruction of the car;
  • inability to obtain a duplicate vehicle passport if lost;
  • delivery in disassembled condition;
  • cancellation of registration by mistake;
  • the car was involved in an accident, however, the registration is not necessarily canceled, but suspended;
  • inaccuracies in data when passing through customs.

Deregistration at the initiative of the traffic police occurs if the owner had forged documents or changed the numbers on the body.
The owner of the car must contact the State Traffic Inspectorate himself, if the title is lost, the car must be disposed of or sold.

If a person loses their passport or recycles their car, they must report to the traffic police.

When a car is imported in a sawn state, liability rests with the buyer and the one who imported it, if he knew about the offense. It is often very difficult to confirm the buyer’s guilt, so fines are imposed on the seller and the car is deregistered.

There are times when a machine loses its relevance and does not meet the required standards. The owner is notified in advance so that he can bring the car into the desired condition.

Registration may be suspended for modifications or tinted windows.

Sometimes a passport is not revoked if it was issued with fake documents and the statute of limitations has expired - 5 years.

On the initiative of the traffic police

Without the participation of the car owner, registration may be terminated in the following cases:

  • if information has been received about the death of the owner of the car (Article 18, Part 1, Clause 3);
  • if information has been received about the liquidation of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (Article 18, Part 1, Clause 4);
  • upon termination of guardianship or trusteeship of the owner of the car (Article 18, Part 1, Clause 5);
  • when the owner of the car reaches the age of 16 years (Article 18, Part 1, Clause 5);
  • if the documents on the basis of which the car is registered are found to be counterfeit or invalid (Article 18, Part 1, Clause 6);
  • in the absence of an engine number or body number (Article 20, Part 1, Clause 1);
  • when replacing a car engine without making changes to the registration documents (Article 20, Part 1, Clause 2);
  • when making changes to the design without approval from the traffic police (Article 20, part 1, clause 4);
  • if the car or its engine is wanted (Article 20, Part 1, Clause 5);
  • if the temporary registration period has expired (Article 18, Part 1, Clause 7).

At the request of the car owner

If the car owner wants to stop registering the car, he can do so. In 2021, there is no need to look for special reasons and justifications for this. For example, registration can be terminated in the following cases:

  • if the car is not in use and the person does not want to pay transport tax for it>;
  • if the car is lost;
  • if the car is stolen>;
  • if a person wants to keep the license plates of the car, and sell the car itself without license plates.

Selling a car

When the car has passed to another owner on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, and the new owner is in no hurry to re-register it in his name, the former owner can stop registering the vehicle 10 days after the transaction.


If a car is stolen, the owner needs to write a statement to the police. Then contact the traffic police with an appeal regarding termination of registration. When the car is found, the registration can be renewed to the previous owner.

Lost car

This term refers to a condition in which the vehicle cannot be operated. The reason is a serious accident, after which the vehicle cannot be restored, or the car has not been running for a long time and has simply fallen apart from old age.

In such a situation, deregistration will help eliminate unnecessary tax liabilities. If you need state accounting, you can restore it again.

End of temporary vehicle registration

Such state accounting, by definition, presupposes the end of the period. Typically, legislation limits registration to 6 months, although at the initiative of the owner it can be renewed twice. The procedure is relevant in relation to vehicles imported into Russian territory by internally displaced persons, foreigners or refugees.

The car leasing agreement has expired

When the agreement ends, the relationship between the lessee and the lessor ends. At the same time, the registration of the vehicle issued in the name of the recipient is stopped.

What does deregistration of a car mean?

The concept of cancellation, termination of state registration of vehicles was officially introduced in 2011. From time to time, the processes of deregistration and termination of registration sometimes designated one procedure, sometimes they differed. After the latest legislative changes in January 2021, they again have their own meanings.

In fact, cancellation of state registration is a mandatory procedure that the owner has the right to carry out in relation to a car after its sale. It is purchase and sale that is the most common reason for termination of registration.

Statute of limitations

In the previously effective Order No. 1001, there was a rule: if a car is registered in violation of the law, but has been registered for more than 5 years, cancellation does not apply to it. This measure has now been cancelled.

Attention. A car can be forcibly deregistered at any time (even after 10 years) if it turns out that it was carried out with violations.

At the same time, the car owner has the right to sue the decisions of the traffic police and challenge the cancellation. It is also possible to restore registration by eliminating the violations that led to its cancellation.

How is forced registration terminated?

Let's consider paragraphs 55, 59 and 61 of the registration rules:

55. Termination of state registration of a vehicle is carried out on the grounds provided for in Article 18 of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Vehicles in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, by including information about the temporary termination by the registration department in the corresponding entry of the state register of vehicles admission of a vehicle to participate in road traffic.

59. Termination of state registration of a vehicle in the event that the vehicle is registered with the state, in the presence of circumstances provided for in paragraph 6 of part 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Vehicles in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” , is carried out by the registration division on the basis of a decision of the chief state road safety inspector for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (his deputies) or the head of the Special Purpose Center in the field of road safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (his deputies).

61. When state registration of a vehicle is terminated in accordance with paragraphs 56, 58 - 60 of these Rules, state registration plates, with the exception of those accepted by registration divisions for preservation, and registration documents are invalidated and entered by the registration division into the relevant search records of lost special products of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Additional information is provided in paragraph 139 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on vehicle registration:

139. When state registration of vehicles is terminated, vehicle passports are subject to submission to registration departments, and in their absence, they are subject to being put on the wanted list.

Cancellation of registration occurs in the following order:

1. The chief inspector of the regional traffic police must decide to terminate registration.

Note. Before January 1, 2021, the regulations stated that the traffic police must send the car owner a notice of termination of registration within 3 days. In 2021, there is no such clause in the documents, that is, a notification is not sent.

2. The owner of the car must independently submit the title, registration certificate and car number plates to the traffic police. If the driver does not do this, then the documents and license plates will be put on the wanted list. After this, they will be confiscated at the first stop by traffic police officers.

How are violations determined and who makes the decision?

Cancellation of registration is carried out by the registration division of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The decision is made by the chief state inspector for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the head of the Special Purpose Center for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The basis for the inspector’s decision is the vehicle’s non-compliance with legal requirements. Registration is canceled if the car falls into one of the categories described in paragraph 3 of the Order (discussed above).


If a decision is made to cancel the registration of a car, a written notification is sent to its owner within 3 business days. It indicates the reason and grounds for its cancellation.

Submission of registration documents

The owner of the car must submit all documents to the territorial division of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate where the registration was carried out. This includes (if any):

  • STS.
  • PTS.
  • State registration plates.

All registration documents, PTS (except for those found to be counterfeit), as well as state registration plates must be submitted to the traffic police without fail. If this requirement is not met, the undelivered documents are entered by the State Traffic Inspectorate into the search records of lost special products of the traffic police.

Documents may be excluded from the search if the car owner voluntarily provides them to the traffic police within 360 days from the date of cancellation of registration.

Cancellation of registration for design changes

First of all, we will consider the clauses of regulatory documents that allow the traffic police to forcibly terminate the registration of a vehicle.

Federal Law “On state registration of vehicles in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, Chapter 4. State registration of vehicles, Article 18, paragraph 1:

1. State registration of a vehicle is terminated: ... 6) if the vehicle is registered with the state on the basis of documents subsequently recognized as forged (forged) or invalid, as well as when the grounds specified in Part 1 of Article 20 of this Federal Law are identified - in in the manner and on the terms determined by the Government of the Russian Federation; ...

So, registration can be canceled if traffic police officers identify one of the grounds given in Part 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Vehicle Registration”:

1. It is prohibited to perform registration actions: ...

  • 4) in the event of a discrepancy between the registration data or the design of the vehicle and the information specified in the documents identifying the vehicle, with the exception of registration and other data of the vehicle subject to change (entered into the document identifying the vehicle) on the basis of the submitted documents;

Thus, if traffic police officers find out that changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without permission, then the registration of the vehicle may be cancelled. Please note that registration may be terminated for any design change that affects safety. For example, for the installation of gas equipment, for increasing the height of the sides of the truck body, and others.

When cancellation is not carried out

There is, however, a situation where such a measure as cancellation of the PTS. does not apply at all. This usually happens when the car was registered using forged documents, but more than 5 years have passed since that moment.

This practice was especially typical in the late 90s of the last century, when imported cars were imported into the Russian Federation in large quantities, and their registration was impossible due to the lack of documents.

Today, most of the cars that are sold using fictitious papers are stolen or were similarly imported illegally. However, they are also subject to the 5 year rule.

How to stop registering when selling?

Current legislation does not oblige citizens to cancel STS upon sale. This happens automatically when the new owner submits documents to the traffic police. In practice, buyers may delay re-registration so that taxes and fines are paid by the former owner. To minimize risks, it is recommended to initiate a registration termination procedure. To do this, you need to come to the traffic police with the following documents:

  • All-Russian passport;
  • Completed application;
  • A purchase and sale agreement concluded no earlier than 10 days ago;
  • Copy of PTS;
  • Receipt for payment of the fee.

The traffic police will review the submitted documents and deregister the vehicle. From this moment on, fines and taxes will no longer be a problem for the previous owner. Refusal is possible only if the vehicle is seized, since no registration actions are possible with such a measure of restraint.

Pre-trial appeal of legality

The decision of the traffic police to cancel the registration can be challenged. You don't have to go to court to do this. a pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes with clients of the State Traffic Inspectorate is provided. A complaint can be filed in the following cases:

  1. If the deadline for providing a public service is violated.
  2. If, in order to register a vehicle, documents were required that were not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the provision of such a service.
  3. If employees refused to accept documents recognized by law as mandatory for vehicle registration.
  4. If the cancellation of registration is justified by reasons not listed in clause 3.

If the car owner intends to challenge the decision to cancel the vehicle registration, it is necessary to prepare a corresponding application. It will be considered by the department of the State Traffic Inspectorate that registered the car (clause 77, part 5). The text of the complaint must indicate:

  • Name of the traffic police department where the service was provided.
  • FULL NAME. applicant, contact telephone number and postal address.
  • Description of the inspection decision being appealed.
  • Arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision of the traffic police. It is allowed to provide any documents or copies thereof as evidence.

The complaint can be sent by mail, submitted electronically through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in person to the traffic police department.

The application is reviewed within 15 working days. If the complaint is satisfied, the car registration service must be provided within 5 working days from the date of the decision.

Finding out the legal owner of the car

The application will have to indicate the reason that prompted the owner to terminate registration. Here it is important to honestly indicate why you decided to complete state registration. If the exact owner of the car is not known, then you need to first determine it, for which you can use the traffic police database.

The vehicle is searched through the database to find out who it is officially registered to. If the owner is known, then we skip the procedure for determining the owner.

Selection of MREO

It wouldn’t hurt to check out the nearest State Traffic Inspectorate offices in advance to understand where it’s best to go. You can go to the traffic police office, where all addresses, telephone numbers and official names of institutions are listed.

According to the new rules, car owners can contact any branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate to stop registration, even one located in another city, region or region. The legislation does not limit this issue in any way.

Preparation of documents

To terminate registration, you will need to collect a set of certain papers, the list of which includes:

  • applicant's passport;
  • application to the State Traffic Inspectorate for termination of registration;
  • at the request of traffic police officers, an explanatory note from the owner may be required;
  • a document explaining the reasons for stopping registration;
  • number plates;
  • registration certificate and vehicle certificate.

There is no state duty for such actions, so you do not have to attach any receipts.

Completing an application and submitting documents

The appeal is written in free form, but traffic police officers recommend using the forms established for this, which are issued directly at the State Traffic Inspectorate office. It is better to fill out the application on the spot, so that if difficulties or incomprehensible moments arise, you can contact an employee for help.

  1. The fields must be filled in by hand with blue ink, although computer filling is also permitted.
  2. You will have to sign with a pen.
  3. No typos, corrections or blots are allowed in the application, so you must fill out the document carefully.
  4. Once completed, the application is rechecked and submitted, along with a set of required papers, to a State Traffic Inspectorate employee.
  5. If a traffic police officer asks you to write an explanatory note, it is recommended that you honestly state the reasons for refusing registration.

When all the papers are checked, the originals will be given to the applicant. The application procedure will now be completed. In the State Traffic Inspectorate database, the vehicle will no longer be listed as the previous owner.

Challenging in court

If the territorial traffic police department refuses to satisfy the complaint, the cancellation of registration can be challenged in court. The subject of the claim in this case will be the actions and decisions of the traffic inspectorate related to the forced deregistration of the vehicle.

Reference. The car owner files a claim with the district court at the place where the vehicle is registered. The process of considering the case and its terms are regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (Article 154) and cannot exceed two months from the date of filing the application.

Thus, the deregistration of a car occurs solely on the initiative of the traffic police and only when the rules for registering a car as provided by law are seriously violated. In this case, the decision of the Traffic Inspectorate can be challenged. If the actions of the inspection staff were found to be unlawful, the car must be registered.

When can a vehicle be re-registered?

The car can be re-registered if the reasons that led to the cancellation are completely eliminated (clause 51).

Attention. After bringing the car into compliance with all regulatory requirements, the owner has the right to re-submit documents for registration.

You can contact any territorial traffic police department. The owner will be issued new registration documents, state signs and PTS.

How much does deregistration cost?

The deregistration procedure itself is free . That is, there is no state duty for deregistration.

However, there is one exception - exporting a car outside the Russian Federation. In this case, a registration certificate and transit numbers are issued for the car, for which you need to pay state fees ( 500 + 1,600 rubles ).

When taking a car abroad

Let's consider clause 70 of the Vehicle Registration Rules:

70. Removal from state registration of a vehicle exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation for alienation in connection with the transfer of ownership of this vehicle to a foreign individual or legal entity not registered in the Russian Federation is carried out by the registration department on the basis of applications from these persons and purchase and sale agreements , donation or other documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, certifying their ownership of this vehicle.

For a vehicle removed from state registration and exported outside the Russian Federation, a vehicle registration certificate with a mark on deregistration and a state registration plate “TRANSIT” are issued, the validity of which is 30 days. The vehicle passport (if available) is submitted to the registration department.

Please note that in this case we are talking about the fact that before being exported abroad, the car became the property of a foreigner or a foreign legal entity. If the owner of the car is registered in Russia, then he cannot deregister the car. He can only terminate registration upon application, and it is better to do this after the car has left the territory of Russia.

As for a foreigner, to deregister he will need the following documents:

  • statement (discussed below);
  • purchase and sale agreement, gift or other agreement certifying ownership;
  • vehicle passport - PTS.

When deregistered for export abroad, the car must be inspected by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (clause 146 of the registration regulations), and after deregistration, a registration certificate and transit numbers (for 30 days) must be issued to it.

When disposing of a car

Let's consider clause 71 of the registration rules and clause 147 of the registration regulations:

71. Removal from state registration of a vehicle after disposal upon application for registration actions by the owner of the vehicle or an organization authorized to dispose of vehicles is carried out by the registration department upon presentation of a certificate (act) of disposal confirming the fact of destruction of the vehicle.

147. Removal of a vehicle from state registration in accordance with paragraph 71 of the Rules is carried out on the basis of documents provided for in subparagraphs 27.1 - 27.3 of paragraph 27 of the Administrative Regulations and provided for in subparagraph 27.4.7 of paragraph 27 of the Administrative Regulations, a certificate (act) of disposal confirming the fact of destruction of the vehicle. In this case, the administrative procedures provided for in subparagraphs 61.1 – 61.2, 61.4 and 61.7 of paragraph 61 of the Administrative Regulations are carried out.

To deregister after disposal, the car owner will need:

  • statement (discussed below);
  • passport of the car owner;
  • PTS and vehicle registration certificate;
  • certificate of disposal.

Please note that a car can be deregistered only after the car has actually been disposed of. That is, first the car is destroyed, and only then its owner receives a certificate and applies to the traffic police with it. In addition, it is impossible to re-register a car that has been deregistered after disposal.

How to proceed?

Termination of vehicle registration may occur for the following reasons:

  1. The car was involved in a traffic accident and was seriously damaged. In such a situation, the owner can sell the car for spare parts or carry out repair work to fully restore its functionality.
  2. If the car was stolen by criminals, the first thing the owner should do is contact the law enforcement authorities with a statement. After the car is found, the owner can deregister it.
  3. The previous owner removes the car from registration if the new owner ignored the ten-day period for re-registration established by Federal legislation.
  4. The car had temporary state registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. After the permit expires, the owner must contact the traffic police and submit an application. After receiving a positive decision, he will be allowed to restore the state registration of the car.
  5. If the vehicle was operated under a leasing agreement, then after the expiration of this agreement, registration can be restored in two ways: by entering into a new agreement, or by prolonging a previously signed agreement.

Russian citizens should be very careful when buying cars on the secondary market. Before signing the purchase and sale agreement, they should check whether the car was deregistered, and if so, on what basis. In such a situation, you can find out about the permanent termination of state registration, for example, due to the gift of a car.

If the vehicle was nevertheless deregistered by the former owner, then the new owner must re-register it.

Expert opinion

Artemyev Dmitry

Experience as a forensic expert in the field of automotive technical examination for more than 2 years, more than 3 years of work in the field of insurance disputes, appealing guilt in road accidents.

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No problems will arise if the buyer maintains contact with the seller and has a car purchase and sale agreement in his hands. The former owner should be asked to come to the traffic police, since without him the procedure for renewing state registration is not possible. If the seller cannot be present in person, he should send in his place an official representative who has a notarized power of attorney.

What to do if registration is canceled

It is important to find out what actions need to be taken if the vehicle registration has been cancelled. You cannot use the car, so it is important to immediately find out the reason from the traffic police.

A request is sent and a response comes within a month.

When the result is obtained, the procedure is as follows:

  1. We analyze whether there is a chance to eliminate the causes.
  2. We draw up and send an application to the traffic police with the request.
  3. If the relevant authorities refuse, you need to receive the document in the form of a letter and you can go to court.
  4. With the help of the court, it is usually possible to return the registration.

As a result, there are two options to return the account: to prove the illegality of the measure taken or to eliminate the possible reasons.

Canceled car registration - what does this mean - car owners think.

Due to the latest innovations, when the owner of movable property changes, registration is not terminated. This means that there is no need to submit your passport with a license plate to the traffic police.

You can terminate your account with the documents in hand. Every motorist should know how to deregister a vehicle.


  • collect all documents - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, power of attorney certified by a notary (if necessary);
  • write a statement to the traffic police demanding that the PTS be terminated;
  • the car must undergo an expert inspection with the issuance of a special certificate;
  • With the received document, they contact the traffic inspectorate to accept a new passport.

When transporting a car from one city to another, cancellation of registration is carried out after the purchase and sale transaction.

If a person is the owner of a vehicle and simply changes his place of residence, he must submit an application and documents to the new address. The car is removed from the previous recording location automatically.

What to do if the STS has been cancelled?

Depending on the reasons for stopping the registration, traffic police officers may seize the car to an impound lot or limit themselves to sending an official letter to the owner. In both cases the machine cannot be used. The first step to resolve the situation is to find out the reasons for the termination of the STS. To do this, you can personally go to the registration office of the traffic police, having a general passport in hand, or send a written request. The maximum waiting period for a response is 30 days.

In 2021, car owners have the right to restore vehicle registration after eliminating the grounds for which it was terminated. To do this, you should go to any convenient traffic police department, regardless of where the decision to cancel was made. If a citizen believes that there are no objective reasons for terminating registration, he submits an application to the registration department of the traffic police. Then there are two options: the inspection will consider the car owner’s demands to be legitimate and will restore the STS, or will not agree with the citizen’s position.

In the second case, you need to obtain a written refusal from the traffic police. It is attached to the lawsuit, which sets out the circumstances of the case and the arguments of the car owner. If the court considers them valid, it will make a decision in favor of the citizen, and the inspection will be obliged to restore the STS. If a refusal is received in court, the car owner will have to eliminate the reason for the cancellation or look for new evidence to file an appeal to a higher court.

Restoring a canceled registration

To resolve the issue of how to restore the registration of a vehicle after cancellation, it is worth relying on paragraph 51 of the rules for the registration being carried out.

It states that if the reasons that became the basis for the complete termination of the registration process are eliminated, the restoration of registration is carried out strictly at the place of application of the driver.

This is an ideal solution to the question of what to do when deregistering a car.

After carrying out the necessary manipulations, the owner of the car is issued new registration documents - new state signs for the car and a passport for it, if the situation requires it.

To restore registration, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Elimination of illegal changes to the design of the car, due to which registration was terminated.
  2. Contact the nearby traffic police department for a new registration process.

When carrying out this process, in simple processes, the license plate number of the car and its passport can be saved.

As for payment, you will need to pay 500 rubles for issuing a certificate, and 350 rubles for making changes to the passport.

There is another method for restoring registration . Provided that the vehicle meets the basic established traffic safety requirements, registration is restored on the basis of certain court decisions.

Car registration canceled – what does this mean and how legal is it?

The operation of vehicles in Russia is possible (with the exception of exceptions) only after they are registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. This is evidenced by Article 5 of the Federal Law on State Registration, a relatively new law that was adopted on January 1, 2021. Thus, this means that in fact you are allowed to participate in road traffic in a particular car only after checking it (this car):

  • completeness,
  • compliance with road safety design,
  • “cleanliness” according to the search and theft bases,
  • the car has an identifier - license plates.

Based on this, it would be natural and logical to cancel registration as a lever of influence as an additional measure of punishment, in addition to a fine or deprivation of rights, for example. This is something that legislators have successfully taken advantage of!

In our case, Article 18 of the Federal Law-283, relevant for 2021, gives the legal right to the heads of traffic police departments to terminate the registration of a car for a number of reasons. We will talk about these reasons below.

But it is necessary to distinguish between official concepts in legislation. We need 3 main ones:

  • deregistration of a car is the complete exclusion of data about the car from the traffic police register and its transfer to the archive; it is produced only when the vehicle is disposed of, exported abroad or after 1 year from the date of expiration of the temporary registration,
  • termination of registration (here we are talking about cancellation as the same thing) - this is a temporary suspension of registration, for example, for a change in design or tinting,
  • resumption of registration is just putting the car into the database again after termination.

Termination occurs, as a rule, according to one scenario:

  1. a traffic police inspector stops you on the road and finds out whether there are grounds for termination of registration,
  2. then he issues a fine, demands that the offense be stopped or the conditions entailing it be eliminated, and draws up a report, which is submitted to the relevant department,
  3. you are sent a letter in which it is proposed to provide the car without tinting for inspection within a specified period (usually 10 days),
  4. if you do not do this, then the inspector, in turn, based on the information in the report, makes a decision to cancel,
  5. the owner of the car is sent a registered letter about the termination of registration on the initiative of the traffic police with a proposal to eliminate the reasons that became the basis for this,
  6. Also, the registration certificate and license plates of your car are put on the wanted list and subject to destruction.

Is it possible to drive a car with deregistered registration?

If, after purchasing the vehicle, the new owner did not manage to re-register it in his name within 10 days, he will have to pay a fine within

If the former owner independently stopped registering, and the new owner was stopped by traffic police officers, then he will be informed that the vehicle is listed in the database as wanted by its numbers. Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate will take away the license plates and vehicle registration certificate, handing over a document confirming the seizure.

You cannot drive a vehicle whose registration has been deregistered. This is an offense for which administrative liability is imposed in the form of a fine of 1,500-2,000 rubles. If the offense is repeated, the amount of the penalty increases to 5,000 rubles, or the driver’s license will be taken away for 1-3 months.

What is the essence of deregistration?

In 2011, changes were made to Federal legislation that allowed not only buyers of vehicles to deregister them, but also sellers. For example, now the former owner of a car can contact the traffic police and terminate its state registration in his name if it has not been re-registered by the new owner within 10 days from the date of execution of the purchase and sale agreement. If he does not do this, then the car will still be registered with the previous owner according to the database, and he will have to be responsible for all traffic accidents committed.

Attention! The former owner of a vehicle may, on his own initiative, terminate its state registration if the buyer has not contacted him for a long period of time.

To prevent this from happening, citizens who purchase cars on the secondary market need to contact the former owners before re-registration. Otherwise, they will have difficulties when registering their car.

Driving without registration – fines

In such a situation, a logical question would be whether it is possible to operate a car if the registration was previously cancelled. Russian legislation prohibits drivers from driving a car that does not have technical official documents.

The following measures may be taken against violators of this law:

  • if a person uses a car that has not passed registration and standard technical inspection, he may be subject to a penalty amounting to half the amount of the minimum salary;
  • driving a car without registration papers can lead to a fine of 25 minimum wages, as well as deprivation of rights for three or more months;
  • If the driver is unable to provide documents for the car, he will be fined, the amount of which will be equal to half the minimum salary.

In all such situations, you need to know that a person who drives a car without registration may be arrested until the circumstances are fully clarified.

Is it possible to drive?

No. Driving a vehicle with a revoked registration is illegal. Thus, Article 5 of Federal Law-283 prescribes the mandatory registration of vehicles throughout the country.

And driving a car under such conditions constitutes a violation under Part 1 of Article 12.1 of the Administrative Code, for which a fine of 500-800 rubles is provided. In addition, since when the registration is cancelled, the license plate and registration certificate are put on the wanted list, they are subject to confiscation, and the car itself is sent to the impound lot.

For repeat driving (after a year has passed after full payment of the fine for the first violation) in such a car, you will be subject to deprivation of your license for 1-3 months or a fine of 5,000 rubles.

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