Expiration date of a car fire extinguisher - checking and recharging

Types and shelf life of each

The period of continuous operation of the fire extinguisher is determined by the manufacturer. It is written in the product data sheet. Depending on the cylinder model, the shelf life ranges from 1 to 5 years.

Best before date.

Common devices include the following types:

  1. Carbon dioxide.
  2. Freon.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Air-foam.
  5. Emulsion.
  6. Powder.

According to the principle of influence

The task of the product is to localize the fire as quickly as possible. Existing types differ in the substance contained in the cylinder. It has different physical and chemical characteristics and conditions of use.

Carbon dioxide

The device (OU) is used to extinguish materials that cannot burn without access to oxygen. The cylinder is a red conical cylinder with an installed locking and trigger mechanism and a plastic bell.

The substance pumped inside is carbon dioxide. When ejected, thick white foam is formed with a jet temperature of minus 70 degrees Celsius. If it gets on the hand or other area of ​​the skin, it causes frostbite. Therefore, application requires caution.


Used in places where it is necessary to store valuables or property. Used in shops, documentary archives, museums.

The advantages of the product include versatility, tracelessness, and efficiency. There is one minus - the harmful influence of freon.

The validity period of a fire extinguisher in a car based on the substance is 5 years. After technical inspection, it can be reused.


They represent a reservoir with reagents pumped inside, located in containers isolated from each other. After activating the flask valve and tilting the fire extinguisher, they mix and react to form an extinguishing mixture.

The advantages of the device include:

  • release of carbon dioxide, which increases the efficiency of eliminating the source of fire;
  • ease of refilling;
  • feeding time, jet length;
  • long shelf life.

There are many more disadvantages.

These include:

  • aggressive substance;
  • corrosion of processed objects;
  • temperature regime;
  • storage under certain conditions.

These characteristics contribute to rare use and are the determining factor in regulating the price.

Air foam

Used to extinguish fires of organic materials and substances that change structure when heated (petroleum products, paints). The solution in the cylinder creates a foam cover that prevents oxygen from reaching the source of fire.

The advantage of the device is its operating time, which significantly exceeds that of other types of auto fire extinguishers.

Air emulsion

OVE cylinders are environmentally friendly and safe. They are used to eliminate the fire of liquid and solid materials, as well as equipment with a voltage of no more than 1000 V. They have a minimum consumption of substances and do not create dust.

The shelf life of a car fire extinguisher is 5 years.


Used to eliminate fires of hot materials, liquids and petroleum products. Also used to localize fires in cars or trucks.

Powder fire extinguishers.

The advantages of a powder device (PD) are:

  • no temperature restrictions;
  • high efficiency.

There are practically no disadvantages. The main disadvantage is pollution. Small particles of the injected material scatter to the sides and settle on the surface.

The shelf life of a powder fire extinguisher for a car is 5 years. After expiration, the device is sent for technical inspection.


Devices based on this material effectively eliminate the combustion of solid and organic substances. They are ideal for localizing smoldering objects such as paper, rags, wood. Not for use in case of fire of liquids. Completely safe. The main disadvantage is the inability to use at low air temperatures.

By charge mass

Models are classified as follows:

  1. Up to 20 kilograms. These include small portable models used in offices and premises.
  2. From 20 to 450 kilograms. Mobile options used at metro stations or gas stations.
  3. Above 450 kilograms. Stationary models included in the automatic fire extinguishing system.

By body volume

The cylinder capacity of modern devices can be:

  1. Up to 5 liters – low-sized manual models.
  2. 5 - 10 liters - industrial use.
  3. 10 liters and more - large mobile or stationary models.

The effect of the pumped fire extinguishing agent does not depend on the capacity of the cylinder. The difference between the options lies in the internal pressure, which is checked using the installed pressure gauge.

How to determine service life?

Attention! The shelf life of a fire protection device can be nominal or real. The first is determined by the manufacturer. It is indicated on the fire extinguisher label. The actual shelf life depends on the storage conditions of the cylinder and its maintenance.

The owner should periodically evaluate the condition of the fire extinguisher. The device should be checked quarterly for mechanical damage. The result will help you draw conclusions about how well the chosen location for storing the fire extinguisher meets the requirements.

The fire suppression device should be checked annually to ensure that its contents are not leaking. This is more applicable to carbon dioxide samples. To check, just weigh the cylinder. If its mass is below normal, this may indicate a leak.

If the expiration date of the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is not coming to an end, the cylinder is not damaged, and the mechanics are working properly, recharging is required if a leak is detected. Otherwise, it is more advisable to purchase a new copy.

The situation is different with powder fire extinguishers. It is customary to change the contents of such a device every 5 years. But considering that the shelf life of powder devices is 10 years, and the cost of recharging is not much lower than the cost of a new cylinder, many car owners prefer to simply buy a new fire extinguishing agent.

All important indicators of a fire extinguisher can be seen in its passport. The document contains the following information:

  • date of manufacture;
  • working and test pressure;
  • volume and weight of the cylinder.

Taking these indicators into account, you can correctly determine the operating and recharging life of the device. When replacing the contents of the cylinder, the date is indicated in the passport, and a control seal is installed on the device.

Reference. An expired or faulty fire extinguisher cannot be used for its intended purpose.

The following deviations from the norm may occur:

  • complete or partial loss of properties of a chemical substance;
  • decrease in pressure in the cylinder, etc.

It is impossible to know in advance whether it will be possible to cope with a fire using a device that has expired. Therefore, timely replacement of the fire extinguisher is necessary not only to avoid a fine, but also to save the lives of the driver and passengers in case of danger.

Which fire extinguisher to choose for a car

When considering a vehicle device model, you need to build on the existing requirements:

  1. The mass of the substance in the housing is at least 2 kg.
  2. In accordance with existing standards of 2018-2019, devices used in machines can only be carbon dioxide or powder. Other options are excluded.
  3. When buying a cylinder or first aid kit, ask for a certificate and passport. They will be required during verification by the relevant service.
  4. Consider the thickness of the housing walls. A good option is a steel model. Other products are less reliable.

Regarding the question of how to determine the expiration date of a car fire extinguisher, everything is simple here. It is usually applied on the label in a specially designated place.

How many fire extinguishers should a truck have - Fire Safety

The optimal solution for a passenger car is a powder fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher must be refilled. Powder devices are refilled every 1.5 years, and carbon dioxide devices – once every 5 years.

How much does a fire extinguisher cost for a car? The price of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in 2021 ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles, while powder devices cost only 500-800 rubles.

Is it better to buy a new fire extinguisher or recharge the old one? In many situations (especially for powder models) it is easier to purchase a new device than to recharge an old one. Moreover, recharging will not cost much less.

Purchasing a new device will also be advisable if the corrosion process has begun on the cylinder or traces of other adverse effects have appeared.

They will help you make the right choice and understand the nuances.

  • There should be no scratches, dents, corrosion or damage on the device.
  • Check the expiration date of the device and the presence of a seal.
  • Check the functionality of the pressure indicator.
  • Please read the instruction manual carefully after purchase.
  • Do not forget to check the expiration date of the device as you use it. An expired fire extinguisher will not work in an emergency, which can lead to disappointing consequences. The fine for an expired fire extinguisher in a car is 500 rubles; you will pay a similar amount for the absence of a fire safety device (Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). Where to store and how to use? Often the driver has a fire extinguisher in the trunk, but this is fundamentally wrong and is even considered a violation (SP 9.13130.2009).

One of the essential things that should be present in any car is a fire extinguisher.

Most motorists who have not encountered fires in cars in their practice believe that fire extinguishers mainly fulfill the task of satisfying the curiosity of a car inspector checking the presence of the necessary personal protective equipment in a car, but everything is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

Fires in a car that require a fire extinguisher to extinguish can occur for many reasons beyond the control of the car owner. These include: - electrical short circuit, - ignition of the combustible mixture due to improper sealing of the fuel system pipes, - deliberate arson.

And I’m not lying - according to the passport, the duration of the fire extinguisher OP-2 is at least 6 (!) seconds, extinguishing area: 0.65 m2.

Types of fire extinguishers for cars

Imagine how accurate and cold-blooded you have to be when putting out a real fire! What kind of fire extinguisher should be in a car? Cars and trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons must be equipped with at least one powder, gas or water-based fire extinguisher with a charge of at least 2 kg (2 l), intended for use on vehicles and capable of extinguishing model fires. fire sources of at least 0.7A and 21B, and buses and trucks intended for transporting people or with a permissible maximum weight of 3.5 to 7.5 tons - two similar fire extinguishers.

The expiration date should be marked on the car fire extinguisher itself and there should also be an approximate date (year and month) of its maintenance - checking, refueling or complete recharging.

As a rule, a car fire extinguisher with an expired expiration date must be refilled after 1.5 years for powder fire extinguishers, 5 years for carbon dioxide ones. 5. Labeling.

Everything, from instructions for use to a description of the action of the extinguishing mixture, must be printed on the fire extinguisher in the form of a list. The addresses of organizations that service fire extinguishers are also usually indicated there. 6. Extinguishing agent.

What are the requirements for the composition of the extinguishing agent in car fire extinguishers in 2021? Everything here remains the same - two main options are used today - powder fire extinguishers and carbon dioxide.

And passing a technical inspection will be almost impossible. What type of fire extinguisher should be in a car? Despite the rapid development of technology, nothing fundamentally new has been invented in the field of effective fire extinguishing. The most common types of fire extinguishers are carbon dioxide and powder.

There are no regulations that “dictate” to drivers what kind of fire extinguisher to purchase for their car. Therefore, the choice is made by the vehicle owner himself. The only condition is that the selected model was in working order - this is the only guarantee that the fire can be extinguished quickly and independently.

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Attention! Not so long ago, freon models were common. However, their use is currently prohibited, due to their extremely negative impact on the environment.

The car, in the event of an accident or electrical short circuit, lights up very quickly. Even if the fire department arrives within 10 minutes, it is unlikely to help. The only chance to save your property is to try to put out the fire yourself at the initial stage of the fire.

This is where a personal fire extinguisher comes in handy, which every motorist should have on hand. The presence of a fire extinguisher in a vehicle is regulated by Code of Rules 9.13130.2009.

This document recommends that drivers use fire safety equipment in the event of a car fire.

However, traffic police inspectors insist that every car be equipped with this fire-fighting device and even impose a fine for its absence.

Types of fire extinguishers for cars

So, what fire extinguisher should you have in your car in 2021? Requirements for a fire extinguisher for a car A list of requirements for fire extinguishers was developed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rospozhnadzor in order to reduce the number of fires and prevent casualties. It has not changed this year either. The criteria that a fire extinguisher in a car must meet are as follows:

  1. Compliance with current GOSTs (R51057-2001 or NPB 155-2002).
  2. Fire extinguisher capacity: 2 liters for passenger cars, 5 liters for fire extinguishers used in trucks.
  3. Weight of a refilled fire extinguisher: 2 kg for cars, 5 kg for trucks.
  4. Best before date. Over time, a refilled fire extinguisher loses pressure, and the beneficial properties of the extinguishing mixture are also lost.

The fire extinguisher may operate with a slight delay.

Regulatory requirements for maintenance

Any fire extinguishing products and first aid kit must comply with a number of emergency situations factors.

The current ones are:

  1. Compliance with GOST NPB 155-2002, as well as R51057-2001.
  2. The amount of pumped substance for trucks is 5 liters, for passenger vehicles - at least 2 liters.
  3. The period of possible use of a fire extinguisher is also important. The closer to its end, the less internal pressure. This needs to be monitored. When the pressure gauge drops below the permissible limits, the cylinder is sent for recharging.
  4. Labeling must include information about the manufacturer.

Car fire extinguisher for technical inspection 2021: requirements

What requirements are relevant this year:

  1. Device volume: 2 liters for passenger cars, 5 liters for trucks, 2 pieces of 5 liters each are installed in buses.
  2. It is important to take into account the weight of the fire extinguisher, which confirms that it is completely filled. Therefore, for passenger cars the weight of the device is 2 kg, for trucks 5 kg.
  3. Shelf life is an important indicator. There are two of them: real and nominal. During technical inspection, the second one will be taken into account. Usually this is 10 years after release, the period of which is indicated in the product passport.

During a technical inspection of the vehicle, the location of the fire extinguishing device will be determined. Therefore, choose a place that is accessible for quick access to the device. At the same time, it must be well and securely attached.

Don’t forget that the traffic police inspector is a specialist, and you won’t be able to carry it out. He will definitely pay attention to the markings, the serviceability of the pressure gauge, and the pressure that it shows. Be sure to check the seal that blocks the operation of the device, the fire extinguishing agent supply hose, the spray nozzle, etc. Therefore, before going for a technical inspection, check everything yourself.

If for some reason the extinguisher is found to be faulty, it is either disposed of, for which a report is drawn up, or sent for recharging. In the latter case, it is necessary to know the timing of recharging fire extinguishers. If this is a carbon dioxide version, then every 5 years is the norm, if it is a powder version, then every 1.5 years.

Of course, price is an important factor in the matter of choice, but not the main one. Sometimes the quality of the extinguishing agent can play a decisive role in saving lives and property. Therefore, advice:

  • purchase fire extinguishers for cars only at specialized retail outlets that are responsible for the quality of the goods offered;
  • pay attention to the appearance, the body is free of damage and corrosion;
  • it is necessary to check the seal, whether the pressure gauge is working (the arrow should be located in the green field), and the service life;
  • read the instructions for use; if anything is unclear, check with the seller;
  • review the certificate.

Pay attention to the device class. If your car runs on gas (propane, butane, methane or acetylene), then it is better to purchase class “D” devices. If the car interior is stuffed with plastic upholstery or cladding, then class “A” is better. If you need to extinguish flammable liquids and oils, then class “B” is suitable. It is better to extinguish electrical wiring with a class “C” device.

It is difficult to choose a specific type based on this classification. Therefore, manufacturers offer combined options: ABC, BC or AB.

As practice shows, most often a fire extinguisher is mounted in the trunk - which is incorrect according to the rules. After all, they clearly state that the device should be located inside the car cabin (next to the driver’s seat), where it is secured with special clamps.

But increasingly, car owners give preference to two fire extinguishers at once: one carbon dioxide one is installed in the cab, and a powder one is kept in the trunk. It’s better to overpay, but be sure that your life is safe.

How to use

As for the issue of direct use, there are no difficulties in this. The main task is to react in a timely manner. All actions come down to four simple operations:

  • tearing off a plastic or metal seal, which is not difficult;
  • pull out the pin by pulling the ring;
  • point the bell nozzle at the fire;
  • press the trigger lever.

Please note that on some models, the release of the extinguishing agent may be delayed by up to 5 seconds. This is normal, there is no reason to worry. The biggest release, it is powerful and effective, occurs during the first 9 seconds. It is at this time that we must try to put out the flames.

Fire extinguishers for cars are not a whim of the traffic police. This is a real opportunity to save your life if for some reason the car catches fire.

Cars are vehicles with an increased potential for fire, so the presence of fire safety equipment in the car will help save both it and your own health in the event of a wiring short circuit or other problems. From this article, the reader will learn which fire extinguisher is needed for technical inspection in 2019.

First, let's figure out what types of fire extinguishers you can choose from. It’s worth mentioning right away that foam (small volume is not enough to suppress a strong fire) and water (cannot extinguish the fuel tank and engine) models are not suitable for a car.

Inspection requirements for a car fire extinguisher in 2019 require the use of carbon dioxide or powder devices. The first type is much more effective, but the price and dimensions of the cylinders are larger than those of powder devices.

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However, a fire extinguisher filled with powder requires a more careful attitude and has a number of disadvantages:

  • when used, there is no cooling effect to prevent re-ignition;
  • visibility decreases;
  • After some time, the powder clumps into lumps, clogging the outlet. Timely maintenance of the device is important, otherwise it may fail at the most crucial moment;
  • the powder can damage the electrical equipment of the machine and the moving elements of the system.

Fire extinguisher for car

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, in turn, accumulate static current on the surface. The substance used in them sometimes causes dizziness or fainting. Incorrect position of the cylinder in the hands provokes injuries (liquefied gas is dangerous due to the low temperature).

Both powder and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers must comply with the standards established by Rospozhnadzor together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. At the moment the following requirements are relevant:

  • Comply with GOST standards NPB 155-2002, as well as R51057-2001. If you adhere to the standards prescribed in these documents, 90% of the conditions for passing maintenance will be met.
  • The volume of the fire extinguisher for technical inspection must be 5 liters for trucks and 2 liters for cars.
  • It is also worth considering the weight requirements. It tells you whether the device is completely full. The inspector will definitely measure the weight of the fire extinguisher. On passenger cars it must be at least 2 kg, on trucks, respectively, at least 5 kg.
  • An important parameter for technical inspection is the expiration date of a car fire extinguisher. When the expiration date expires, the pressure in the cylinder decreases and the active properties of the internal substances deteriorate. There are concepts of real and nominal service life. The traffic police inspector will be interested in the second one, which is established by regulations: the cylinder itself is used for no longer than 10 years (the date of purchase can be checked in the device’s passport), and recharging is carried out every 1.5–5 years.
  • Pay attention to the markings. It must contain user instructions and the address of the company where you can contact for service, as well as the date of refueling/full refueling.

Regular inspections of fire extinguishers are carried out quarterly and annually by an employee of a convenient inspection point. In the first case, the correct location of the equipment is confirmed (the fire extinguisher must be in an easily accessible place and well secured), and the presence or absence of non-compliance with safety regulations is established.

An annual inspection involves a detailed inspection with opening and checking of filters. The inspector will check the condition of the protective coating, the seal on the safety device, the serviceability of the pressure gauge and pressure indicator (if they are provided in the design), the presence of a stamp, and the pressure inside the cylinder.

The weight of the equipment is measured, the flexible hose and sprayer are checked for contamination, corrosion and other abnormalities. At the end of the procedure, marks are placed in the device passport, and the fire extinguisher is entered into the logbook. If a fire extinguisher is found to be inoperative, it must be disposed of or recharged (when the cylinder is in good condition).


The frequency of refilling depends on the type of equipment.

The substance in the carbon dioxide model can be changed every 5 years, while in the powder model - at least once every 1.5 years.

In many situations, it is easier to buy a new device than to recharge an old one (especially for powder-type models). Purchasing a new fire extinguisher is advisable if the cylinder has begun to corrode or traces of other adverse effects have appeared. The price of refilling differs slightly from purchasing a new fire extinguisher, but the driver will be confident that the device will not fail in an emergency.

The set of measures for recharging at a fire extinguisher maintenance point includes:

  • inspection;
  • testing and verification of the device;
  • filling the cylinder with a new substance;
  • painting;
  • preparation of documents confirming the completion of the procedure.

If during the inspection it turns out that the equipment cannot be recharged, it is written off.

When purchasing a fire extinguisher, contact the seller for advice to choose the most suitable model for you. Do not skimp on the size of the device if you have a large car, since the volume of the fire extinguisher must correspond to the dimensions of the vehicle.

It is worth taking this into account when purchasing a car fire extinguisher for technical inspection in 2021. The price of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers in 2021 is 650-1850 rubles. (portable type). The powder device will cost 500-1200 rubles.

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Since each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, the choice depends on your needs.

The Code of Rules clearly states that fire extinguishers must be located in the cab, close to the driver, in an easily accessible place. In addition, it is necessary that the device be securely fixed in one place with special brackets (sold in stores). To put out a fire using a fire extinguisher, you must:

  1. Break the seal.
  2. Pull the pin.
  3. Point the nozzle at the source of the fire.
  4. Press the lever.

Car storage rules

Rules for storing in a car.
The placement of the fire extinguisher must comply with a number of standards:

  1. Placing the device in the trunk of a car is prohibited. If there is a sudden fire, you may not have time to remove it.
  2. The storage area for the cylinder is protected from direct sunlight.
  3. The fastening must be reliable. Contact of the housing with other elements is unacceptable.

Condition Check: Regulatory Requirements

Maintenance of fire extinguishers is regulated by a special set of rules under number 9.13130.2009.
It consists of six main sections, each of which addresses specific issues. The operation and maintenance of fire extinguishers are regulated by the fourth section, requirements for charges - by the sixth.

In accordance with the set of rules described above, after putting into operation, the fire extinguisher must undergo maintenance.

It is produced exclusively by specialists who have the necessary knowledge and tools. Maintenance is mandatory throughout the entire service life and is carried out at certain intervals.

In addition to the external inspection of fire extinguishers, the maintenance of such products includes:

  1. Checking the device status.
  2. Repair of damaged components.
  3. Performance tests.
  4. Recharging.

Attention! Carrying out maintenance is not a reason for the absence of a fire extinguisher at a fire-hazardous facility (the device being checked must be replaced with another fire extinguisher).

When installing a fire extinguisher, a logbook must be kept. The results of all checks are entered into it. Clause 4.3.9 indicates that deficiencies discovered during inspections must be corrected.

Periodic recharging of fire extinguishers is mandatory. Its frequency is determined either by the expiration date or the condition of the filler at the time of inspection. Products must be recharged after use (regardless of the amount of filler used).

Precautionary measures

In accordance with the 2021 regulations, the car must have at least one fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and car kit.

Their storage involves a number of rules, including:

  1. If a defect or malfunction of any mechanism is detected, the cylinder must be sent for an unscheduled inspection.
  2. The fastening is reliable. Any shock, impact or other damage may damage the device or cause it to operate unintentionally.
  3. Placement in direct sunlight or near heating elements is prohibited. Increasing the temperature of the injected material above + 50 degrees Celsius can spoil it.

Types, types, standards of fire extinguishers.

Most often, when purchasing a fire extinguisher, drivers do not delve into its features. A fire extinguisher is a fire extinguisher. And there is a great deal of truth in such reasoning. It is better if at the decisive moment there was at least one fire extinguisher at hand than none. However, it should be remembered that these red cylinders differ from each other in several ways:

  • trigger method. I see that not a single option has yet been invented other than manual control in an ordinary car;
  • Principle of action at the scene of a fire. And here is the most difficult thing, because the knowledge of most car owners about chemistry is so great that it is wiser to take the word of sellers who say that it is better to have a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher in the car;
  • body volume. Obviously, the larger the vehicle or has some specific characteristics (for example, a tanker with gasoline), the larger the volume should be. To equip a passenger car, portable ones with a mass of fire extinguishing agent of up to 4 kilograms are most often used;
  • type of starting device. The most convenient and most common option is lever;
  • durability and refillability. Carbon dioxide ones last up to 5 years (after which they can be refilled). The shelf life of the first powder is 10 years, with additional recharging at least once every 5 years. But, as practice shows, it is wiser to buy a new one after 5 years than to refill the old one.

It is important to know! Therefore, when choosing a fire extinguishing agent, take into account the above criteria and increased requirements for technical certification of fire extinguishers in 2021. It is worth remembering that looking for the cheapest fire extinguishing agent is not the best solution. In addition, modern requirements for automobile fire extinguishers from regulatory authorities are formulated quite clearly.

Shelf life of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

A carbon dioxide automobile fire extinguisher has better characteristics than a powder extinguisher.

It effectively fights fire due to the reduced level of oxygen, and this actively prevents combustion.

Although this fire extinguisher is effective, it may not be suitable for use in all areas.

In addition, if there are any smoldering pockets, the fiery flame may appear again.

The advantage of using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is its ability to leave no marks on the vehicle.

The lifespan of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is about 15-20 years.

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